
时间:2015-08-03 16:08:07

标签: excel vba

我是Excel VBA的初学者 我的问题是,如果我在"MyNameIsHammadAndImFromIreland"这样的单元格中有字符串。 所有单元格都有字符串/句子,但没有空格。 如何查找单元格是否包含单词"Ireland"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


=IF(LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"Ireland",""))<LEN(A1),"Word Found","Word NOT found")  


hasWord = InStr(Range("A1").Value, "Ireland") > 0 '// returns TRUE or FALSE

答案 1 :(得分:1)


此功能相当于使用“查找全部”选项,您可以在按 CTRL + F 使用常规查找功能时选择。

Option Explicit

Private Sub Find()

        Dim rngResult As Range
        Dim strToFind As String

        'Set to your desired string to find
        strToFind = "Ireland"

        'If the string you are searching for is located in
        'the worksheet somewhere, you can set the value
        'like this:  strToFind = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
        'This assumes your search term is in cell A1 of the
        'Sheet1 worksheet.

        'Look in the used range of a given worksheet
        'Change Sheet1 to match your worksheet name
        With Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange

                'Find the first cell that contains the search term
                Set rngResult = .Find(What:=strToFind, LookAt:=xlPart)

                'If it is found, grab the cell address of where the
                'search term can be found
                If Not rngResult Is Nothing Then
                        Dim firstAddress As String, result As String
                        firstAddress = rngResult.Address

                'Loop through the rest of the cells until returning
                'to the first cell that we had a match in.
                        'Record the cell address of the match
                        'to the result string
                        result = result & rngResult.Address & ","

                        'Go to next cell containing the search term
                        Set rngResult = .FindNext(rngResult)

                'Exit the loop when we reach the starting point
                Loop While rngResult.Address <> firstAddress

                'Output the list of cells that contain the string to find
                MsgBox "Found """ & strToFind & """ in cell(s): " & result

                End If
        End With

End Sub
