循环使用包含数据子集的工作表子集,应用公式 - 我能否比目前更有效地执行此操作?

时间:2016-09-29 09:38:55

标签: excel-vba loops foreach vba excel




我只想循环遍历 depot 工作表,然后将引用工作表中的数据的公式应用到指定GL的行上的单元格,并跳过将它们应用于不符合GL的行。 / p>



Public Sub Apply_Formulae_BO()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False - Toggle for testing and running final.
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True - Toggle for testing and running final.

 Dim BusFnctn As Variant 'Does this have to be a variant to make the code work?
 Dim BusFnctns As Variant 'Does this have to be a variant to make the code work?
 Dim GL As Range
 Dim GLs As Range

          BusFnctns = Array("101 Scotland Region", _
                            "102 South Region", _
                            "103 Yorkshire Region", _
                            "104 Central South Region", _
                            "120 Central", _
                            "121 Incentives", _
                            "122 Trainees", _
                            "130 Fruit", _
                            "131 Glasshouse", _
                            "132 Plantsystems", _
                            "133 Vegetable", _
                            "134 SWS", _
                            "135 Ebbage")

    For Each BusFnctn In BusFnctns 'Cycles through the arrayed tabs in the workbook

            With Worksheets(BusFnctn)


                Set GLs = Range("J9:J112") '"Set" needs to be used when setting a variable "as RANGE"

                    For Each GL In GLs.Cells

                       'Debug.Print BusFnctn 'Tests what tab we're in in the sheet array.
                       'Debug.Print GL 'Tests what GL is held in the variable

                        If GL = "" Then 'If GL in the set range equals nothing

                        GL = "" 'Skip it - Is this the best way to skip a cell?

                    'Otherwise apply the following formulae into cells offset from the GL in the current variable

                        Else: GL.Offset(0, -9) = "=SUMIFS('OH Data 2015'!C13,'OH Data 2015'!C5,RC10,'OH Data 2015'!C9,R4C5)"
                              GL.Offset(0, -7) = "=SUMIFS('OH Data 2016'!C13,'OH Data 2016'!C5,RC10,'OH Data 2016'!C9,R4C5)"
                              GL.Offset(0, -6) = "=SUMIFS('Annual Budget'!C8,'Annual Budget'!C6,R4C5,'Annual Budget'!C2,RC10)-SUMIFS('OH Data 2016'!C14,'OH Data 2016'!C9,R4C5,'OH Data 2016'!C5,RC10)"
                              GL.Offset(0, -5) = "=SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
                              GL.Offset(0, -3) = "=SUMIFS('Annual Budget'!C8,'Annual Budget'!C6,R4C5,'Annual Budget'!C2,RC[3])"

                                'Can the above formulae be applied to ranges of cells at once on multiple sheets rather than cell by cell?

                        End If

                    Next GL 'Go to next cell in the "GLs" variable range

            End With

    Next BusFnctn

End Sub





我还没有写过将公式结果写成值的代码 - 但是不要担心!


干杯 - CJP

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