
时间:2016-07-07 17:49:50

标签: javascript jquery angularjs d3.js javascript-events


            var isInside = function (node:any, target:any) {
                for (; node != null; node = node.parentNode) {
                    if (node === target[0][0].outerHTML) {
                            return true;

          svg.selectAll("g.node").on("mouseover", function(object: any) {
            var hoveredNode = d3.select(this);
            var event = d3["event"]["relatedTarget"];

            if (!isInside(event, hoveredNode)) {
                  // I only want to call the function below if the mouse sits inside the node itself, not when it hovers over the label

    // this code runs when I hover over the label of the any node. It acts as a seperate part of the node. When I hover here and hover off I don't want the console.log above to run. Only when I come completely off the node itself.
            svg.selectAll("g.label").on("mouseover", function (object: any) {
                        var hoveredNode = d3.select(this);

如何选择悬停在节点上的标签,然后将节点本身与标签进行比较,以便每次鼠标悬停时只获得一次console.log(" hover")而不是每次我鼠标悬停并将鼠标输出节点的标签。


 <g class="nodes">
   <g class="node">
      <rec rx="3" ry="3"></rect>
      <g class="label">
        <g transform="translate(#, #)">
             <tspan>Node Label Here</tspan>


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