试图让网络扫描仪在raspberry pi 2(python)上工作

时间:2016-05-15 00:07:10

标签: python networking


import socket, ping
from struct import unpack, pack

my_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
print "My computer IP address:", my_ip
my_deets = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
print "My computer details:", my_deets

subnet_mask = ""

def ip2long(ip):
    Convert an IP string to long
    return unpack(">L", socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]

def long2ip(ip):
    Convert a long to IP string
    return socket.inet_ntoa(pack('!L', ip))

# Applying the subnet mask to IP
addr = ip2long(my_ip)
mask = ip2long("")
prefix = addr & mask

print "Base address for network", long2ip(prefix)

# Get the number of possible computers on our network
all_computers = ip2long("")
num_computers = all_computers ^ mask

# Go through each computer
for ip_suffix in range(num_computers):
    # Try to ping a computer on the network
    test_ip = long2ip(prefix + ip_suffix)
        print "[*] Checking to see if host is up..."
        timeout = ping.do_one(test_ip, 1)
        print timeout
        if timeout != None:
            print "[+] Host is there:", test_ip
        print "-"*100
    except socket.error, e:
        print "[-] Host not there:", test_ip

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



  • do_one提出第三个论点,psize不知道它是如何起作用的。
  • 您需要是root用户(例如管理员)。而你的脚本混淆了"失败"并且"托管下来"案例。当主机关闭时,该函数将返回None。发生错误时,表示无法发送ping。因此,"它显示从127.0.0.1到127.0.0.254的网络上的每个IP都已关闭" ,这意味着实际上没有数据包可以被发送。
  •是loopback interface。该网络上没有其他计算机。 socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())返回该地址的事实可能意味着您的网络设置不正确。在过去的某些时候,地址被硬链接到/etc/hosts文件中的localhost主机名,以便编写一些编写得很糟糕的程序(如当时的Gnome应用程序),谁会等待与主机名关联的IP在继续启动之前响应或超时,导致每次计算机未连接到任何网络时启动应用程序的延迟极长。这种解决方法不再是必要的IIRC。