
时间:2015-11-03 06:01:36

标签: c# hdf5



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在hdf5中,您可以将数据集附加到现有数据集。使用Hdf.Pinvoke库的低级方法实现它需要做很多工作。我创建了一个库,在这些方法周围添加了一个层,以便更容易地读取和写入hdf5文件。 HDF5DotNetTools。它仍然是早期版本,但您可以将数据附加到文件。 有一个示例将数据附加到自述文件中的现有数据以及项目的单元测试中。


int fileId = Hdf5.CreateFile(filename);    
// Create a dataset and append two more datasets to it. 
// The dsets list are three 10 by 5 matrices
using (var chunkedDset = new ChunkedDataset<double>("/test", fileId, dsets.First()))
  foreach (var ds in dsets.Skip(1))

答案 1 :(得分:0)



using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using AS.HDFql;

// declare structures
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
struct Data
    public int timestamp;
    public float reading;

public class Example
    public static void Main(string []args)
        // declare variables
        Data values;
        int number;

        // create an HDF5 file named 'data.h5'
        HDFql.Execute("CREATE FILE data.h5");

        // use (i.e. open) HDF5 file 'data.h5'
        HDFql.Execute("USE FILE data.h5");

        // create a dataset named 'dset' of data type compound composed of two members named 'timestamp' (of data type int containing a UNIX Epoch Time)
        // and 'reading' (of data type float containing an acquired value). The dataset starts with 0 rows and can grow (i.e. be extended) in an unlimited fashion
        HDFql.Execute("CREATE DATASET dset AS COMPOUND(timestamp AS INT, reading AS FLOAT)(0 TO UNLIMITED)");

        // register variable 'values' for subsequent use (by HDFql)
        number = HDFql.VariableRegister(values);

        // call hypothetical function 'acquire' that populates variable 'values' with a timestamp and an acquired value
            // alter (i.e. change) dimension of dataset 'dset' to +1 (i.e. add a new row at the end of 'dset')
            HDFql.Execute("ALTER DIMENSION dset TO +1");

            // insert (i.e. write) data from variable 'values' into the last row of dataset 'dset' (thanks to a point selection)
            HDFql.Execute("INSERT INTO dset(-1) VALUES FROM MEMORY " + number);

请检查HDFql reference manual,以获取有关如何使用此库处理可扩展数据集的更多信息。