
时间:2016-04-26 00:09:59

标签: arrays swift dictionary


Code with the error


'ImportList' Swift file



import Foundation
import UIKit
import Social

class businessQuote: UIViewController {

//********** Outlets *********//

let utility = Utility()
@IBOutlet weak var quoteDisplay: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var authorDisplay: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var quoteBackground: UIImageView! //GET BACK TO THIS

//********** General *********//

let date = NSDate()
var Author: String = ""
var Quote: String = ""

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Checks if time is greater then 3pm to change background
    let currentTime = utility.currentTime()
    if (currentTime >= 15 ) {
        quoteBackground.image = UIImage(named: "quote_background.png")
    } else {
        quoteBackground.image = UIImage(named:"morning_quote_background.png")

//********* New Quote ********//

   override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    // Generates Random Number
    func randomNumber(arrayLength: Int) -> Int {
        let unsignedArrayCount = UInt32(arrayLength)
        let unsignedRandomNumber = arc4random_uniform(unsignedArrayCount)
        let randomNumber = Int(unsignedRandomNumber)

        return randomNumber

    // Importing Quotes plist File
    let businessQuotes = ImportList(FileName: "BusinessList")

    // Selects Quote
    let chosenQuote: String = businessQuote.array[randomNumber(businessQuote
        .count())] as! String
    let chosenAuthor = businessQuote.dict[chosenQuote]! as String

    // Assigns Quote & Author to IBOutlet
    Author = chosenAuthor
    Quote = chosenQuote

    quoteDisplay.text = Quote
    authorDisplay.text = Author.uppercaseString




import Foundation

struct ImportList {
let path: String

init(FileName: String) {
    self.path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("\(FileName)", ofType: "plist")!

var dict: Dictionary<String, String> {
    return NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path)! as! Dictionary

var array: Array<AnyObject> {
    return [String](arrayLiteral: String(dict.keys) { $0 as AnyObject as! String })

func count() -> Int {
    return array.count


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您已将变量 businessQuotes 声明为:

// Importing Quotes plist File
let businessQuotes = ImportList(FileName: "BusinessList")

但是,使用 businessQuote 代替您,看到您缺少&#34; s&#34;在末尾。拼写错误。以下行应该是:

// Selects Quote
let chosenQuote: String = businessQuotes.array[randomNumber(businessQuotes
    .count())] as! String
let chosenAuthor = businessQuotes.dict[chosenQuote]! as String