
时间:2017-01-05 22:02:19

标签: c gcc assembly x86-64 fpu


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NASM (来自通过 GCC 编译的对象)中,它有以下表示:

float foo;
uint32_t *ptr1, *ptr2;
foo = (float)*(ptr1) / (float)*(ptr2);

?_ 001 下的“黑魔法”是什么意思?是不是 cvtsi2ss 足以从整数转换为浮动?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

您必须查看未经优化的代码。那是浪费时间。当优化器被禁用时,编译器会出于各种原因生成一堆无意义的代码 - 以实现更快的编译速度,更容易在源代码行上设置断点,以便更容易捕获错误等。



float DivideAsFloat(uint32_t *ptr1, uint32_t *ptr2)
    return (float)(*ptr1) / (float)(*ptr2);


DivideAsFloat(unsigned int*, unsigned int*):
    mov        eax, DWORD PTR [rdi]   ; retrieve value of 'ptr1' parameter
    pxor       xmm0, xmm0             ; zero-out xmm0 register
    pxor       xmm1, xmm1             ; zero-out xmm1 register
    cvtsi2ssq  xmm0, rax              ; convert *ptr1 into a floating-point value in XMM0
    mov        eax, DWORD PTR [rsi]   ; retrieve value of 'ptr2' parameter
    cvtsi2ssq  xmm1, rax              ; convert *ptr2 into a floating-point value in XMM1
    divss      xmm0, xmm1             ; divide the two floating-point values

这几乎正是您期望看到的。唯一的黑魔法&#34;这是PXOR说明。为什么编译器在执行CVTSI2SS指令之前还要先对XMM寄存器进行预置零,而这些指令只会破坏它们呢?好吧,因为CVTSI2SS只有部分破坏了它的目的地注册。具体来说,它只破坏较低的位,使高位保持不变。这导致对高位的错误依赖,这导致执行停顿。可以通过将寄存器预置零来打破这种依赖性,从而防止停顿和加速执行的可能性。 PXOR指令是清除寄存器的快速有效方法。 (我最近谈到了这个完全相同的现象over here—see last paragraph。)

实际上,旧版本的GCC(4.9.0之前版本)没有执行此优化,因此生成的代码不包含PXOR指令。 看起来效率更高,但它实际上运行得更慢。

DivideAsFloat(unsigned int*, unsigned int*):
    mov        eax, DWORD PTR [rdi]   ; retrieve value of 'ptr1' parameter
    cvtsi2ssq  xmm0, rax              ; convert *ptr1 into a floating-point value in XMM0
    mov        eax, DWORD PTR [rsi]   ; retrieve value of 'ptr2' parameter
    cvtsi2ssq  xmm1, rax              ; convert *ptr2 into a floating-point value in XMM1
    divss      xmm0, xmm1             ; divide the two floating-point values

Clang 3.9发出与这些旧版GCC相同的代码。它也不了解优化。 MSVC确实知道它(自VS 2010以来),ICC的现代版本也是如此(在ICC 16及更高版本上验证;在ICC 13中缺失)。

但是,并不是说Anty's answer(和Mystical's comment)完全不正确。 CVTSI2SS确实设计用于将签名的整数转换为标量单精度浮点数,而不是像此处的无符号整数。什么给出了什么?好吧,64位处理器具有64位宽的寄存器,因此无符号32位输入值可以存储为带符号的64位中间值,这样就可以使用CVTSI2SS

编译器在启用优化时执行此操作,因为它会产生更高效的代码。另一方面,如果您的目标是32位x86并且没有64位寄存器可用,则编译器必须处理已签名和未签名的问题。以下是GCC 6.3如何处理它:

DivideAsFloat(unsigned int*, unsigned int*):
    sub       esp,  4                 
    pxor      xmm0, xmm0              
    mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [esp+8] 
    pxor      xmm1, xmm1              
    movss     xmm3, 1199570944        
    pxor      xmm2, xmm2              
    mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [eax]   
    movzx     edx,  ax                
    shr       eax,  16                
    cvtsi2ss  xmm0, eax               
    mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [esp+12]
    cvtsi2ss  xmm1, edx               
    mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [eax]   
    movzx     edx,  ax                
    shr       eax,  16                
    cvtsi2ss  xmm2, edx               
    mulss     xmm0, xmm3              
    addss     xmm0, xmm1              
    pxor      xmm1, xmm1              
    cvtsi2ss  xmm1, eax               
    mulss     xmm1, xmm3
    addss     xmm1, xmm2
    divss     xmm0, xmm1
    movss     DWORD PTR [esp], xmm0
    fld       DWORD PTR [esp]
    add       esp,  4

由于优化器重新排列和交错指令的方式,这有点难以理解。在这里,我没有优化&#34;它,重新排序指令并将它们分成更多逻辑组,希望能够更容易地遵循执行流程。 (我删除的唯一指令是依赖性破坏PXOR - 其余代码是相同的,只是重新排列。)

DivideAsFloat(unsigned int*, unsigned int*):
  ;;; Initialization ;;;
  sub       esp,  4           ; reserve 4 bytes on the stack

  pxor      xmm0, xmm0        ; zero-out XMM0
  pxor      xmm1, xmm1        ; zero-out XMM1
  pxor      xmm2, xmm2        ; zero-out XMM2
  movss     xmm3, 1199570944  ; load a constant into XMM3

