
时间:2016-07-15 19:37:24

标签: javascript html json


问题是数据显示在div中的一列中逐项堆叠,我现在需要将div拆分为三个单独的列/ div。一个用于现在,下一个和即将发生的事件。例如,一个活动是早上7点,下一个是7:30,即将到来的是早上8点。






picture of what I'm trying to do


function agendaRealTimeUpdate() {
    if ($('.real-time-agenda').length !== 0) {
        videoSideContentType = 'agenda';
        $.getJSON("ac.json", function(data) {
            var sessions = data.session;
            var contentString = '';
            var currentSessionIndex;
            var currentSession;
            var currentTime;
            var currentDay;
            var title;
            var time;
            var room;
            var description;
            var d;
            var i = 0;

            d = new Date();

            //gets the current time and returns it in a string with 3-4 digits EX: "1000" = 10 am 
            currentTime = parseInt(d.getHours().toString() + ((d.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d.getMinutes()).toString());

            currentDay = d.getDate();

            // this loop runs as long as we haven't figured out which session matches the time
            while (currentSessionIndex === undefined && i < sessions.length) {

                //this takes the current time and compares it to the sessions start and end times
                if ((currentTime >= sessions[i].startTime && currentTime <= sessions[i].endTime) && 
                    currentDay === sessions[i].day && 
                    sessions[i].track === "none") 
                        currentSessionIndex = i;


            if (currentSessionIndex === undefined) {
                currentSessionIndex = 0;

            // This function finds the sessions that come after the identified current session
            function findNextSessions() {
                var sessionsCopy = sessions.slice(); //make a copy of the sessions array so we aren't altering it when we remove indexes

                for (var z = 0; z < 2; z++) {
                    var index = currentSessionIndex + z; 

                    // breaks out of the loop if the next session is undefined
                    if (sessionsCopy[index] === undefined) {
                        z = 2;

                    currentSession = sessionsCopy[index];

                    // loops through the sessions and if the session has a track it is removed from the sessionsCopy array
                    while (currentSession.track !== "none") {
                        console.log('has a track: ' + currentSession.track);
                        sessionsCopy.splice(index, 1);
                        currentSession = sessionsCopy[index];

                    time = currentSession.timeString !== undefined ? "<div class='video-side-content__time'><b>Time:</b> " + currentSession.timeString + "</div>" : ''; 
                    room = currentSession.room !== undefined ? "<div class='video-side-content__room'><b>Room:</b> " + currentSession.room + "</div>" : '';
                    title = currentSession.title !== undefined ? "<div class='video-side-content__secondary-title'>" + currentSession.title + "</div>" : '';

                    description = currentSession.content !== undefined ? "<div class='video-side-content__content'>" + currentSession.content + "</div>" : '';
                    contentString += "<div class='video-side-content__item'>" + time + room + title + description + "</div>";



 <div class="row__item">
    <h2 class="video-side-content__title"><img src="img/agenda-icon.png">&nbsp;Thursday. Sept. 22</h2>
    <div class="row__flex-container">
      <div class="row__item video-side-content__strip video-side-content__strip-left"> </div>
      <div class="row__item video-side-content__row">
        <div class="video-side-content">
          <div class="video-side-content__items">
            <div class="video-side-content__item">
              <h2 class="count-down__sub-header"><br>
                SHOWING NOW</h2><br>
              <div class="real-time-agenda">
                <!--data populates upon page load from the json file
                    It lays the data out as: Time, Title, Room, Description-->


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