VB 2008和MySQL中的日期格式

时间:2015-10-18 03:01:36

标签: mysql vb.net date formatting

我对vb 2008和MySQL服务器中的日期格式有一些问题。 我想要一个文本框输入接受这种格式的日期dd-mm-yyyy和dd / mm / yyyy然后将其转换为mysql日期格式yyyy-mm-dd。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

用户倾向于以各种格式输入日期,例如dd-MM-yyyy,dd / M / yyyy,d.MM.yyyy等。虽然我们可以使用验证器来限制它们,正则表达式等。但不使用任何正则表达式,验证器和插件,我们可以使用以下方法验证和转换以下列格式作为字符串传递的日期:


年份可以是yyyyyy(2015年5月15日)和 分隔符可以是[space]/.-

dd-MM-YYYYdd/MM/YYYYdd.MM.YYYYdd MM yyyyd-M-YYd/M/YYd.M.YYd M yy,{{ 1}},d-MM-YYYYdd/M/YYYY等。




Public Function DMYtoYMD(stDate As String) As String
    Dim blValidDate As Boolean = True
    While stDate.Contains("  ")
        stDate = stDate.Replace("  ", " ")
    End While
    stDate = stDate.Trim.Replace(" ", "-").Replace("/", "-").Replace(".", "-")
    Dim stFinalDate As String = ""
    If stDate.Length > 0 Then
        Dim mc As String() = stDate.Split(CChar("-"))
        Dim inDay As Integer = CInt(mc(0))
        Dim inMonth As Integer = 0
        If IsNumeric(mc(1)) Then
            inMonth = CInt(mc(1))
            For inMonthNo As Integer = 1 To 13
                If inMonthNo = 13 Then
                    inMonth = 0
                    blValidDate = False
                    Return ""
                ElseIf MonthName(inMonthNo, True).ToLower = mc(1).ToLower.Substring(0, 3) Then
                    inMonth = inMonthNo
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If
        Dim inYear As Integer = Math.Abs(CInt(mc(2)))
        stFinalDate = ""
        If inYear < 100 Then
            'use above condition to convert 0 (i.e. 2000) to current year to 20xx and all others to 19xx
            'If inYear >= (CInt(Format(Today, "yy")) + 1) Then

            'use this condition to convert all yy year above 70 to 19xx and all others to 20xx
            If inYear > 70 Then
                inYear += 1900
                inYear += 2000
            End If

        'ignoring year from 101 to 999 (as per my specific requirement for the project). valid dates are to be from 1900 or above
        ElseIf inYear < 1900 Then '101 to 999
            stFinalDate = ""
            blValidDate = False
        End If
        If (inMonth < 1 OrElse inMonth > 12) Then
            stFinalDate = ""
            blValidDate = False
        ElseIf (inDay < 1 OrElse inDay > 31) Then
            stFinalDate = ""
            blValidDate = False
        ElseIf ((inMonth = 4 OrElse inMonth = 6 OrElse inMonth = 9 OrElse inMonth = 11) AndAlso inDay = 31) Then
            stFinalDate = ""
            blValidDate = False
        ElseIf (inMonth = 2) Then
            Dim isleap As Boolean = (inYear Mod 4 = 0 AndAlso (inYear Mod 100 <> 0 OrElse inYear Mod 400 = 0))
            If (inDay > 29 OrElse (inDay = 29 AndAlso Not isleap)) Then
                stFinalDate = ""
                blValidDate = False
            End If
        End If
        If blValidDate Then
            stFinalDate = CStr(New Date(inYear, inMonth, inDay))
            If Not IsDate(stFinalDate) Then
                stFinalDate = ""
                stFinalDate = Format(New Date(inYear, inMonth, inDay), "yyyy-MM-dd")
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Return stFinalDate
End Function

如果输入日期无效,则此函数返回零长度字符串。它可以进一步修改为包含Dim dtDate As String = "" dtDate = DMYtoYMD(TextBox1.Text) 'or as Class1.DMYtoYDM as per your code structure MMM格式,以转换为MMMM,并根据您的要求检查MM或其他输入格式。