我有以下功能。对不起,它有点长......但它并不是真的很重要。 它是一个简单的函数,它将遍历消息,并通过websockets发送它们。
// through this loop
sendMessagesInTab( tabId, cb );
...?基本上,到周期结束时,可能会在列表中添加更多记录。由于此函数只运行一次(那里有一个信号量,currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ]
function sendMessagesInTab( tabId, cb ){
consolelog("Entered sendMessagesInTab for tab", tabId);
// Semaphore. Only one instance of this is to run at any given time
if( currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ] ){
consolelog("Already running for tab ", tabId);
currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ] = true;
consolelog("Looking up tab...");
stores.tabs.dbLayer.selectById( tabId, function( err, tab ){
if( err ){
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
return cb( err );
if( ! tab ){
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
return new Error("tabId not found!");
stores.tabMessages.dbLayer.selectByHash( { tabId: tabId }, function( err, tabMessages ){
if( err ){
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
return cb( err );
if( !tabMessages.length ){
consolelog("No messages to be delivered, that's it...");
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
return cb( null );
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
return sendMessagesInTab( tabId, function(err ) { console.log("ERROR:", err ) } );
consolelog("There are messages to be delivered:", tabId, tabMessages.length );
function( record, cb ){
consolelog("Checking the connection...");
// If the connection is not there, all good but "false" (delivery failed)
var ws = connections[ record.tabId ] && connections[ record.tabId ].ws;
if( ! ws ) return cb( new Error("No websocket connection") ); // End of cycle will kill currentlyDeliveringTab
var message = record.message;
message.messageId = record.id;
// Attempt delivery over websocket. If it works, great. If it doesn't,
// sorry.
consolelog("Attempt to stringify the message", tabId);
try {
var strMessage = JSON.stringify( message );
} catch ( err ){
return cb( err );
consolelog("Sending message through the websocket", tabId);
ws.send( strMessage, function( err ){
if( err ) return cb( err ); // End of cycle will kill currentlyDeliveringTab
consolelog("Deleting the message", tabId);
stores.tabMessages.dbLayer.deleteById( record.id, function( err ){
if( err ) return cb( err ); // End of cycle will kill currentlyDeliveringTab
consolelog("Updating lastSync", tabId);
cb( null );
function( err ){
if( err ){
consolelog("ERROR!", err );
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
return cb( err );
consolelog("All messages have been sent successfully!");
consolelog("Now running sendMessagesInTab again in case messages were added WHILE sending these");
delete currentlyDeliveringTab[ tabId ];
// Rerun sendMessagesInTab to check that messages weren't added while going
// through this loop
sendMessagesInTab( tabId, cb );
答案 0 :(得分:2)
请记住,与C / C ++这样的语言相比,Javascript中的一个不同之处是函数作用域和函数作用域中的对象是垃圾收集实体而不在堆栈中。因此,即使执行线程已完全展开并清除堆栈,您也可以拥有一个围绕异步回调的闭包,该回调仍处于活动状态。当任何活动代码无法访问函数作用域中的元素时,它们将被垃圾回收(类似于Javascript中的其他对象)。因此,它仍然存在,而异步回调仍然可以发生,但一旦回调发生并且不再再发生,那么范围内的所有内容都有资格进行垃圾回收。