如何聚合超过RAM gzip'ed csv文件的值?

时间:2016-11-10 13:15:28

标签: python csv gzip bioinformatics

对于初学者我不熟悉生物信息学,特别是编程,但我已经构建了一个脚本,它将通过一个所谓的VCF文件(只包含个体,一个clumn =一个人),并使用搜索字符串找出每个变体(线)是个体是纯合的还是杂合的。



#!usr/bin/env python
import re
import gzip

subset_cols = 'subset_cols_chr18.vcf.gz'
#nuc_div = 'nuc_div_chr18.txt'

gz_infile = gzip.GzipFile(subset_cols, "r")  
#gz_outfile = gzip.GzipFile(nuc_div, "w") 

# make a dictionary of the header line for easy retrieval of elements later on

headers = gz_infile.readline().rstrip().split('\t')             
print headers                                                   

column_dict = {}                                        
for header in headers:
        column_dict[header] = []                        
for line in gz_infile:                                     
        columns = line.rstrip().split('\t')             
        for i in range(len(columns)):                   
#print column_dict

for key in column_dict:                         
        number_homozygotes = 0          
        number_heterozygotes = 0        

        for values in column_dict[key]: 
                SearchStr = '(\d)/(\d):\d+,\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+,\d+,\d+'     
#this search string contains the regexp (this regexp was tested)
                Result = re.search(SearchStr,values)                    
                if Result:
#here, it will skip the missing genoytypes ./.
                        variant_one = int(Result.group(1))              
                        variant_two = int(Result.group(2))              

                        if variant_one == 0 and variant_two == 0:
                        elif variant_one == variant_two:                  
#count +1 in case variant one and two are equal (so 0/0, 1/1, etc.)
                                number_homozygotes += 1
                        elif variant_one != variant_two:
#count +1 in case variant one is not equal to variant two (so 1/0, 0/1, etc.)
                                number_heterozygotes += 1

        print "%s homozygotes %s" % (number_homozygotes, key) 
        print "%s heterozygotes %s" % (number_heterozygotes,key)

        variants = number_homozygotes + number_heterozygotes
        print "%s variants" % variants

        prop_homozygotes = (1.0*number_homozygotes/variants)*100
        prop_heterozygotes = (1.0*number_heterozygotes/variants)*100

        print "%s %% homozygous %s" % (prop_homozygotes, key)
        print "%s %% heterozygous %s" % (prop_heterozygotes, key)

我们非常感谢任何帮助,因此我可以继续研究大型数据集, 谢谢你:))

顺便说一下,VCF文件看起来像这样: INDIVIDUAL_1 INDIVIDUAL_2 INDIVIDUAL_3 0/0:9,0:9:24:0,24,221 1/0:5,4:9:25:25,0,26 1/1:0,13:13:33:347,33,0 < / p>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



amirouche正确地指出你需要某种&#34;流媒体&#34;要么 &#34;线由行&#34;算法处理太大而无法容纳在RAM中的数据 你的机器。不幸的是,如果你只限于没有库的python,你 必须手动chunk文件并处理VCF的解析。

Hail project是科学家的免费开源工具 遗传数据太大,无法容纳在RAM中,直到太大而无法放在RAM上 机器(即数十TB的压缩VCF数据)。冰雹可以利用 一台机器上的所有核心或云计算机上的所有核心。冰雹 在Mac OS X和大多数GNU / Linux版本上运行。冰雹暴露了统计数据 遗传学领域特定的语言,使你的问题更短 表达



/path/to/hail importvcf -f YOUR_FILE.vcf.gz \
  annotatesamples expr -c \
    'sa.nCalled = gs.filter(g => g.isCalled).count(),
     sa.nHom = gs.filter(g => g.isHomRef || g.isHomVar).count(),
     sa.nHet = gs.filter(g => g.isHet).count()'
  annotatesamples expr -c \
    'sa.pHom =  sa.nHom / sa.nCalled,
     sa.pHet =  sa.nHet / sa.nCalled' \
  exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.*' -o sampleInfo.tsv


