
时间:2015-02-12 12:20:47

标签: javascript regex phone-number

我想在文本中找到电话号码(用德语写的)。我几乎完成了我的javascript正则表达式找到它们。 这是正则表达式:

(((((((00|\+)[0-9]{1,3}[ \-/]?)|0)[ ]?[1-9][0-9]{1,4})[ ]?[\-/]?[ ]?)|((((00|\+)[0-9]{1,3}[ ]?\()|\(0)(\)|[ ]?[1-9][0-9]{1,4}\))[ ]?[\-/]?[ ]?))[0-9]{1,7}([ \-/]?[0-9]{1,5}){0,4})


  1. 应排除少于9位数的电话号码。我试过了 在整个表达式前添加(?=(。*?\ d){9,})。那解决方案 适用于 01234 但不适用于 +33(33)3)如果还有更多 数字如下。那我的错是什么?
  2. 它应该排除没有任何空格的数字(例如 +49123123123 )。我怎么能意识到这一点?
  3. 为了更好地理解我的意图,我准备了一个演示:Regex101


    +33 (33) 3)44444444444 //the found string has only 5 digits, but it shouldn't be found because of (?=(.*?\d){9,})
    +49123123123 //how can I exclude that, because there is no white space in the middle
    // this is the part where I test all the other phone numbers, if you are interested in:
    //it should match these phone numbers:
    testword +49 30 12345-67 testword 
    testword+49 (0)30 12345-67
    (0)30 12345-67
    (0)30 123 234
    (0123)30 12345-67
    test (021)30 123 234
    s030 12345-67 dsd
    (030) 12345 55 99testword 
    testword   (030) 12345 44
    0351 4640-123
    09623 12 3 33
    09234 1233
    +49 123 1 2 12 31
    0049 2123 1231
    +1 3519 1231
    0 30 / 12 34 56
    0 30 / 12 34 56
    030 / 12 34 56
    0123 / 12312 123
    testword  0178 1232231
    +490 178 1232231
    testword +36 (351)4740-991 testword
    testword +36(351) 4740-991 testword
    09623 12333 testword
    should NOT match (with the reason why it shouldn't match):
    +49123123123 //because there is no white space
    01781232231 //because there is no white space
    123456 //because it doesn't have at least 9 digits and no white space
    123.123 //because it has a dot
    12-12-12 //because there is no white space and there is more than one dash
    12-12 -12-12-12 //because there is more than one dash
    1990 - 2000 //because it doesn't have at least 9 digits
    1990-2000 //because it doesn't have at least 9 digits and no white space
    1990-91 //because it doesn't have at least 9 digits and no white space
    123 //because it doesn't have at least 9 digits and no white space
    +36 (351) 47(40-991 //because it has more than one left bracket
    +36 (33) 3)4444
    )40-991 //because it has more than one right bracket
    +23+234 +2346 // because it has more than one plus sign
    234 234 234 234   234 // because it has more than one white space in a row
    123   123123 // because it has more than one white space in a row

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


(?!\s)(\+?[0-9 .\/()-]{8,}\d)\b        # optional `+`, 8 or more allowed chr's, digit



^(?=.*\h)                              # has at least one whitespace
(?!.*\h\h)                             # does not see double whitespaces
(?!.*-.*-)                             # does not see more than one `-`
(?=(?:.*\d){9,})                       # has at least 9 digits
([^(\r\n]*\(?[^)\r\n]+\)?[^()\r\n]+)$  # sees optional proper parentheses
