PHP时间表问题 - 循环问题

时间:2015-03-26 16:05:34

标签: php html






我目前有一个可以填写表格的while循环,但不能填入表格 正确的插槽(td)。


$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'root';
$pass = '******';
$db = 'test';
$error = 'Error Connecting to database';
$error1 = 'Error Selecting to database';   
$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die($error);
$select_db = mysql_select_db($db) or die($error1);


<table border="1px">
<div class="differentLine">
<th >&nbsp;</th>
<th > 9:15 - 10:15 </th>
<th > 10:15 - 11:15 </th>
<th > 11:15 - 12:15 </th>
<th > 12:15 - 13:15 </th>
<th > 13:15 - 14:15 </th>
<th > 14:15 - 15:15 </th>
<th > 15:15 - 16:15 </th>
<th > 16:15 - 17:15 </th>
<th > 17:15 - 18:15 </th>
</tr >

<th >Monday </th>   

$sqlip = "Select * From Modules";
$query = mysql_query($sqlip) or die("Error");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
    $name = $row['Name'];
    $day = $row['Day'];
    $start_time = $row['Start_Time'];
    $End_Time = $row['End_Time'];

    if($start_time == "9:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "10:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "11:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "12:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "13:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "14:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "15:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "16:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "17:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

echo "</tr>";



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



<th >Monday </th>   





<tr><th><?=$order?>,</th> <th><?=$sports?>,</th><th><?=$timing?></th><th><?=$day?></th></tr>

您还应该使用switch and case语句而不是if statements来占用更少的代码。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


首先,创建数组和时间 -

//an array of all your start/end times
$times = array(
    array('start'=>'9:15', 'end'=>'10:15'),
    array('start'=>'10:15', 'end'=>'11:15'),
    array('start'=>'11:15', 'end'=>'12:15'),
    array('start'=>'12:15', 'end'=>'13:15'),
    array('start'=>'13:15', 'end'=>'14:15'),
    array('start'=>'14:15', 'end'=>'15:15'),
    array('start'=>'15:15', 'end'=>'16:15'),
    array('start'=>'16:15', 'end'=>'17:15'),
    array('start'=>'17:15', 'end'=>'18:15')

现在您可以使用循环构建标头 -

<table border="1px">
    <tr class="differentLine">
        <th >&nbsp;</th>

    <?php foreach($times as $time){
        echo '<th > '.$time['start'].' - '.$time['end'].' </th>';
    } ?>

    </tr >

其次,创建一个日期数组 -

//use the short version (Mon, Tue, etc) as keys, as that is what you show in your data
//and use the long version for displaying
$days = array('Mon'=>'Monday', 'Tue'=>'Tuesday', 'Wed'=>'Wednesday', 'Thu'=>'Thursday', 'Fri'=>'Friday');

现在您可以使用循环构建行 -

<?php foreach($days as $short=>$long){ ?>
        <th > <?php echo $long; ?> </th>
<?php } ?>

第三,创建数据库数据数组 -

// order your database data by the Day and Start_Time
$sqlip = "Select * From Modules ORDER BY Day, Start_Time";
$query = mysql_query($sqlip) or die("Error");

// create an array to hold your data
$events = array();

// loop through your database rows and add to the array
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

    //add the row to the array, using the Day as a key and the Start_time as a key
    $events[$row['Day']][$row['Start_Time']] = $row;

现在你有一个看起来像 -

$events = array(
    'Mon'=> array(
        '9:15' => array('id'=>0, 'name'=>'Basketball', 'startTime'=>'9:15', 'endTime'=>'10:15', 'Day'=>'Mon'),
        '10:15' => array('id'=>1, 'name'=>'Tennis', 'startTime'=>'10:15', 'endTime'=>'11:15', 'Day'=>'Mon')
    'Tue'=> array(
        '11:15' => array('id'=>2, 'name'=>'Cricket', 'startTime'=>'11:15', 'endTime'=>'12:15', 'Day'=>'Wed')

第四,现在在你的日常行循环中,遍历每个时间数组,并检查是否存在事件数组 -

<?php foreach($days as $short=>$long){ ?>
        <th > <?php echo $long; ?> </th>

        // check if there are any events for this day
            //since there are events for this day, loop through all the times
            foreach($times as $k=>$time){
                //check if there is an event at this time
                    //echo the event
                    echo '<td>'.$events[$short][$time['start']]['name'].'</td>';
                else {
                    //since no event, echo blank cell
                    echo '<td></td>';
        else {
            // since no events for the day, create blank cells for each time
                echo '<td></td>';
    } ?>
<?php } ?>

现在当你把它们放在一起时,它看起来像 -

//your database connection

//an array of all your start/end times
$times = array(
    array('start'=>'9:15', 'end'=>'10:15'),
    array('start'=>'10:15', 'end'=>'11:15'),
    array('start'=>'11:15', 'end'=>'12:15'),
    array('start'=>'12:15', 'end'=>'13:15'),
    array('start'=>'13:15', 'end'=>'14:15'),
    array('start'=>'14:15', 'end'=>'15:15'),
    array('start'=>'15:15', 'end'=>'16:15'),
    array('start'=>'16:15', 'end'=>'17:15'),
    array('start'=>'17:15', 'end'=>'18:15')

//use the short version (Mon, Tue, etc) as keys, as that is what you show in your data
//and use the long version for displaying
$days = array('Mon'=>'Monday', 'Tue'=>'Tuesday', 'Wed'=>'Wednesday', 'Thu'=>'Thursday', 'Fri'=>'Friday');

// order your database data by the Day and Start_Time
$sqlip = "Select * From Modules ORDER BY Day, Start_Time";
$query = mysql_query($sqlip) or die("Error");

// create an array to hold your data
$events = array();

// loop through your database rows and add to the array
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){

    //add the row to the array, using the Day as a key and the Start_time as a key
    $events[$row['Day']][$row['Start_Time']] = $row;
} ?>

<table border="1px">
    <tr class="differentLine">
        <th >&nbsp;</th>

    <?php foreach($times as $time){
        echo '<th > '.$time['start'].' - '.$time['end'].' </th>';
    } ?>

    </tr >

<?php foreach($days as $short=>$long){ ?>
        <th > <?php echo $long; ?> </th>

        // check if there are any events for this day
            //since there are events for this day, loop through all the times
            foreach($times as $k=>$time){
                //check if there is an event at this time
                    //echo the event
                    echo '<td>'.$events[$short][$time['start']]['name'].'</td>';
                else {
                    //since no event, echo blank cell
                    echo '<td></td>';
        else {
            // since no events for the day, create blank cells for each time
                echo '<td></td>';
    } ?>
<?php } ?>

答案 2 :(得分:0)



$times_array = array("9:15","11:15","12:15","13:15","14:15","15:15","16:15","17:15")
$row = in_array($start_time,$times_array)?$name2:"";
echo "<td>".$row."</td>";


if($start_time == "9:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "10:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "11:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "12:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "13:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "14:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "15:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "16:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";

if($start_time == "17:15"){
    echo"<td> $name2</td>";
} else {
    echo"<td> </td>";