
时间:2016-05-16 13:20:00

标签: vb.net currency

我有远程数据,我必须显示两个项目的总成本。 以下是我创建的示例,用于解决如何进行转换以添加这两项:

Dim test1 As String = "ZAR897.83"
Dim test2 As String = "ZAR900.83"
Dim t1 As Double = Val(test1)
Dim t2 As Double = Val(test2)
Dim TotalPrice As Decimal = 0.00
TotalPrice += CDec(t1)
TotalPrice += CDec(t2)



修改:此问题已在此处提出并且未得到答复:Convert currency to decimal in VB.NET


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Imports System

Public Class Program
    Private Shared Function GetCurrencyValue(input As String) As Double
        Dim s As String = ""
        For i As Integer = 0 To input.Length - 1
            If Char.IsNumber(input(i)) OrElse input(i) = "."C OrElse input(i) = "-"C Then
                s += input(i)
            End If
        Return Double.Parse(s)
    End Function

Public Shared Sub Main()
    Dim test1 As String = "ZAR897.83"
    Dim test2 As String = "ZAR900.83"

    Dim d1 As Double = GetCurrencyValue(test1)
    Dim d2 As Double = GetCurrencyValue(test2)

    Dim TotalPrice As Decimal = 0.00D

    TotalPrice += CDec(d1)
    TotalPrice += CDec(d2)

End Sub
End Class

答案 1 :(得分:0)


To Call this function use Dim ListOfPrices As String() = {"ZAR897.83", "ZAR900.83"} Dim ReturnedPrice = ReturnVal(ListOfPrices)

Function ReturnVal(ListOfPrices As String())
    Dim TotalPriceInStringFormat As String = "" 
    Dim myStringVal As String = ""
    Dim TotalPrice As Decimal = 0.0
    Dim MyBool As Boolean = False
    Dim count As Int16 = 0
    For Each priceInStrFormat As String In ListOfPrices
        TotalPriceInStringFormat = ""
        For Each c As Char In priceInStrFormat
            'If Char is Number or Period then append it
            If (Char.IsNumber(c) Or c = ".") Then
                TotalPriceInStringFormat += c
            ElseIf (Char.IsLetter(c) And MyBool = False) Then ' Extract ZAR from "ZAR897.83" string only once
                myStringVal += c
                count = count + 1
            End If
        If (count > 0) Then 'It already Extracted ZAR so assign MyBool to True
            MyBool = True
        End If
        TotalPrice += Convert.ToDecimal(TotalPriceInStringFormat.ToString())
    'If you want to return in this format ZAR900.83 Return TotalPriceWithString
    Dim TotalPriceWithString As String = myStringVal + TotalPrice.ToString
    'if you want return 900.83 then TotalPrice
    TotalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalPriceInStringFormat)

    Return TotalPrice
End Function