# ls -alh profile225.vcf.bgz
-rw-r--r--  1 dking  1594166068   2.0G Aug 25 15:43 profile225.vcf.bgz
# ../hail/build/install/hail/bin/hail importvcf -f profile225.vcf.bgz \
  annotatesamples expr -c \
    'sa.nCalled = gs.filter(g => g.isCalled).count(),
     sa.nHom = gs.filter(g => g.isHomRef || g.isHomVar).count(),
     sa.nHet = gs.filter(g => g.isHet).count()' \
  annotatesamples expr -c \
    'sa.pHom =  sa.nHom / sa.nCalled,
     sa.pHet =  sa.nHet / sa.nCalled' \
  exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.*' -o sampleInfo.tsv
hail: info: running: importvcf -f profile225.vcf.bgz
[Stage 0:=======================================================> (63 + 2) / 65]hail: info: Coerced sorted dataset
hail: info: running: annotatesamples expr -c 'sa.nCalled = gs.filter(g => g.isCalled).count(),
     sa.nHom = gs.filter(g => g.isHomRef || g.isHomVar).count(),
     sa.nHet = gs.filter(g => g.isHet).count()'
[Stage 1:========================================================>(64 + 1) / 65]hail: info: running: annotatesamples expr -c 'sa.pHom =  sa.nHom / sa.nCalled,
     sa.pHet =  sa.nHet / sa.nCalled'
hail: info: running: exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.*' -o sampleInfo.tsv
hail: info: while importing:
    file:/Users/dking/projects/hail-data/profile225.vcf.bgz  import clean
hail: info: timing:
  importvcf: 34.211s
  annotatesamples expr: 6m52.4s
  annotatesamples expr: 21.399ms
  exportsamples: 121.786ms
  total: 7m26.8s
# head sampleInfo.tsv 
sample  pHomRef pHet    nHom    nHet    nCalled
HG00096 9.49219e-01 5.07815e-02 212325  11359   223684
HG00097 9.28419e-01 7.15807e-02 214035  16502   230537
HG00099 9.27182e-01 7.28184e-02 211619  16620   228239
HG00100 9.19605e-01 8.03948e-02 214554  18757   233311
HG00101 9.28714e-01 7.12865e-02 214283  16448   230731
HG00102 9.24274e-01 7.57260e-02 212095  17377   229472
HG00103 9.36543e-01 6.34566e-02 209944  14225   224169
HG00105 9.29944e-01 7.00564e-02 214153  16133   230286
HG00106 9.25831e-01 7.41687e-02 213805  17128   230933

哇! 2GB的7分钟,这很慢!不幸的是,这是因为VCF 不是一个很好的数据分析格式!



# ../hail/build/install/hail/bin/hail importvcf -f profile225.vcf.bgz write -o profile225.vds
hail: info: running: importvcf -f profile225.vcf.bgz
[Stage 0:========================================================>(64 + 1) / 65]hail: info: Coerced sorted dataset
hail: info: running: write -o profile225.vds
[Stage 1:>                                                         (0 + 4) / 65]
[Stage 1:========================================================>(64 + 1) / 65]
# ../hail/build/install/hail/bin/hail read -i profile225.vds \
       annotatesamples expr -c \
         'sa.nCalled = gs.filter(g => g.isCalled).count(),
          sa.nHom = gs.filter(g => g.isHomRef || g.isHomVar).count(),
          sa.nHet = gs.filter(g => g.isHet).count()' \
       annotatesamples expr -c \
         'sa.pHom =  sa.nHom / sa.nCalled,
          sa.pHet =  sa.nHet / sa.nCalled' \
       exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.*' -o sampleInfo.tsv
hail: info: running: read -i profile225.vds
[Stage 1:>                                                          (0 + 0) / 4]SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
[Stage 1:============================================>              (3 + 1) / 4]hail: info: running: annotatesamples expr -c 'sa.nCalled = gs.filter(g => g.isCalled).count(),
         sa.nHom = gs.filter(g => g.isHomRef || g.isHomVar).count(),
         sa.nHet = gs.filter(g => g.isHet).count()'
[Stage 2:========================================================>(64 + 1) / 65]hail: info: running: annotatesamples expr -c 'sa.pHom =  sa.nHom / sa.nCalled,
         sa.pHet =  sa.nHet / sa.nCalled'
hail: info: running: exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.*' -o sampleInfo.tsv
hail: info: timing:
  read: 2.969s
  annotatesamples expr: 1m20.4s
  annotatesamples expr: 21.868ms
  exportsamples: 151.829ms
  total: 1m23.5s



Hail还有一个sampleqc命令,可以计算你想要的大部分内容(和 更多):

