
时间:2016-02-29 21:20:00

标签: excel vba excel-vba









 Option Explicit

 Public Function SolvedEquation() As Long

 Dim FormulaCell As Range
 Dim Equation As String
 Dim VariableRange As Range
 Dim VariableCell As Range
 Dim VariablesLength As Integer
 Dim Variable As String
 Dim VariableValue As Double

 'define FormulaCell as the last nonblank up from the cell the function is called in from a contiguous range(no spaces)
 FormulaCell = Application.ThisCell.End(xlUp).Select

 'define the VariableRange as one up from the cell the function is called to second last cell non blank cell located upward in a contiguous selection (no spaces)
 VariableRange = Range(Cells(Application.ThisCell.Row - 1, Application.ThisCell.Column), Cells(FormulaCell.Row + 1, FormulaCell.Column))

 Equation = FormulaCell.Value

 For Each VariableCell In VariableRange.Cells

     VariablesLength = Len(VariableCell.Value)-1
     Variable = Left(VariableCell.Value, VariablesLength)
     VariableValue = Cells(VariableCell.Row, VariableCell.Column + 1).Value
     Equation = Replace(FormulaCell.Value, Variable, VariableValue)

 Next VariableCell

 SolvedEquation = Evaluate(Equation)

 End Function



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Public Function SolvedEquation() As Variant '~~> allow for Error result
    Dim FormulaCell As Range
    Dim Equation As String
    Dim VariableRange As Range
    Dim VariableCell As Range
    Dim VariablesLength As Integer
    Dim Variable As String
    Dim VariableValue As Double

    'define FormulaCell as the last nonblank up from the cell the function is called in from a contiguous range(no spaces)
    '~~> You must use Set and not use .Select
    '~~> but this wont give you what you want if the cell above ThisCell is blank
    'Set FormulaCell = Application.ThisCell.End(xlUp)
    '~~> use this instead
    If Application.ThisCell.Row <= 2 Then
        ' Function is in row 1 or 2.  What now?
        SolvedEquation = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
        If IsEmpty(Application.ThisCell.Offset(-1, 0)) Then
            Set FormulaCell = Application.ThisCell
            Set FormulaCell = Application.ThisCell.End(xlUp)
        End If
    End If

    'define the VariableRange as one up from the cell the function is called to second last cell non blank cell located upward in a contiguous selection (no spaces)
    '~~> use Set
    '~~> define worksheet
    '~~> simplify
    'VariableRange = Range(Cells(Application.ThisCell.Row - 1, Application.ThisCell.Column), Cells(FormulaCell.Row + 1, FormulaCell.Column))
    With Application.ThisCell
        Set VariableRange = Range(.Offset(-1, 0), FormulaCell.Offset(1, 0))
    End With
    Equation = FormulaCell.Value

    For Each VariableCell In VariableRange.Cells
        VariablesLength = Len(VariableCell.Value) '- 1
        Variable = Left$(VariableCell.Value, VariablesLength) '~~> string version of Left is faster
        VariableValue = VariableCell.Offset(0, 1).Value '~~> simplify
        Equation = Replace$(Equation, Variable, VariableValue) '~~> string version of Replace is faster, continue to work on Equation
    Next VariableCell

    SolvedEquation = Evaluate(Equation)

 End Function


Public Function SolvedEquation2(rng As Range) As Variant
    Dim dat As Variant
    Dim Equation As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    ' copy range data to an array
    dat = rng.Value

    ' Verify size of range
    If UBound(dat, 1) < 2 Or UBound(dat, 2) < 2 Then
        SolvedEquation2 = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Solve equation
    Equation = dat(1, 1)
    For i = 2 To UBound(dat, 1)
        Equation = Replace$(Equation, dat(i, 1), dat(i, 2))
    ' Use Worksheet version of Evaluate
    SolvedEquation2 = rng.Worksheet.Evaluate(Equation)
 End Function

注意:我不明白为什么你需要像你一样操纵变量,所以我把它留了出来。如果需要 ,请使用一些示例数据和预期的公式字符串更新您的Q,我将更新A


注意:最好使用Evaluate的Worksheet版本。 See this link from Charles Williams' website for reason why