var choice; //counts how many choices have been made
choice = 0;
var choice1; //stores index of first card picked
var choice2; //stores index of second card picked
var choice3; //stores index of third card picked
var choice4; //stores index of fourth card picked
var counter = 0; //counts matches made
var numAttempts = 0; //counts attempts made
var backcard ="img/nyaa.png"; //shows back of card when turned over
var numOfMatches= 3;
var faces = []; //array to store card images
faces[0] = 'img/bub.jpg';
faces[1] = 'img/bub.jpg';
faces[2] = 'img/mustache.jpg';
faces[3] = 'img/mustache.jpg';
faces[4] = 'img/bub.jpg';
faces[5] = 'img/bub.jpg';
faces[6] = 'img/hover.jpg';
faces[7] = 'img/hover.jpg';
faces[8] = 'img/hover.jpg';
faces[9] = 'img/hover.jpg';
faces[10] = 'img/mustache.jpg';
faces[11] = 'img/mustache.jpg';
// Responds to click on a table cell indicating card selected
function choose(card) {
if (choice === 0) { // if first pick, identify card selected
choice1 = card;
document.images[card].src = faces[card];
choice = 1; //one pick made
// console.log(choice1);
if (choice === 1) { // second pick, identify card selected
choice2 = card;
document.images[card].src = faces[card];
choice = 2;
// console.log(choice2);
return choice2;
if (choice === 2) { // third pick, identify card selected
choice3 = card;
document.images[card].src = faces[card];
choice = 3;
// console.log(choice3);
return choice3;
} else
choice = 4; { //fourth pick, identify card selected
choice4 = card;
document.images[card].src = faces[card];
choice = 4;
// console.log(choice4);
tid = setInterval("checker()",1000); //use timer to pause so user can see selections
return choice4;
// Checks to see if a match is made
function checker() {
clearInterval(tid); //stops timer
numAttempts++; //adds 1 to attempts
document.getElementById("attempts").innerHTML = numAttempts; //display number of attempts
if (faces[choice1] === faces[choice2] === faces[choice3] === faces[choice4]) { //if a match is selected
counter++; //adds an increment to matches
if (counter === numOfMatches) { //if matches made = maximum possible matches, display message
alert("You won.\n It took you " + numAttempts + " tries.\n Refresh the page or press restart to play again.");
choice = 0;
return ;
} else { //if no match made, turn cards back over
document.images[choice1].src = backcard;
document.images[choice2].src = backcard;
document.images[choice3].src = backcard;
document.images[choice4].src = backcard;
choice = 0;
faces = shuffle(faces);
function shuffle(dealer){
function shuffle() {}
for(var j, x, i = dealer.length; i; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i), x = dealer[--i], dealer[i] = dealer[j], dealer[j] = x);
return dealer;
function reset(){
location.reload(); //restarts page and game