1. how is it compiled ?
2. What does CoreClr do?
3. how is CoreClr different from Clr
4. What happens when we do dnu restore
5. what happens when we do dnx . exe
6. At what stage is the CIL generated , where is the CIL stored
7. At what stage the JIT is used?
Sub CreateButton(ButtonName As String, Rng As Range, Macro As String)
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(Rng.Left, Rng.Top, Rng.Width, Rng.Height).Select
With Selection
.Characters.Text = ButtonName
.OnAction = Macro
.Name = ButtonName & Rng
End With
End Sub
Sub LetsCreateAButton()
CreateButton("Example", Range("A1"), "RunMacro")
End Sub