
时间:2014-12-22 20:31:56

标签: c

我尝试从另一个文件 file_in1 一次写入文本文件 fileout 一行,该文件是全局定义的。我从下面的代码中得到错误,我不知道为什么,如果有人能弄清楚为什么那么好。谢谢!

void output() 
    FILE *fileout;
    char line[40];

    file_in1 = fopen(filename1, "r");

    printf("Please enter the name of the output file: ");
    scanf("%s", filename); //Reads filename

    fileout = fopen(filename, "w");

    if (fileout == NULL) {
        printf("(Ensure the file is located in the project \n file folder and has the .txt extension) \n");

    while (fgets(line, 90, file_in1) != NULL) //Looks through characters until end of the file
        fputs(line, fileout);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


char line[40];


               //   v--- 90?
while (fgets(line, 90, file_in1) != NULL)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 干净利落地编译
  2. 进行正确的错误检查
  3. 正确读入输出文件名
  4. 不会导致未定义的行为(导致seg错误事件) I.E.它限制了fgets()
  5. 读取的字符数


    void output() 
        FILE *fileout;
        char line[40];
        //file_in1 = fopen(filename1, "r"); // <-- always check results
        if( NULL == (file_in1 = fopen(filename1, "r") ) )
        { // fopen failed
            perror( "fopen failed for input file" ); // writes failure details to stderr
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        // implied else, fopen successful for input file
        printf("Please enter the name of the output file: ");
        //scanf("%s", filename); //Reads filename // <-- always check return code
                                                  //     and allow for leaidng white space skipping
        if( 1 != scanf( " %s", filename) )
        { // scanf failed
            perror( "scanf failed for output file name" ); // writes failure details to stderr
        // implied else, scanf for output file name successful
        //fileout = fopen(filename, "w");
        //if (fileout == NULL) // <-- always place the literal on the left to enable compiler to catch certain syntax errors
        if( NULL == (fileout = fopen(filename, "w")))
        { // then, fopen failed
            perror( "fopen failed for output file" ); // writes failure details to stderr
            printf("(Ensure the file is located in the project \n file folder and has the .txt extension) \n");
            // output(); <-- the program failed, do not continue  and certainly not recursively
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        // implied else, fopen successful for output file
        //while (fgets(line, 90, file_in1) != NULL) //Looks through characters until end of the file
                                                    // <-- line is only defined as 40 characters
        while( NULL != fgets(line, sizeof(line), file_in1))
            fputs(line, fileout);
    } // end function: output