
时间:2016-05-17 04:26:42

标签: neo4j


(****阅读评论后更新****) 这是我的疑问:

explain LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:/.../userToken.csv" AS csvrow
MATCH (u:User)
where u.userID = toInt(csvrow.userID)
MATCH (u)-[:MADE]->(twt: Tweet)-[r: CONTAINS]->(tok: Token)
SET r.user_score = toFloat(csvrow.score)


The execution plan for this query contains the Eager operator, which forces all
 dependent data to be materialized in main memory before proceeding.

Using LOAD CSV with a large data set in a query where the execution plan contains 
the Eager operator could potentially consume a lot of memory and is likely to not 
perform well. See the Neo4j Manual entry on the Eager operator for more 
information and hints on how problems could be avoided.


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