在目录/子目录&中生成文件夹list.txt文件。使用dir&amp ;;将list.txt重命名为文件夹/子文件夹名称ren命令在批处理文件中

时间:2016-10-31 10:53:33

标签: windows list batch-file directory batch-rename


  1. 列出文本文件中子文件夹中每个文件夹的内容
  2. 将文本文件放在父文件夹和子文件夹中,
  3. 将输出文本文件重命名为父文件夹/子文件夹的名称。
  4. 为了实现这一点,我尝试了以下批处理脚本

    del /s __List.txt
    for /F "delims=" %%G IN ('dir /b /s') DO @echo "%%G">>"%%~__List.txt"
    for /r %%a in (__List.txt) do for %%b in ("%%~dpa\.") do ren "%%~a" "%%~nxb%%~xa"


    1. 我可以列出每个文件夹的文件,
    2. 正在创建
    3. __List.txt
    4. __List.txt正在重命名为子文件夹。
    5. 问题是:

      1. 空文件夹未打印。
      2. 如果任何目录已经有“directory / Subdirectory Name.txt”,则会收到此错误


      3. 在控制台窗口中显示错误。 (首选方法可能是创建错误日志并将其放在父文件夹中。)但它是可选的。
      4. 可以在回答时引用以下内容,因为查询的一部分单独发布在其中:

        1. .bat rename files in folders/sub-folders to specific name
        2. Batch Files: List all files in a directory, print as .txt and place output file in all sub directories
        3. Batch File - Rename files based on parent name and (sub)folder(s) name
        4. 文件夹结构示例:

          • 父文件夹
            • 子文件夹-01
              • __ Filelist.txt中
                使用命令 dir 创建内容列表并转换为 Sub Folder-01.txt
              • some-Data-files 1.xyz
              • some-Data-files 2.xyz
              • some-Data-files 3.xyz
            • 子文件夹-02-Empty
              • Sub-Sub Folder-01
                • __ Filelist.txt中
                • some-Data-files_A.xyz
                • some-Data-files_B.xyz
                • some-Data-files_C.xyz
              • __ Filelist.txt中
                由于空白文件夹而未生成。 '文件未找到'错误背后的可能原因。
            • batch_file.bat
            • __ Filelist.txt中
            • some-file.xyz


          1. 命令 dir 命令应生成filelist.txt即使文件夹为空,也会解析“找不到文件”错误。

          2. 命令 ren 应覆盖现有filelist.txt或按增量顺序将现有filelist.txt重命名为filelist1-100.txt。它可能会解决“文件已存在”错误。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


@echo off
if "%~1" == "" goto UseCD

rem The start folder is either the current folder on running the batch file
rem or the folder specified as first argument on starting the batch file.
rem All / (Unix/Mac) in specified folder path are replaced by \ (Windows).
rem The folder path must not end with a backslash for this task.

set "StartFolder=%~1"
set "StartFolder=%StartFolder:/=\%"
if "%StartFolder:~-1%" == "\" set "StartFolder=%StartFolder:~0,-1%"
if exist "%StartFolder%\" goto CreateLists

rem The environment variable CD (Current Directory) holds the entire path
rem to the current folder ending not with a backslash, except the current
rem folder is the root folder of a drive.

if not "%CD:~-1%" == "\" (
    set "StartFolder=%CD%"
) else (
    set "StartFolder=%CD:~0,-1%"

rem The error log file in start folder existing perhaps from a previous
rem run is deleted first before the list file is created recursively in
rem each folder of the start folder.

set "ErrorLogFile=%StartFolder%\Error.log"
%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -h -r -s "%ErrorLogFile%" >nul
del "%ErrorLogFile%" 2>nul

call :RecursiveList "%StartFolder%"


rem Avoid an unwanted fall through to the subroutine.
goto :EOF

rem RecursiveList is a subroutine called for each folder found
rem in the start folder and its subfolders.

rem For the root folder of a drive like C: the list file name is "DriveC.txt".
rem For all other folders the list file name is "Folder Name.txt".

rem The command DEL does not delete a file which has hidden, read-only or
rem system attribute set. For that reason ATTRIB is called first to remove
rem those attributes from a perhaps already existing list file in current
rem folder. ATTRIB outputs an error message because of not existing file
rem to handle STDOUT which is the reason for >nul which redirects this
rem not important error message to device NUL.

rem Next the list file is deleted with suppressing the error message output
rem by command DIR to handle STDERR with 2>nul if the file does not exist
rem at all. But in case of the file really exists and could not be deleted
rem (NTFS permissions, file access denied because file is opened in another
rem application), an error message is logged into error log file in start
rem folder which is hopefully not write-protected, too.

rem Creating a list file in a folder is skipped if there is already
rem a list file and it could not be deleted by command DEL.

rem Otherwise the command DIR is used to write first the names of the
rem subfolders in alphabetical order according to name (not alphanumeric)
rem into the list file of current folder and next append the names of all
rem files in current folder also ordered by name. The name of the list file
rem is included in list file. Comment the two lines with command DIR and
rem uncomment the 3 lines below to avoid this by first writing the folder
rem and files names into a list file in temporary files folder and then
rem move this list file with correct list file name to the current folder.

rem Last for each subfolder in current folder the subroutine RecursiveList
rem calls itself until all subfolders in current folder have been processed.

set "FolderPath=%~1"
if "%FolderPath:~2%" == "" (
    set "ListFileName=Drive%FolderPath:~0,1%.txt"
) else (
    set "ListFileName=%~nx1.txt"

%SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -h -r -s "%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%" >nul
del "%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%" >nul 2>&1
if exist "%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%" (
    echo Failed to update: "%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%">>"%ErrorLogFile%"
    goto ProcessSubFolders

dir /AD /B /ON "%FolderPath%">"%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%" 2>nul
dir /A-D /B /ON "%FolderPath%">>"%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%" 2>nul

rem dir /AD /B /ON "%FolderPath%">"%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp" 2>nul
rem dir /A-D /B /ON "%FolderPath%">>"%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp" 2>nul
rem move "%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp" "%FolderPath%\%ListFileName%"

for /D %%I in ("%FolderPath%\*") do call :RecursiveList "%%~I"
goto :EOF

rem The command above exits the subroutine RecursiveList. The batch
rem file processing is continued in previous routine which is again
rem the subroutine RecursiveList or finally the main batch code above.


例如Sub Folder-02-Empty.txt只包含

Sub-Sub Folder-01
Sub Folder-02-Empty.txt

Sub-Sub Folder-01.txt包含给定示例:

Sub-Sub Folder-01.txt



  • attrib /?
  • call /?
  • del /?
  • dir /?
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • rem /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?