  ;;; Deal with the first value ('ptr1') ;;;
  mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [esp+8]  ; get the pointer specified in 'ptr1'
  mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [eax]    ; dereference the pointer specified by 'ptr1'
  movzx     edx,  ax                 ; put the lower 16 bits of *ptr1 in EDX
  shr       eax,  16                 ; move the upper 16 bits of *ptr1 down to the lower 16 bits in EAX
  cvtsi2ss  xmm0, eax                ; convert the upper 16 bits of *ptr1 to a float
  cvtsi2ss  xmm1, edx                ; convert the lower 16 bits of *ptr1 (now in EDX) to a float

  mulss     xmm0, xmm3               ; multiply FP-representation of upper 16 bits of *ptr1 by magic number
  addss     xmm0, xmm1               ; add the result to the FP-representation of *ptr1's lower 16 bits

  ;;; Deal with the second value ('ptr2') ;;;
  mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [esp+12] ; get the pointer specified in 'ptr2'
  mov       eax,  DWORD PTR [eax]    ; dereference the pointer specified by 'ptr2'
  movzx     edx,  ax                 ; put the lower 16 bits of *ptr2 in EDX
  shr       eax,  16                 ; move the upper 16 bits of *ptr2 down to the lower 16 bits in EAX
  cvtsi2ss  xmm2, edx                ; convert the lower 16 bits of *ptr2 (now in EDX) to a float
  cvtsi2ss  xmm1, eax                ; convert the upper 16 bits of *ptr2 to a float

  mulss     xmm1, xmm3               ; multiply FP-representation of upper 16 bits of *ptr2 by magic number
  addss     xmm1, xmm2               ; add the result to the FP-representation of *ptr2's lower 16 bits

  ;;; Do the division, and return the result ;;;
  divss     xmm0, xmm1               ; FINALLY, divide the FP-representation of *ptr1 by *ptr2
  movss     DWORD PTR [esp], xmm0    ; store this result onto the stack, in the memory we reserved
  fld       DWORD PTR [esp]          ; load this result onto the top of the x87 FPU
                                     ;  (the 32-bit calling convention requires floating-point values be returned this way)

  add       esp,  4                  ; clean up the space we allocated on the stack




DivideAsFloat(unsigned int*, unsigned int*):
   push     eax                       ; reserve 4 bytes on the stack

   mov      eax,  DWORD PTR [esp+12]  ; get the pointer specified in 'ptr2'
   mov      ecx,  DWORD PTR [esp+8]   ; get the pointer specified in 'ptr1'
   movsd    xmm1, QWORD PTR 4841369599423283200 ; load a constant into XMM1

   movd     xmm0, DWORD PTR [ecx]     ; dereference the pointer specified by 'ptr1',
                                      ;  and load the bits directly into XMM0
   movd     xmm2, DWORD PTR [eax]     ; dereference the pointer specified by 'ptr2'
                                      ;  and load the bits directly into XMM2

   orpd     xmm0, xmm1                ; bitwise-OR *ptr1's raw bits with the magic number
   orpd     xmm2, xmm1                ; bitwise-OR *ptr2's raw bits with the magic number

   subsd    xmm0, xmm1                ; subtract the magic number from the result of the OR
   subsd    xmm2, xmm1                ; subtract the magic number from the result of the OR

   cvtsd2ss xmm0, xmm0                ; convert *ptr1 from single-precision to double-precision in place
   xorps    xmm1, xmm1                ; zero register to break dependencies
   cvtsd2ss xmm1, xmm2                ; convert *ptr2 from single-precision to double-precision, putting result in XMM1

   divss    xmm0, xmm1                ; FINALLY, do the division on the single-precision FP values
   movss    DWORD PTR [esp], xmm0     ; store this result onto the stack, in the memory we reserved
   fld       DWORD PTR [esp]          ; load this result onto the top of the x87 FPU
                                      ;  (the 32-bit calling convention requires floating-point values be returned this way)

   pop      eax                       ; clean up the space we allocated on the stack


因此,当针对32位编译器时,编译器必须处理有符号和无符号整数之间的差异,但它们以不同的方式使用不同的策略 - 有些可能比其他策略更优化。这就是为什么查看优化代码更具启发性,除了它实际上是在客户机上执行的事实。

答案 1 :(得分:5)

一般来说,cvtsi2ss可以解决这个问题 - 将标量整数(其他来源命名为双字整数命名为单标量,但我的命名与其他矢量输入命令一致)转换为标量单(浮点)。但它需要有符号整数。


mov     rdx, rax                                
shr     rdx, 1                                  
and     eax, 01H                                
or      rdx, rax                                
pxor    xmm0, xmm0                              
cvtsi2ss xmm0, rdx                              
addss   xmm0, xmm0  

帮助将unsigned转换为signed(请注意js jump - 如果设置了sign bit,则执行此代码 - 否则跳过它)。对于uint32_t,当值大于0x7FFFFFFF时设置符号。


mov     rdx, rax       ; move value from ptr1 to edx                         
shr     rdx, 1         ; div by 2 - logic shift not arithmetic because ptr1 is unsigned
and     eax, 01H       ; save least significant bit                          
or      rdx, rax       ; move this bit to divided value to someway fix rounding errors                         
pxor    xmm0, xmm0                              
cvtsi2ss xmm0, rdx                              
addss   xmm0, xmm0     ; add to itself = multiply by 2

我不确定您使用的编译器和编译选项 - GCC只是

cvtsi2ssq       xmm0, rbx
cvtsi2ssq       xmm1, rax
divss   xmm0, xmm1
