我尝试从RAD(Rational Application Development)运行PMT(Profile Management Tool),但即使我以管理员身份启动RAD,也收到错误“无法创建Java虚拟机”。我在互联网上搜索,我看到的所有推荐都不适合我。首先,我尝试打开命令行作为管理员并运行manageprofiles。其次,我下载了一些名为run_manageprofilesInteractive的工具,但我仍然遇到了同样的错误。最后,我看到一些推荐添加两个变量来限制内存大小。所有详细信息均在以管理员权限运行的命令行中打印。
First tentative:
C:\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\bin>manageprofiles -create -templatePath "WebSphere
Application Server, v7.0 test environment Installation Location\profileTemplates
\default" -isDeveloperServer -profileName dev_profile_Secure -enableAdminSecurit
y true -adminUserName wasadmin -adminPassword wasadmin -cellName localhostNode01
Cell -nodeName localhostNode01
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
Error: could not load Mercury Interactive support. Please run the setup again.
If the problem persists please contact Mercury's Customer support.
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library jvmhook(-3): JVM_OnLoad failed
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
C:\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\bin>java -version
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agentlib:jvmhook
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\PROGRA~2\HP\QUICKT~1\
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
Second Tentative:
C:\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\bin>CALL "C:\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\bin\setupCmdLi
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
Error: could not load Mercury Interactive support. Please run the setup again.
If the problem persists please contact Mercury's Customer support.
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library jvmhook(-3): JVM_OnLoad failed
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
Lsat tentative after restarting the machine.
C:\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\bin>set _JAVA_OPTION
_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xrunjvmhook -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\PROGRA~2\HP\QUICKT~1\bin\JAVA_S~
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在安装之前你需要检查JDK路径应该直接在c:/ 像这样
C:\爪哇\ jdk1.6.0_27 并确保jre也在这个C:\ Java \ jre6
的同一个文件夹中检查JDK版本与Websphere的兼容性...下载并安装正确版本的JDK ...
同样使用正确的JDK路径设置路径环境变量(控制面板\系统和安全\系统 - >高级系统设置 - >转到高级选项卡 - >转到环境变量)
PATH = C:\ Java \ jdk1.6.0_27 \ bin; C:\ Program Files \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Windows Live; C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Windows Live; C:\ windows \ system32; C:\ windows; C:\ windows \ System32 \ Wbem; C:\ windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \; C:\ Program File s \ Lenovo \ Bluetooth Software \; C:\ Program Files \ Lenovo \ Bluetooth Software \ syswow64; C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Windows Live \ Shared
答案 1 :(得分:-1)