../hail/build/install/hail/bin/hail  read -i profile225.vds \
      sampleqc \
      annotatesamples expr -c \
        'sa.myqc.pHomRef = (sa.qc.nHomRef + sa.qc.nHomVar) / sa.qc.nCalled,
         sa.myqc.pHet= sa.qc.nHet / sa.qc.nCalled' \
      exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.myqc.*, nHom = sa.qc.nHomRef + sa.qc.nHomVar, nHet = sa.qc.nHet, nCalled = sa.qc.nCalled' -o sampleInfo.tsv
hail: info: running: read -i profile225.vds
[Stage 0:>                                                          (0 + 0) / 4]SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
[Stage 1:============================================>              (3 + 1) / 4]hail: info: running: sampleqc
[Stage 2:========================================================>(64 + 1) / 65]hail: info: running: annotatesamples expr -c 'sa.myqc.pHomRef = (sa.qc.nHomRef + sa.qc.nHomVar) / sa.qc.nCalled,
         sa.myqc.pHet= sa.qc.nHet / sa.qc.nCalled'
hail: info: running: exportsamples -c 'sample = s, sa.myqc.*, nHom = sa.qc.nHomRef + sa.qc.nHomVar, nHet = sa.qc.nHet, nCalled = sa.qc.nCalled' -o sampleInfo.tsv
hail: info: timing:
  read: 2.928s
  sampleqc: 1m27.0s
  annotatesamples expr: 229.653ms
  exportsamples: 353.942ms
  total: 1m30.5s


安装Hail非常简单,我们有help you的文档。需要更多帮助?你可以得到 Hail用户聊天室中的实时支持,或者如果您更喜欢论坛,则为Hail 话语(两者都与主页相关联,不幸的是我没有 足够的声誉来创建真正的链接。)


在不久的将来(距离今天不到一个月),冰雹团队将会 完成一个Python API,它允许您将第一个片段表达为:

result = importvcf("YOUR_FILE.vcf.gz")
  .annotatesamples('sa.nCalled = gs.filter(g => g.isCalled).count(),
                    sa.nHom = gs.filter(g => g.isHomRef || g.isHomVar).count(),
                    sa.nHet = gs.filter(g => g.isHet).count()')
  .annotatesamples('sa.pHom =  sa.nHom / sa.nCalled,
                    sa.pHet =  sa.nHet / sa.nCalled')

for (x in result.sampleannotations):
  print("Sample " + x +
        " nCalled " + x.nCalled +
        " nHom " + x.nHom +
        " nHet " + x.nHet +
        " percent Hom " + x.pHom * 100 +
        " percent Het " + x.pHet * 100)



EDIT2:最新的Hail并不需要biallelic for sampleqc


答案 1 :(得分:0)



以下Python 3代码可以做到:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import zlib
from mmap import PAGESIZE


# This is a generator that yields *decompressed* chunks from
# a gzip file. This is also called a stream or lazy list.
# It's done like so to avoid to have the whole file into memory
# Read more about Python generators to understand how it works.
# cf. `yield` keyword.
def gzip_to_chunks(filename):
    decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS + 16)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        chunk = f.read(CHUNKSIZE)

        while chunk:
            out = decompressor.decompress(chunk)
            yield out
            chunk = f.read(CHUNKSIZE)

        out = decompressor.flush()

        yield out

# Again the following is a generator (see the `yield` keyword).
# What id does is iterate over an *iterable* of strings and yields
# rows from the file

# (hint: `gzip_to_chunks(filename)` returns a generator of strings)
# (hint: a generator is also an iterable)

# You can verify that by calling `chunks_to_rows` with a list of
# strings, where every strings is a chunk of the VCF file.
# (hint: a list is also an iterable)

# inline doc follows
def chunks_to_rows(chunks):
    row = b''  # we will add the chars making a single row to this variable
    for chunk in chunks:  # iterate over the strings/chuncks yielded by gzip_to_chunks
        for char in chunk:  # iterate over all chars from the string
            if char == b'\n'[0]:  # hey! this is the end of the row!
                yield row.decode('utf8').split('\t')  # the row is complete, yield!
                row = b''  # start a new row
                row += int.to_bytes(char, 1, byteorder='big')  # Otherwise we are in the middle of the row
        # at this point the program has read all the chunk
    # at this point the program has read all the file without loading it fully in memory at once
    # That said, there's maybe still something in row
    if row:
        yield row.decode('utf-8').split('\t')  # yield the very last row if any

for e in chunks_to_rows(gzip_to_chunks('conceptnet-assertions-5.6.0.csv.gz')):
    uid, relation, start, end, metadata = e
    print(start, relation, end)

编辑:重新修改答案并使其适用于gziped的concetpnet's tsv file