
时间:2015-03-30 12:26:29

标签: excel excel-vba vba



       Error                            Analysis
Enter a valid material number       Invalid Material 


  1. 输入有效的材料编号;材料编号1234没有 存在。
  2. 采购订单编号XYZ不存在。
  3. VIN编号123不存在。
  4. 原产国AB不存在。
  5. 我在下一张表中有这样的错误和分析的汇编,我正在使用VLOOKUP与FIND一起查找已知错误的分析。

    =VLOOKUP(LEFT(F2, FIND(" ", F2, FIND(" ", F2) + 1) - 1)&"*", 'Sheet2'!A:B, 2, 0)


    在另一张表中,它会像Vlookup“PO number *”,并获得它的分析。星号是因为我每天都得不到相同的号码。而且我也知道提取的错误的前两个单词将是唯一的。 (我知道“输入一个”作为前两个单词的错误不会再出现。)




    Sub PopulateAnalysis()
    Dim an_row As Long
    Dim an_clm As Long
    Dim lft As String
    Dim st_num As Integer
    Dim fin As String
    Dim searchStr As String
    Dim soughtStr As String
    Table1 = Sheet1.Range("F2:F6") 'ErrorColumn from Error table (How do I make the range dynamic??)
    Table2 = Sheet5.Range("A1:B6")
    an_row = Sheet1.Range("G2").Row ' Populate this column from the analysis table on sheet2
    an_clm = Sheet1.Range("G2").Column
    For Each cl In Table1
       'How do I translate the above formula into VBA statements??
      st_num = InStr(InStr(cl, " ") + 1, cl, " ")
      lft = left(cl, st_num - 1)
      fin = lft & "*"
      Sheet1.Cells(an_row, an_clm) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(fin, Table2, 2, True)
      an_row = an_row + 1
    Next cl
    MsgBox "Done"
    End Sub         

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub PopulateAnalysis()

    Dim rngTableWithErrors As Range
    Dim rngTableWithAnalysis As Range

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    'set the range for Table with error, Table1 on sheet 1
    With Sheets(1) 'change to name of the sheet, more reliable than index num.
        Set rngTableWithErrors = .Range("F2:F" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row)
        Debug.Print rngTableWithErrors.Address
    End With

    'set the range for Table with Analysis, Table 2 on sheet 2
    With Sheets(2) 'change to name of the sheet, more reliable than index num.
        Set rngTableWithAnalysis = .Range("A1:B" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row)
        Debug.Print rngTableWithAnalysis.Address
    End With

    'formula for cell G2
    '=VLOOKUP(LEFT(F2;FIND(" ";F2;FIND(" ";F2)+1)- 1)&"*";Sheet2!A1:B23;2; 0)
    rngTableWithErrors.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = _
    "=VLOOKUP(LEFT(R[0]C[-1],FIND("" "",R[0]C[-1],FIND("" "",R[0]C[-1])+1)-1)& ""*"",Sheet2!R1C1:R" & rngTableWithAnalysis.Rows.Count & "C2,2, 0)"

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    MsgBox "Done"

End Sub


您可以注意到,我们手动设置范围的左上角单元格。以某种方式找到左上角的单元格(使用Find method是我最喜欢的)并从那里开始工作是一种更好的做法。你永远不知道,用户将如何更改工作表 - 即添加新的行,列等。