我正在尝试将我的SQL查询转换为VBA代码,转换后,当我在excel中运行我的宏时,它没有显示任何结果。我刚刚对VBA代码做了一些基本的改动。任何人都可以为我提供见解。我正在使用SQL服务器。提前致谢 !
objMyCmd.CommandText = "SELECT c1.[RDT_FileID], C1.[Master Policy Number], c1.[Work item /Submission no#],c1.[Insured Name], c1.[Credited Office]," & _
" c1.[Credited Underwriter], c1.[Product Line], c1.[Product Line Subtype], c1.[Current Status], c1.[Effective Date], c1.[Expiry Date], c1.[Original Currency], c1.[Premium in Local Currency] " & _
" FROM Actuarial.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record a " & _
" left join " & _
"( SELECT b.[Current Status], a.* FROM" & _
"( SELECT [Master Policy Number],SUM(CAST([Premium in Local Currency] AS numeric)) AS SumPremium, MAX([Work item /Submission no#]) AS MaxSubmissionNumber" & _
" FROM IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record " & _
" WHERE [Master Policy Number] IS NOT NULL AND [Master Policy Number] <> ''" & _
" Group by [Master Policy Number] ) a" & _
" INNER JOIN IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record b on a.[MaxSubmissionNumber] = b.[Work item /Submission no#]" & _
" WHERE [Current Status] = 'Cancellation' and SumPremium = 0 " & _
" ) c2 on c1.[Master Policy Number] = c2.[Master Policy Number]" & _
" WHERE c2.[Master Policy Number] Is Null " & _
" AND c1.[RDT_FileID] is null " & _
" AND c1.[Product Line Subtype] <> '0102-Marine' " & _
" AND c1.[Master Policy Number] NOT LIKE '___PRI__________'" & _
" AND c1.[Master Policy Number] NOT LIKE '___BLA__________'" & _
" AND c1.[Effective Date] >= '2014-04-01' " & _
" AND c1.[Effective Date] >= " & PED(0) - 2 & " and c1.[Effective Date] <= " & PED(1) - 2 & " " & _
" AND c1.[Current Status] ='Bound' " & _
" ORDER BY c1.[Effective Date] ASC"
我的SQL查询如下: -
C1.[Master Policy Number],
c1.[Work item /Submission no#],
c1.[Insured Name],
c1.[Credited Office],
c1.[Product Line Subtype],
c1.[Effective Date],
c1.[Current Status],
c1.[Premium in Local Currency]
from IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record c1
left join
b.[Current Status],
[Master Policy Number],
sum(cast([Premium in Local Currency] as numeric)) as SumPremium,
max([Work item /Submission no#]) as MaxSubmissionNumber
from Actuarial.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record
where [Master Policy Number] is not null and [Master Policy Number] <> ''
group by
[Master Policy Number]
) a
inner join IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record b on a.[MaxSubmissionNumber] = b.[Work item /Submission no#]
where [Current Status] = 'Cancellation' and SumPremium = 0
) c2 on c1.[Master Policy Number] = c2.[Master Policy Number]
c1.[Effective Date] >= '2016-01-01'
and c1.[Effective Date] <= '2017-01-01'
and C1.[Current Status] = 'Bound'
and c1.[Credited Office]= '002 - New York'
and c1.[Product Line Subtype] <> '0102-Marine'
and c1.[Master Policy Number] NOT LIKE '___PRI__________'
and c1.[Master Policy Number] NOT LIKE '___BLA__________'
and c1.[RDT_FileID] is null
and c2.[Master Policy Number] is null
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您的代码有许多不同之处和注意事项,其中一些在此处: 我认为您需要更改您的查询字符串,如下所示:
objMyCmd.CommandText = "" & _
"SELECT" & _
" c1.[RDT_FileID]," & _
" c1.[Master Policy Number]," & _ 'Edit C1 to c1 => in newest version of SQL Server case-sensitivity is important
" c1.[Work item /Submission no#]," & _
" c1.[Insured Name]," & _
" c1.[Credited Office]," & _
" c1.[Credited Underwriter]," & _
" c1.[Product Line]," & _
" c1.[Product Line Subtype]," & _
" c1.[Current Status]," & _
" c1.[Effective Date]," & _
" c1.[Expiry Date]," & _
" c1.[Original Currency]," & _
" c1.[Premium in Local Currency] " & _
" FROM IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record c1 " & _ 'Edit `Actuarial.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record a` to `IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record c1`
" left join (" & _
" SELECT " & _
" b.[Current Status]," & _
" a.*" & _
" FROM (" & _
" SELECT " & _
" [Master Policy Number]," & _
" SUM(CAST([Premium in Local Currency] AS numeric)) AS SumPremium," & _
" MAX([Work item /Submission no#]) AS MaxSubmissionNumber" & _
" FROM Actuarial.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record " & _ 'Edit IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record to Actuarial.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record
" WHERE [Master Policy Number] IS NOT NULL AND [Master Policy Number] <> ''" & _
" Group by" & _
" [Master Policy Number] ) a" & _
" INNER JOIN IT.dbo.View_Property_Rater_Of_Record b on a.[MaxSubmissionNumber] = b.[Work item /Submission no#]" & _
" WHERE [Current Status] = 'Cancellation' and SumPremium = 0 " & _
" ) c2 on c1.[Master Policy Number] = c2.[Master Policy Number]" & _
" WHERE " & _
" c2.[Master Policy Number] Is Null " & _
" AND c1.[RDT_FileID] is null " & _
" AND c1.[Product Line Subtype] <> '0102-Marine' " & _
" AND c1.[Master Policy Number] NOT LIKE '___PRI__________'" & _
" AND c1.[Master Policy Number] NOT LIKE '___BLA__________'" & _
" AND c1.[Effective Date] >= '2014-04-01' " & _ 'I think you should remove this line
" AND c1.[Effective Date] >= '" & PED(0) - 2 $ "' " & _ 'Add `'` around a string input
" and c1.[Effective Date] <= '" & PED(1) - 2 & "' " & _ 'Add `'` around a string input
" AND c1.[Current Status] ='Bound' " & _
" AND c1.[Credited Office]= '002 - New York' " & _ 'Add this missing criteria
" ORDER BY c1.[Effective Date] ASC"
COALESCE([Master Policy Number], '') <> ''
代替[Master Policy Number] IS NOT NULL AND [Master Policy Number] <> ''
字段,我建议您使用CAST([Effective Date] as date) >= '20160101'