bash-3.2$ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: JCO.classInitialize(): Could not load middleware layer 'com.sap.mw.jco.rfc.MiddlewareRFC'
JCO.nativeInit(): Could not initialize dynamic link library sapjcorfc. Found version "2.1.8 (2006-12-11)" but required version "2.1.10 (2011-05-10)".
public static void startServers() {
accessLog.info("Start The Server");
JCO.addClientPool("POOL", 3, "250", "username", "password", "EN", "saptest", "01");
IRepository repository = JCO.createRepository("REP", "POOL");
accessLog.info("Repostory Details" + repository);
for (int i = 0; i < serverConnections.length; i++) {
// (Change gateway host, service, and program ID according to your needs)
serverConnections[i] = new MyClass(
"sapqa",//gateway host, often the same as host
"sapgw", //gateway service, generally sapgw+<SYSNR>
"PRGRAM_ID", // corresponds to program ID defined in SM59
true, // or false for non unicode listener