从另一个工作簿中获取值并将其粘贴到当前工作簿中(宏正在运行)。 粘贴时,出现错误1004。问题是,根据活动单元格,此宏在工作表中运行多个范围。除了一个以外的所有作品。
这是问题的开始: 单元格(strRowBO_Mg,intColunaInputSKU).Value = curBO_Mg
Sub Atualiza_Margem_Canal_2014()
Dim strSKU As String
Dim intColunaInputSKU As Integer
Dim strRowBO_Mg As String
Dim curTTC_Input As Currency
Dim curTTV_Input As Currency
Dim strRowTTC_Input As String
Dim strRowTTV_Input As String
Dim strRowTTC_Simulador As String
Dim strRowTTV_Simulador As String
Dim strRowMgBO_Simulador As String
Dim intColumnCount As Integer
Dim curBO_Mg As Currency
Dim strCanal_Input As String
Dim intRowCanal_Input As Integer
Dim strBO_Input As String
Dim strSimuladorAddressAndFileName As String
Dim strSimulador_FileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim wb As Workbook
strBO_Input = Cells(1, 1).Value
intColunaInputSKU = ActiveCell.Column
If Cells(ActiveCell.Row - 1, 1) = "TTC/unit" Then
strRowTTC_Input = ActiveCell.Row - 1
strRowTTV_Input = ActiveCell.Row + 2
strRowBO_Mg = ActiveCell.Row + 7
strCanal_Input = Cells(ActiveCell.Row - 6, 1).Value
intRowCanal_Input = ActiveCell.Row - 6
If Cells(ActiveCell.Row - 1, 1) = "TTV/unit" Then
strRowTTC_Input = ActiveCell.Row - 4
strRowTTV_Input = ActiveCell.Row - 1
strRowBO_Mg = ActiveCell.Row + 4
strCanal_Input = Cells(ActiveCell.Row - 9, 1).Value
intRowCanal_Input = ActiveCell.Row - 6
MsgBox ("Erro input preço, reveja seu input e recomece")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
strSimulador_FileName = "Simulador OBPPC - 2014-2017 v2 - " & strBO_Input & " - " & strCanal_Input & ".xlsm"
strSimuladorAddressAndFileName = strPath & "\" & strSimulador_FileName
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(strSimuladorAddressAndFileName, 0)
Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU).Activate
strSKU = Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column)
intColumnCount = ActiveCell.Column
If strSKU = "Alu Bot 250" Then
Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column + 1).Activate
strSKU = Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column)
intColumnCount = ActiveCell.Column
End If
If Cells(strRowTTC_Input, ActiveCell.Column) = "" Then
Cells(strRowBO_Mg, ActiceCell.Column).ClearContents
Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column + 1).Activate
strSKU = Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column)
intColumnCount = ActiveCell.Column
End If
intColunaInputSKU = ActiveCell.Column
strRowTTC_Simulador = WorksheetFunction.Match("Novo TTC" & strSKU, _
Worksheets("Simulador").Range("R:R"), 0)
strRowTTV_Simulador = WorksheetFunction.Match("Novo TTV" & strSKU, _
Worksheets("Simulador").Range("R:R"), 0)
strRowMgBO_Simulador = strRowTTV_Simulador + 1
curTTC_Input = Worksheets("Simulador").Cells(strRowTTC_Simulador, 8)
curTTV_Input = Worksheets("Simulador").Cells(strRowTTV_Simulador, 8)
curBO_Mg = Worksheets("Simulador").Cells(strRowMgBO_Simulador, 8).Value
**Cells(strRowBO_Mg, intColunaInputSKU).Value = curBO_Mg**
Cells(strRowTTC_Input, intColunaInputSKU) = curTTC_Input
Cells(strRowTTV_Input, intColunaInputSKU) = curTTV_Input
Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column + 1).Activate
Loop Until intColumnCount = 36
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks(strSimulador_FileName).Close SaveChanges:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("2014").Cells(intRowCanal_Input, 1).Select
MsgBox ("Margens de " & strBO_Input & " no canal: " & strCanal_Input & " atualizadas")
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
'Corrected Version!
'Major problem was Setting the ranges and unlocking cell that weren't supposed to be locked in the protected sheet I was working in.
