
时间:2016-10-03 15:07:20

标签: vector parallel-processing fortran fortran90


如果我说矢量是vec = [a1 a2 ...b1 b2 ... c1 c2 ...d1 d2 ...]

我需要将vec重新排列为new_vec = [a1 b1 c1 d1 a2 b2 c2 d2 ...]





subroutine reorder(vec,parameter)

real(kind = 8),dimension(parameter%length), intent(inout) :: vec
real(kind = 8),dimension(parameter%length) :: temp
type(param)                                :: parameter !just a struct holding certain constant parameters
integer                                    :: i,j,k,q1,q2,q3,nn1,n1,n2,nn2

i1 = parameter%len1    !lengths of sub-vectors in each direction 
i2 = parameter%len2    !the multiplication of the 3 gives the 
                       !overall length of vec
i3 = parameter%len3

temp = vec

n1 = i2*i1
n2 = i2*i3
   do k = 1, i3
      q1 = n1*(k-1)
      q2 = i2*(k-1)
      do j = 1, i2
         q3 = i1*(j-1)
         do i = 1, i1
            nn1 = q1+q3+i
            nn2 = q2+j+n2*(i-1)
            vec(nn2) = temp(nn1)
         end do
      end do
   end do

end subroutine reorder



subroutine cartesian_comm(ndim,comm_cart,comm_one_d,coord_cart)
use mpi
implicit none
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  :: ndim
integer,               intent(out) :: comm_cart
integer, dimension(:), pointer     :: comm_one_d, coord_cart
logical, dimension(size(ndim))     :: period, remain
integer :: dim,code, i, rank

!creating the cartesian communicator
dim = 3
period   = .FALSE.
call MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, dim, ndim, period, .FALSE., comm_cart, code)
call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm_cart, rank, code)
call MPI_CART_COORDS(comm_cart, rank, dim, coord_cart, code)

!Creating sub-communicator for each direction
do i = 1, dim
   remain = .FALSE.
   remain(i) = .TRUE.
   call MPI_CART_SUB(comm_cart, remain, comm_one_d(i), code)
end do
end subroutine cartesian_comm


Program main
!initialize some stuff and intialize all the required variables

! ndim is the number of processes the program is called 
! with "mpirun -np 8 ./exec" would mean ndim is cuberoot of 8,
! and therefore 2 for the 3D case. It is always made sure that
! np is a cube(or square for 2D) while calling the program

call cartesian_comm(ndim,comm_cart,comm_one_d,coord_cart)

  do while (t<tend-1D-8)  !start time loop
    t = t + dt
    !do some computations get the vector "vec" for 
    !each rank separately (different and independent in each rank)

    call reorder(vec,parameter) ! all ranks call this subroutine

    !do some computations here with the new reordered vec

  end do !end time loop

!do other stuff (unrelated to reorder but use the "vec" vector) here

end Program main


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