我有几个经典ASP页面通过本地用户的Lotus Notes电子邮件客户端发送电子邮件。该脚本基本上抓取用户的数据库文件并通过它发送电子邮件。这工作正常,但现在我需要将整个过程迁移到ASP.NET。 (顺便说一下,使用.NET Framework 4.0。)
问题是,当我在开发机器上运行时,我所拥有的代码(我发现here on SO)工作得很好,但是当部署到服务器时,它找不到用户的数据库。我想基本上将这个特定的子程序作为一个脚本运行在页面上,这样就不会从后面的代码中调用它,但我无法弄清楚如何去做。
在服务器上安装Notes不是一个选项,我不允许使用SMTP通过我们的服务器执行此操作。我可以使用谷歌的SMTP服务器,使用Gmail帐户,但是如果流量上的某个“你是商业用户,那么这是你的每月账单”的事情,这也不是一个选择。我们也不希望将我们的Gmail邮箱标记为垃圾邮件来源,因此我对使用Gmail作为SMTP犹豫不决。 (如果上述条件要明确,我愿意这样做,但此时,我们每天通过Notes客户端发送和接收数百封电子邮件,而且数量只会增加。)
每当点击发送电子邮件的按钮时,我都会看到一个丑陋的黄色死亡画面。我的第一次尝试是在一个带有代码隐藏页面的ASP.NET Web应用程序中,但是当我在服务器上测试它时,我无法使用它。我可以使用较旧的单页格式(我们现在仍在运行Windows 2K3服务器,但很快就会升级),但我仍然想知道是否有更现代的解决方案来执行此操作。
static void SendEmail()
// code adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18600262/creating-fields-in-lotus-notes-document'
// create/initialize a notes session
NotesSession sess = new NotesSession();
// get the database (?)
NotesDatabase ndb = sess.GetDatabase("", "nsffile.nsf", false);
// get the username
string username = sess.UserName;
// create the document to send
var doc = ndb.CreateDocument();
// set document properties
doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Memo");
doc.ReplaceItemValue("SentTo", to);
doc.ReplaceItemValue("Principal", "MAILBOXNAME");
doc.ReplaceItemValue("INetFrom", "MAILBOXNAME <mailboxname@domain.com>");
doc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", sub);
// remove the body and add it back as a rich text item
var rtitem = doc.CreateRichTextItem("Body");
// figure out how to include the attachments without magic string; Server.MapPath?
rtitem.EmbedObject(EMBED_TYPE.EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", @"path\to\attachments\" + atch[0].ToString(), atch[0].ToString());
// add the bod string to the rtitem
// now, replace the doc body field with the rtitem obj
doc.ReplaceItemValue("Body", rtitem);
// send and save
doc.SaveMessageOnSend = false;
doc.Send(false, to);
// clear atch for consecutive sends
就像我说的,如果我在本地机器上运行它,一切正常。从服务器,我立即单击“发送”按钮,该错误表示该页面无法找到要使用的数据库。 (这是真的。)
<script language="VBScript">
'on error goto 0: sendLNMail()
dim s
dim db
dim doc
dim rtitem
dim subj
dim bdy
dim recips(10)
'File System Object Decs
Dim Addy
Dim Cnt
dim fs
dim fName
dim path
sub sendLNMail()
On Error Resume Next
' ////////////////////////////////
'Get subject...if no subject, exit sub
'subj = inputbox("Please enter a subject for your mail memo.","Email Subject Text")
RepAdd = document.all("RepAdd").value
Whoto = document.all("Whoto").value
if Whoto = "" then
msgbox "You need a Name that this e-mail will be sent to"
exit sub
end if
AtAdd = document.all("AtAdd").value
if AtAdd = "" then
msgbox "You need an address that this e-mail should go to"
exit sub
end if
subj = document.all("Subj").value
if subj = "" then
msgbox "You need a subject"
exit sub
end if
'Get body text...if no body text, exit sub
'bdy = inputbox("Please enter text for your body mail memo.","Email Body Text")
bdy = document.all("bdy").value
if bdy = "" then
msgbox "You need body text"
exit sub
end if
set fs = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fs Is Nothing then
msgbox "Could Not Create FileSystemObject",16,"File System Object Error."
exit sub
end if
' ////////////////////////////////
set s = createobject("Notes.NotesSession")
if s Is Nothing then
msgbox "Could Not Create A Session Of Notes",16,"Notes Session Error."
exit sub
end if
'See if we can create the main object (session)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
msgbox "Could not create session 'Lotus Notes' from object"
exit sub
end if
set db = s.getdatabase(s.getenvironmentstring("MailServer",True),s.getenvironmentstring("Mailfile",true))
'See if we can a handle on the mail file'
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
msgbox "Could find or get a handle on the mail file"
exit sub
end if
set doc = db.createdocument
set rtitem = doc.createrichtextitem("BODY")
Addy = AtAdd
Cnt = 1
Do Until Addy = ""
If InStr(1, Addy, ",") <> 0 Then
recips(Cnt) = Left(Addy, (InStr(1, Addy, ",") - 1))
Addy = Replace(Addy, recips(Cnt), "")
Addy = Trim(Right(Addy, Len(Addy) - 1))
Cnt = Cnt + 1
recips(Cnt) = Addy
Addy = Replace(Addy, recips(Cnt), "")
End If
with doc
.form = "Memo"
.subject = subj
.sendto = AtAdd
' the Principal field overrides the FROM name:
' (creates problems for Gmail recipients - removing "@domain.com" seems to resolve)
'.Principal = "emailtouse@domain.com"
.Principal = "EMAILALIAS"
'.replyto = RepAdd
.replyto = "EMAILALIAS@domain.com"
'.blindcopyto = "emailaddress@domain.com"
'.copyto =
.body = bdy
.postdate = Date
.savemessageonsend = True
end with
doc.visible = true
doc.send false, recips
Call doc.Save(True, False)
'if we made it this far, alert the user
' the mail memo has been created and sent
msgbox "Your message has been created and sent." & chr(13) & "Thank you.",64,"Message Sent Notification."
end sub