我正在使用Python通过以太网连接从IP摄像头获取图像,然后处理它们以查找特定目标。我正在使用GRIP生成代码来查找特定的目标区域。 (对于那些不熟悉GRIP的人:它基本上为您提供了一个GUI桌面界面,您可以在其中看到实时视频输入并更改参数,直到获得所需的输出。然后您可以自动生成一段代码 - 我的是Python - 这将是在代码中输入的任何图像上执行处理“管道”。
import cv2
import numpy
import math
from enum import Enum
class GripPipeline:
An OpenCV pipeline generated by GRIP.
def __init__(self):
"""initializes all values to presets or None if need to be set
self.__blur_type = BlurType.Median_Filter
self.__blur_radius = 19.81981981981982
self.blur_output = None
self.__hsv_threshold_input = self.blur_output
self.__hsv_threshold_hue = [72.84172661870504, 86.31399317406144]
self.__hsv_threshold_saturation = [199.50539568345323, 255.0]
self.__hsv_threshold_value = [89.43345323741006, 255.0]
self.hsv_threshold_output = None
self.__find_contours_input = self.hsv_threshold_output
self.__find_contours_external_only = False
self.find_contours_output = None
self.__filter_contours_contours = self.find_contours_output
self.__filter_contours_min_area = 500.0
self.__filter_contours_min_perimeter = 0.0
self.__filter_contours_min_width = 0.0
self.__filter_contours_max_width = 1000.0
self.__filter_contours_min_height = 0.0
self.__filter_contours_max_height = 1000.0
self.__filter_contours_solidity = [0, 100]
self.__filter_contours_max_vertices = 1000000.0
self.__filter_contours_min_vertices = 0.0
self.__filter_contours_min_ratio = 0.0
self.__filter_contours_max_ratio = 1000.0
self.filter_contours_output = None
def process(self, source0):
Runs the pipeline and sets all outputs to new values.
# Step Blur0:
self.__blur_input = source0
(self.blur_output) = self.__blur(self.__blur_input, self.__blur_type, self.__blur_radius)
# Step HSV_Threshold0:
self.__hsv_threshold_input = self.blur_output
(self.hsv_threshold_output) = self.__hsv_threshold(self.__hsv_threshold_input, self.__hsv_threshold_hue, self.__hsv_threshold_saturation, self.__hsv_threshold_value)
# Step Find_Contours0:
self.__find_contours_input = self.hsv_threshold_output
(self.find_contours_output) = self.__find_contours(self.__find_contours_input, self.__find_contours_external_only)
# Step Filter_Contours0:
self.__filter_contours_contours = self.find_contours_output
(self.filter_contours_output) = self.__filter_contours(self.__filter_contours_contours, self.__filter_contours_min_area, self.__filter_contours_min_perimeter, self.__filter_contours_min_width, self.__filter_contours_max_width, self.__filter_contours_min_height, self.__filter_contours_max_height, self.__filter_contours_solidity, self.__filter_contours_max_vertices, self.__filter_contours_min_vertices, self.__filter_contours_min_ratio, self.__filter_contours_max_ratio)
def __blur(src, type, radius):
"""Softens an image using one of several filters.
src: The source mat (numpy.ndarray).
type: The blurType to perform represented as an int.
radius: The radius for the blur as a float.
A numpy.ndarray that has been blurred.
if(type is BlurType.Box_Blur):
ksize = int(2 * round(radius) + 1)
return cv2.blur(src, (ksize, ksize))
elif(type is BlurType.Gaussian_Blur):
ksize = int(6 * round(radius) + 1)
return cv2.GaussianBlur(src, (ksize, ksize), round(radius))
elif(type is BlurType.Median_Filter):
ksize = int(2 * round(radius) + 1)
return cv2.medianBlur(src, ksize)
return cv2.bilateralFilter(src, -1, round(radius), round(radius))
def __hsv_threshold(input, hue, sat, val):
"""Segment an image based on hue, saturation, and value ranges.
input: A BGR numpy.ndarray.
hue: A list of two numbers the are the min and max hue.
sat: A list of two numbers the are the min and max saturation.
lum: A list of two numbers the are the min and max value.
A black and white numpy.ndarray.
out = cv2.cvtColor(input, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
return cv2.inRange(out, (hue[0], sat[0], val[0]), (hue[1], sat[1], val[1]))
def __find_contours(input, external_only):
"""Sets the values of pixels in a binary image to their distance to the nearest black pixel.
input: A numpy.ndarray.
external_only: A boolean. If true only external contours are found.
A list of numpy.ndarray where each one represents a contour.
mode = cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL
mode = cv2.RETR_LIST
im2, contours, hierarchy =cv2.findContours(input, mode=mode, method=method)
return contours
def __filter_contours(input_contours, min_area, min_perimeter, min_width, max_width,
min_height, max_height, solidity, max_vertex_count, min_vertex_count,
min_ratio, max_ratio):
"""Filters out contours that do not meet certain criteria.
input_contours: Contours as a list of numpy.ndarray.
min_area: The minimum area of a contour that will be kept.
min_perimeter: The minimum perimeter of a contour that will be kept.
min_width: Minimum width of a contour.
max_width: MaxWidth maximum width.
min_height: Minimum height.
max_height: Maximimum height.
solidity: The minimum and maximum solidity of a contour.
min_vertex_count: Minimum vertex Count of the contours.
max_vertex_count: Maximum vertex Count.
min_ratio: Minimum ratio of width to height.
max_ratio: Maximum ratio of width to height.
Contours as a list of numpy.ndarray.
output = []
for contour in input_contours:
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
if (w < min_width or w > max_width):
if (h < min_height or h > max_height):
area = cv2.contourArea(contour)
if (area < min_area):
if (cv2.arcLength(contour, True) < min_perimeter):
hull = cv2.convexHull(contour)
solid = 100 * area / cv2.contourArea(hull)
if (solid < solidity[0] or solid > solidity[1]):
if (len(contour) < min_vertex_count or len(contour) > max_vertex_count):
ratio = (float)(w) / h
if (ratio < min_ratio or ratio > max_ratio):
return output
BlurType = Enum('BlurType', 'Box_Blur Gaussian_Blur Median_Filter Bilateral_Filter')
我意识到这很长,但是我对Python的熟悉程度不如其他语言,所以我希望提供所有这些,以便有更多Python经验的人可能能够发现其中的一些错误。< / p>
import numpy
import math
import cv2
import urllib.request
from enum import Enum
from GripPipeline import GripPipeline
from networktables import NetworkTable
frame = cv2.VideoCapture('')
pipeline = GripPipeline()
def get_image()
img_array = numpy.asarray(bytearray(frame.grab()))
return img_array
while True:
img = get_image()
pipeline.process(img) #where the Segmentation Fault occurs
答案 0 :(得分:0)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('')
pipeline = GripPipeline()
while True:
ret, img = cap.read()