向下转发返回的临时对象C ++

时间:2016-01-04 22:38:26

标签: c++ inheritance


class Abstract {
public : 
    virtual void print() = 0;

class Derived : public Abstract {
public :
    Derived() : Abstract() {};
    void print() {std::cout << "This is Derived" << std::endl;}
    Derived view() {
        ... returns a temporary instance of the class Derived based
        ... on `this`


class Derived1 : public Abstract {
public :
    Derived1() : Abstract() {};
    void print() {std::cout << "This is Derived1" << std::endl;}
    Derived1 view() {
        ... returns a temporary instance of the class Derived1 based
        ... on `this`


Abstract func_view(Abstract &a) {
    ... if a is an instance of class Derived 
    ... then : cast it to Derived and return a.view() which is
    ... an instance of Derived

    ... if a is an instance of class Derived1 
    ... then : cast it to Derived1 and return a.view() which is
    ... an instance of Derived1


   void g(Abstract &b) {
       Abstract &&a = func_view(b);
       a.print(); // Here it core dumps saying that `print` is purely virtual.

   int main (...) {
       Derived d;


 Derived func_view(Abstract &b) {



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在这一点上,人们经常会意识到,一旦类层次结构达到一定的复杂性,就需要使用引用计数对象的范式转换,更好地称为std::shared_ptr。而不是来回地抛出类实例,有必要开始抛弃对引用计数对象的引用,并且一旦对实例的最后引用超出范围,依赖于底层引用计数框架来销毁对象。 / p>


答案 1 :(得分:0)


通过将{new}放入由View持有的缓冲区中,可以实现这种“一刀切”。 Placement new会动态创建某种类型的对象,但是在调用者提供的存储中。这里的存储是本地buf实例中的char数组View。唯一的要求是buf必须足够大以容纳最大的Shape。





#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Shape;

/// A class which can hold an instance of a class which derives from Shape.
/// It performs a placement new copy construction (i.e. the shape implementation
/// must be copy constructible).
class View
    // The size of the buffer to construct shape implementations in.
    // It must be at least the size of the largest shape implementation.
    // Beware of polygons with more than a few dozen edges.
    enum { SHAPE_BUFSIZE = 1000 }; // or whatever
    /// Place a copy of the argument in buf and return
    /// a Shape* to it. Making this a template allows us to pull
    /// this code from the implementing shape classes (where it
    /// would be repeated for each shape) and centralize it here,
    /// without losing the necessary concrete type information
    /// for construction and size.
    template <typename DerivedFromShape>
    Shape *getViewShape(const DerivedFromShape &der)
        // basic sanity check
        static_assert(SHAPE_BUFSIZE >= sizeof(DerivedFromShape), 
                        "buf too small");

        // The interesting placement new to create a copy of the
        // argument. The DerivedFromShape
        // (i.e. here: Point or Point3D) is created in buf, without
        // touching the heap or doing any other allocation. Cheap.

        // If this assignment does not compile, DerivedFromShape
        // does not derive from Shape.
        thisShape = new(buf) DerivedFromShape(der);

        return thisShape; // base class pointer

    // Still provide default ctor.
    View() = default;

    // But no copy ctor (the default would be wrong or UB
    // (can we effectively memcpy all shapes?) 
    // and we cannot easily copy the shape instance we 
    // hold without complete type information,
    // which we cannot easily have here)
    View(View &rhs) = delete; 

    // For manual manipulation if necessary
    void setShapeAddr(Shape *shapeAddr) { thisShape = shapeAddr; }
    Shape &shape() { return *thisShape; }

    // need to deal with alignment? skipped for now
    char buf[SHAPE_BUFSIZE];

    // This will hold the return value of new. 
    // (Not sure whether this is always guaranteed to be exactly buf.)
    Shape *thisShape = 0;

/// The base class for Points, 3D points etc.
class Shape
    virtual Shape *produceViewShape(View &v) = 0;

    // Actual Shape API
    virtual ostream &print(ostream &) = 0;
    virtual void moveTo(float x, float y) = 0;
    // ... etc

// The simplest concrete shape.
class Point: public Shape
    float x, y;


    Point(): x(0), y(0) {}

    Shape *produceViewShape(View &v)
        // calls correct template instantiation with Point
        return v.getViewShape(*this);

    // Shape API implementation
    ostream &print(ostream &os) { return os << "Point(" << x << ", " << y << ")"; }
    void moveTo(float xArg, float yArg) { x = xArg; y = yArg; }
    // etc.

/// Another simple shape, deriving from a 2D Point.
class Point3D: public Point
    float z;


    Point3D(): z(0) {}

    Shape *produceViewShape(View &v)
        // calls correct template instantiation with Point3D
        return v.getViewShape(*this);

    // Shape API implementation
    ostream &print(ostream &os) { return os << "Point3D(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ")"; }
    void moveTo(float xArg, float yArg) { x = xArg; y = yArg; }
    // etc.


/// show generic use of shape to generate a view
void moveShapeView(Shape &sh, float x, float y)
    // on the stack
    View v;

    // A pointer to a "view" / a copy  of the original sh.
    // sh refers to an instance of some implementing derived class.
    // The "view shape" copy has the same type and has 
    // been created by placement new. 
    // Its lifetime is that of the view object.
    Shape *vsp = sh.produceViewShape(v);

    // Manipulate this "view" and make it print itself
    // so that we can check the actual type and that it
    // is indeed a copy.
    vsp->moveTo(x, y);
    vsp->print(cout << "Moved shape view: ") << endl;

    // view life ends here.


/// Helper function to initialize a vector of generic shape pointers
static vector<unique_ptr<Shape>> produceShapeVec()
    vector<unique_ptr<Shape>> shapes;


    return shapes;

/// A simple test: Does it compile, link and not crash?
/// Are view shapes actual copies?
int main()
    // A vector of unique pointers to generic shapes.
    // we don't know what actual types the pointed-to objects have.
    auto shapes = produceShapeVec();

    // Data to initialize some object state.
    float x = 2, y = 3;

    // Note: all access through Shape. If main was in a 
    // different TU it wouldn't need to know about Points etc.
    for(auto &sh: shapes)
        moveShapeView(*sh, x++, y++); 
        sh->print(cout << "But the original shape is still: ") << endl; 

    return 0;