
时间:2015-09-05 02:08:37

标签: vb.net visual-studio visual-studio-2010

我对visual basic相当新,我想开始学习如何使用构造函数并使用自己的hitbox声明矩形形状。我遇到的问题是当控制球的人在触摸盒子底部时同时点击向上箭头和向左/向右箭头时,它会左右移动,但是当我使用时左箭头和向下箭头,同时触摸盒子的右侧,它不会下降(它确实上升)。我也在使用 Visual Studio 2010。



Public Class Box
Inherits Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape
Sub position(ByVal xPos As Double, ByVal yPos As Double)
    Left = xPos
    Top = yPos
End Sub

Sub dimension(ByVal h As Double, ByVal w As Double)
    Height = h
    Width = w
End Sub
Sub hitbox()
    If (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y + Form1.Ball1.Height > Top) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y < Bottom) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X + Form1.Ball1.Width > Left) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X < Right) And (Form1.globalVariables.velocityW = True) Then
        Form1.Ball1.Location = New Point(Form1.Ball1.Location.X, Form1.Ball1.Location.Y + Form1.globalVariables.posInc)
    End If

    If (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y + Form1.Ball1.Height > Top) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y < Bottom) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X + Form1.Ball1.Width > Left) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X < Right) And (Form1.globalVariables.velocityA = True) Then
        Form1.Ball1.Location = New Point(Form1.Ball1.Location.X + Form1.globalVariables.posInc, Form1.Ball1.Location.Y)
    End If

    If (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y + Form1.Ball1.Height > Top) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y < Bottom) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X + Form1.Ball1.Width > Left) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X < Right) And (Form1.globalVariables.velocityS = True) Then
        Form1.Ball1.Location = New Point(Form1.Ball1.Location.X, Form1.Ball1.Location.Y - Form1.globalVariables.posInc)
    End If

    If (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y + Form1.Ball1.Height > Top) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.Y < Bottom) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X + Form1.Ball1.Width > Left) And (Form1.Ball1.Location.X < Right) And (Form1.globalVariables.velocityD = True) Then
        Form1.Ball1.Location = New Point(Form1.Ball1.Location.X - Form1.globalVariables.posInc, Form1.Ball1.Location.Y)
    End If
End Sub
End Class


Imports Constructor.Box
Public Class Form1
Dim box1 As New Box
Dim box2 As New Box
Public Class globalVariables
    Public Shared velocityW As Boolean = False
    Public Shared velocityA As Boolean = False
    Public Shared velocityS As Boolean = False
    Public Shared velocityD As Boolean = False
    Public Shared posInc As Double = 5
End Class
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub

Public Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim canvas As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer
    canvas.Parent = Me
    Ball1.Location = New Point(300, 300)

    box1.dimension(300, 50)
    box1.position(100, 100)
    box1.Parent = canvas

    box2.dimension(50, 300)
    box2.position(100, 50)
    box2.Parent = canvas
End Sub
Private Sub frmMain_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown

    If e.KeyData = Keys.D Then
        globalVariables.velocityD = True
    End If

    If e.KeyData = Keys.A Then
        globalVariables.velocityA = True
    End If

    If e.KeyData = Keys.W Then
        globalVariables.velocityW = True
    End If

    If e.KeyData = Keys.S Then
        globalVariables.velocityS = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmMain_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyUp

    If e.KeyData = Keys.D Then
        globalVariables.velocityD = False
    End If

    If e.KeyData = Keys.A Then
        globalVariables.velocityA = False
    End If

    If e.KeyData = Keys.W Then
        globalVariables.velocityW = False
    End If

    If e.KeyData = Keys.S Then
        globalVariables.velocityS = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub tmrAll_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrAll.Tick

    If globalVariables.velocityW = True Then
        Ball1.Top -= globalVariables.posInc
    End If
    If globalVariables.velocityA = True Then
        Ball1.Left -= globalVariables.posInc
    End If
    If globalVariables.velocityS = True Then
        Ball1.Top += globalVariables.posInc
    End If
    If globalVariables.velocityD = True Then
        Ball1.Left += globalVariables.posInc
    End If



    If Ball1.Location.X + Ball1.Width + Ball1.Width / 4.1 > Me.Width Then
        Ball1.Location = New Point(Ball1.Location.X - globalVariables.posInc, Ball1.Location.Y)
    End If

    If Ball1.Location.X < 0 Then
        Ball1.Location = New Point(Ball1.Location.X + globalVariables.posInc, Ball1.Location.Y)
    End If

    If Ball1.Location.Y + Ball1.Width + Ball1.Width / 1.3 > Me.Height Then
        Ball1.Location = New Point(Ball1.Location.X, Ball1.Location.Y - globalVariables.posInc)
    End If

    If Ball1.Location.Y < 0 Then
        Ball1.Location = New Point(Ball1.Location.X, Ball1.Location.Y + globalVariables.posInc)
    End If
End Sub
End Class


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