因此,在我的PayPal IPN脚本中存在大量问题,只要添加电子邮件发送脚本,整个代码就会停止工作?!无论我在哪里尝试添加它,顶部,底部,中间,if语句之间,任何地方 - 它会停止整个IPN。我的问题是
$subject = "BES WebDesign";
$message = "Dear $first_name $last_name,
Thank you for ordering from BES WebDesign, we are here to help you every step of the way. You can use the following details to login to our aPanel to check the process of your order(s) and control any outstanding order(s) you may already have...
Email: $payer_email
Password: $txn_id
If you have any issues with BES WebDesign or our aPanel, please feel free to contact us and one of our team members will provide help and support.
BaseCenter Admin Team
This is an automated response, please do not reply!";
mail($payer_email, $subject, $message, "From: BaseCentre<admin@basecentre.co.uk>\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
如果有人知道IPN脚本不允许我添加此内容的原因,我会很感激知道 - 否则,如果有人对我如何完成这项任务有任何其他想法,我很想知道...例如,一旦MySQL数据库更新,可能会使用不同的脚本发送通知电子邮件?我只有每小时的cron工作,所以不是最好的主意,但如果我能以某种方式启动它,一旦IPN被发送,那将是理想的吗?