Sub Atualiza_Margem_Canal_2014()
Dim strSKU As String
Dim intColunaInputSKU As Integer
Dim strRowBO_Mg As String
Dim curTTC_Input As Currency
Dim curTTV_Input As Currency
Dim strRowTTC_Input As String
Dim strRowTTV_Input As String
Dim strRowTTC_Simulador As String
Dim strRowTTV_Simulador As String
Dim strRowMgBO_Simulador As String
Dim intColumnCount As Integer
Dim curBO_Mg As Currency
Dim strCanal_Input As String
Dim intRowCanal_Input As Integer
Dim strBO_Input As String
Dim strSimuladorAddressAndFileName As String
Dim strSimulador_FileName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim wbPerenidadeOBPPC As Workbook
Dim wbSimuladorFinancas As Workbook
Dim rngActiveCell As Range
'Pega nome do SKU como está no Simulador la em cima e a
'coluna referente para coltar com a margem
Set rngActiveCell = ActiveCell
Set wbPerenidadeOBPPC = ThisWorkbook
strBO_Input = Cells(1, 1).Value
intColunaInputSKU = rngActiveCell.Column
'caso atualize o TTC esta pegando os valores referentes de acordo onde esta a ActiveCell
If Cells(ActiveCell.Row - 1, 1) = "TTC/unit" Then
strRowTTC_Input = rngActiveCell.Row - 1
strRowTTV_Input = rngActiveCell.Row + 2
strRowBO_Mg = rngActiveCell.Row + 7
strCanal_Input = Cells(rngActiveCell.Row - 6, 1).Value
intRowCanal_Input = rngActiveCell.Row - 6
'caso atualize o TTV esta pegando os valores referentes de acordo onde esta a ActiveCell
If Cells(ActiveCell.Row - 1, 1) = "TTV/unit" Then
strRowTTC_Input = rngActiveCell.Row - 4
strRowTTV_Input = rngActiveCell.Row - 1
strRowBO_Mg = rngActiveCell.Row + 4
strCanal_Input = Cells(rngActiveCell.Row - 9, 1).Value
intRowCanal_Input = rngActiveCell.Row - 6
'Tratando Erro
MsgBox ("Erro input preço, reveja seu input e recomece")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
strSimulador_FileName = "Simulador OBPPC - 2014-2017 v2 - " & strBO_Input & " - " & strCanal_Input & ".xlsm"
'mudar nome para o riginal ao receber e extensão que fatalmente será xlsm
'strSimuladorFileName = "Copy of Layout Simulador - " & strCanal_Input & ".xlsx"
strSimuladorAddressAndFileName = strPath & "\" & strSimulador_FileName
Set wbSimuladorFinancas = Workbooks.Open(strSimuladorAddressAndFileName, 0)
Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU).Activate
Set rngActiveCell = ActiveCell
'Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU).Activate
strSKU = Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU)
If strSKU = "Alu Bot 250" Then
'MsgBox ("Não há cálculo de margem fornecido por finanças para este SKU: " & strSKU & ". Caso necessário insira a margem manualmente")
'Exit Sub
Set rngActiveCell = Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU + 1)
strSKU = rngActiveCell
intColunaInputSKU = intColunaInputSKU + 1
End If
If Cells(strRowTTC_Input, intColunaInputSKU) = "" Then
Cells(strRowBO_Mg, intColunaInputSKU).ClearContents
Cells(strRowTTV_Input, intColunaInputSKU).ClearContents
Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU + 1).Activate
intColunaInputSKU = intColunaInputSKU + 1
strSKU = Cells(1, intColunaInputSKU)
End If
strRowTTC_Simulador = WorksheetFunction.Match("Novo TTC" & strSKU, _
Worksheets("Simulador").Range("R:R"), 0)
strRowTTV_Simulador = WorksheetFunction.Match("Novo TTV" & strSKU, _
Worksheets("Simulador").Range("R:R"), 0)
strRowMgBO_Simulador = strRowTTV_Simulador + 1
'Coluna 14 = N
curTTC_Input = Worksheets("Simulador").Cells(strRowTTC_Simulador, 8)
'Coluna 14 = N
curTTV_Input = Worksheets("Simulador").Cells(strRowTTV_Simulador, 8)
'Coluna 14 = N
curBO_Mg = Worksheets("Simulador").Cells(strRowMgBO_Simulador, 8)
Cells(strRowBO_Mg, intColunaInputSKU) = curBO_Mg
Cells(strRowTTC_Input, intColunaInputSKU) = curTTC_Input
Cells(strRowTTV_Input, intColunaInputSKU) = curTTV_Input
Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column + 1).Activate
intColunaInputSKU = intColunaInputSKU + 1
Loop Until intColunaInputSKU = 36
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks(strSimulador_FileName).Close SaveChanges:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("2014").Cells(intRowCanal_Input, 1).Select
MsgBox ("Margens de " & strBO_Input & " no canal: " & strCanal_Input & " atualizadas")
End Sub