我可以使用Firebase v3为customToken添加到期日期吗?

时间:2016-06-01 09:27:01

标签: node.js firebase firebase-authentication

我正在将node.js应用程序迁移到Firebase v3。

在v2中,我使用FirebaseTokenGenerator生成自定义令牌。它需要一个apiToken,这与Firebase v3在节点中的工作方式不一致,我看到firebase.auth服务现在有一个'createCustomToken'方法,所以我假设我现在应该使用它。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




一旦他们使用自定义令牌登录,Firebase就会交换ID   令牌很长并且会自动刷新。你不需要   在每个请求上创建一个新的自定义标记。您可以验证Firebase   Id令牌使用后端服务器库,只要它是   有效,您不必再次登录用户。




使用Firebase 3.0.4当前编号

从nodejs模块源代码看起来jwt expiresIn设置为1小时。这对于移动应用用户来说是不可接受的(只要他们登录他们的密钥应该没问题)。希望这是固定的,因为它阻止我们升级我们的sdk

FirebaseTokenGenerator.prototype.createCustomToken = function(uid, developerClaims) {
  if (typeof uid !== 'string' || uid === '') {
    throw new Error('First argument to createCustomToken() must be a non-empty string uid');
  } else if (uid.length > 128) {
    throw new Error('First argument to createCustomToken() must a uid with less than or equal to 128 characters');
  } else if (typeof developerClaims !== 'undefined' && (typeof developerClaims !== 'object' || developerClaims === null || developerClaims instanceof Array)) {
    throw new Error('Optional second argument to createCustomToken() must be an object containing the developer claims');

  var jwtPayload = {};

  if (typeof developerClaims !== 'undefined') {
    jwtPayload.claims = {};

    for (var key in developerClaims) {
      /* istanbul ignore else */
      if (developerClaims.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        if (BLACKLISTED_CLAIMS.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
          throw new Error('Developer claim "' + key + '" is reserved and cannot be specified');

        jwtPayload.claims[key] = developerClaims[key];
  jwtPayload.uid = uid;

  return jwt.sign(jwtPayload, this.serviceAccount.private_key, {
    audience: FIREBASE_AUDIENCE,
    expiresIn: ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS,
    issuer: this.serviceAccount.client_email,
    subject: this.serviceAccount.client_email,
    algorithm: ALGORITHM

由于此评论,更新以下内容将无效 “exp令牌到期的时间,以秒为单位。它可以比iat晚3600秒。” Firebase令牌最长有效期为1小时。


Use a JWT library

You can create a custom token suitable for authenticating with Firebase by using any JWT creation library. Create a JWT that includes the following claims and is signed using RS256.

JWT claims
iss Your project's service account email address
sub Your project's service account email address
aud https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/google.identity.identitytoolkit.v1.IdentityToolkit
iat The current time, in seconds
exp The time, in seconds, at which the token expires. It can be at a maximum 3600 seconds later than iat.
uid The unique identifier of the signed-in user (must be a string, between 1-36 characters long)
claims (optional)   Custom claims to include in the Security Rules auth variable.


var ALGORITHM = 'RS256';

// List of blacklisted claims which cannot be provided when creating a custom token
  'acr', 'amr', 'at_hash', 'aud', 'auth_time', 'azp', 'cnf', 'c_hash', 'exp', 'iat', 'iss', 'jti',
  'nbf', 'nonce'
var FIREBASE_AUDIENCE = 'https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/google.identity.identitytoolkit.v1.IdentityToolkit';

function generateFirebaseToken(serviceAccount, uid, expiresIn, developerClaims) {
  var jwtPayload = {};

  if (typeof developerClaims !== 'undefined') {
    jwtPayload.claims = {};

    for (var key in developerClaims) {
      if (developerClaims.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        if (BLACKLISTED_CLAIMS.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
          throw new Error('Developer claim "' + key + '" is reserved and cannot be specified');

        jwtPayload.claims[key] = developerClaims[key];
  jwtPayload.uid = uid;

  return jwt.sign(jwtPayload, serviceAccount.private_key, {
    audience: FIREBASE_AUDIENCE,
    expiresIn: expiresIn,
    issuer: serviceAccount.client_email,
    subject: serviceAccount.client_email,
    algorithm: ALGORITHM

参考:firebase docs