在哪里禁用BrowserSync?路径?文件?安慰? Angular 2

时间:2016-06-25 08:44:52

标签: angular synchronization

我使用Angular 2.我想禁用/删除浏览器同步。但无法找到如何做到,或通过cmd或代码?哪条路? 需要帮助)


"Projest structure:


"use strict";

const gulp = require("gulp");
const del = require("del");
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const tsc = require("gulp-typescript");
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const tsProject = tsc.createProject("tsconfig.json");
const tslint = require('gulp-tslint');

gulp.task('clean', (cb) => {
return del(["build"], cb);


gulp.task('tslint', () => {
return gulp.src("src/**/*.ts")

gulp.task("compile", ["tslint"], () => {
let tsResult = gulp.src("src/**/*.ts")

gulp.task("sass", () => {
 return gulp.src("src/**/*.{sass,scss}")
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))

 gulp.task("resources", () => {
 return gulp.src(["src/**/*", "!**/*.{sass,scss,ts}"])


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


       * Configurations for NPM module configurations. Add to or override in project.config.ts.
       * If you like, use the mergeObject() method to assist with this.
      PLUGIN_CONFIGS: any = {
         * The BrowserSync configuration of the application.
         * The default open behavior is to open the browser. To prevent the browser from opening use the `--b`  flag when
         * running `npm start` (tested with serve.dev).
         * Example: `npm start -- --b`
         * @type {any}
        'browser-sync': {
          middleware: [require('connect-history-api-fallback')({ index: `${this.APP_BASE}index.html` })],
          port: this.PORT,
          startPath: this.APP_BASE,
          open: argv['b'] ? false : true,
          injectChanges: false,
          server: {
            baseDir: `${this.DIST_DIR}/empty/`,
            routes: {
              [`${this.APP_BASE}${this.APP_DEST}`]: this.APP_DEST,
              [`${this.APP_BASE}node_modules`]: 'node_modules',
              [`${this.APP_BASE.replace(/\/$/, '')}`]: this.APP_DEST