Unity3d C# - >用图层生成perlin噪声纹理

时间:2014-06-19 20:17:35

标签: c# unity3d texture2d procedural


我遇到的问题似乎无法解决: (调试日志中显示3个问题。)

1)它生成的图像只是白色。并且有理由打印出一些 23170.49 :/

2)所有其他打印件都是 NaN ,这不应该发生......(在日志中超过65535)


IndexOutOfRangeException:数组索引超出范围。 HeightController.getTerrainData(Vector2 position)(在Assets / Scripts / TerrainGenerator / HeightController.cs:28) TerrainMesh.Start()(在Assets / Scripts / TerrainGenerator / TerrainMesh.cs:21)




using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class HeightController : MonoBehaviour
    public static int layers = 6;
    public static float[] layersOpacity = {0.5f, 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.15f, 0.1f, 0.05f};

    private static int layerSize = 256;
    //private static int terrainSize = 2048;    //build heightmap here?

    private static int amplitude = 128; //divided by 2
    private static int frequency = 4;       //multiplied by 2       = obtaining a smaller height, but faster frequence.

    //when you want to generate a terrain, just get the
    //data array containing the stuffs to build a heightmap out of it.
    //this here does the calculation of layers with opacity etc.
    public static float[,] getTerrainData(Vector2 position) //the vector2 takes the SQUARES offset of terrains, 0,1 | 22,13 (the terraid ID)
        float[,] finalLayersData = new float[layerSize,layerSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i)                //the entire array will be set an opacity then adds to the final.
            float[,] currentLayerData = Calculate(position);    //there should be a less laggy way here?

            //multiplies each data with it's respective opacity.
            for (int a = 0; a < layerSize; ++a)
                for (int b = 0; b < layerSize; ++a)
                    currentLayerData[a,b] *= layersOpacity[i];

            //adds to the final data array
            for (int a = 0; a < layerSize; ++a)
                for (int b = 0; b < layerSize; ++a)
                    finalLayersData[a,b] += currentLayerData[a,b];
        return finalLayersData;

    private static float[,] Calculate(Vector2 position)
        float[,] data = new float[layerSize,layerSize];
        int offsetX = (int)position.x*layerSize;
        int offsetY = (int)position.y*layerSize;

        Perlin perlin = new Perlin();

        //the 1/4 then 1/16 then 1/32 etc.
        FractalNoise fractal = new FractalNoise((1f/4f), frequency, amplitude, perlin);
        for (var y = 0; y < layerSize; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < layerSize; x++)
                float result = fractal.HybridMultifractal(x + offsetX, y + offsetY, layerSize);
                data[x, y] = result;
        return data;


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TerrainMesh : MonoBehaviour
    public static Transform[] TextureList = new Transform[64];
    //public static long seed = 34;
    public int Size = 256;

    public Mesh mesh;
    public MeshFilter meshFilter;
    public MeshCollider meshCollider;
    public Material material;
    public float[,] data;

    public Texture2D fun;

    public void Start()
        fun = new Texture2D(256, 256);
        data = HeightController.getTerrainData(new Vector2(0, 0));

        for (int x = 0; x < Size; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < Size; ++y)
                fun.SetPixel(x, y, new Color(data[x, y], data[x, y], data[x, y], 1f));



using System.Collections;
using System;
using UnityEngine;

/* Perlin noise use example:

Perlin perlin = new Perlin();
var value : float = perlin.Noise(2);
var value : float = perlin.Noise(2, 3, );
var value : float = perlin.Noise(2, 3, 4);

SmoothRandom use example:

var p = SmoothRandom.GetVector3(3);


public class SmoothRandom
    public static Vector3 GetVector3 (float speed)
        float time = Time.time * 0.01F * speed;
        return new Vector3(Get().HybridMultifractal(time, 15.73F, 0.58F), Get().HybridMultifractal(time, 63.94F, 0.58F), Get().HybridMultifractal(time, 0.2F, 0.58F));

    public static float Get (float speed)
        float time = Time.time * 0.01F * speed;
        return Get().HybridMultifractal(time * 0.01F, 15.7F, 0.65F);

    private static FractalNoise Get () { 
        if (s_Noise == null)
            s_Noise = new FractalNoise (1.27F, 2.04F, 8.36F);
        return s_Noise;     

    private static FractalNoise s_Noise;

public class Perlin
    // Original C code derived from 
    // http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/texture/perlin/perlin.c
    // http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/texture/perlin/perlin.h
    const int B = 0x100;
    const int BM = 0xff;
    const int N = 0x1000;

    int[] p = new int[B + B + 2];
    float[,] g3 = new float [B + B + 2 , 3];
    float[,] g2 = new float[B + B + 2,2];
    float[] g1 = new float[B + B + 2];

    float s_curve(float t)
        return t * t * (3.0F - 2.0F * t);

    float lerp (float t, float a, float b)
        return a + t * (b - a);

    void setup (float value, out int b0, out int b1, out float r0, out float r1)
        float t = value + N;
        b0 = ((int)t) & BM;
        b1 = (b0+1) & BM;
        r0 = t - (int)t;
        r1 = r0 - 1.0F;

    float at2(float rx, float ry, float x, float y) { return rx * x + ry * y; }
    float at3(float rx, float ry, float rz, float x, float y, float z) { return rx * x + ry * y + rz * z; }

    public float Noise(float arg)
        int bx0, bx1;
        float rx0, rx1, sx, u, v;
        setup(arg, out bx0, out bx1, out rx0, out rx1);

        sx = s_curve(rx0);
        u = rx0 * g1[ p[ bx0 ] ];
        v = rx1 * g1[ p[ bx1 ] ];

        return(lerp(sx, u, v));

    public float Noise(float x, float y)
        int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, b00, b10, b01, b11;
        float rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, sx, sy, a, b, u, v;
        int i, j;

        setup(x, out bx0, out bx1, out rx0, out rx1);
        setup(y, out by0, out by1, out ry0, out ry1);

        i = p[ bx0 ];
        j = p[ bx1 ];

        b00 = p[ i + by0 ];
        b10 = p[ j + by0 ];
        b01 = p[ i + by1 ];
        b11 = p[ j + by1 ];

        sx = s_curve(rx0);
        sy = s_curve(ry0);

        u = at2(rx0,ry0, g2[ b00, 0 ], g2[ b00, 1 ]);
        v = at2(rx1,ry0, g2[ b10, 0 ], g2[ b10, 1 ]);
        a = lerp(sx, u, v);

        u = at2(rx0,ry1, g2[ b01, 0 ], g2[ b01, 1 ]);
        v = at2(rx1,ry1, g2[ b11, 0 ], g2[ b11, 1 ]);
        b = lerp(sx, u, v);

        return lerp(sy, a, b);

    public float Noise(float x, float y, float z)
        int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, bz0, bz1, b00, b10, b01, b11;
        float rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, rz0, rz1, sy, sz, a, b, c, d, t, u, v;
        int i, j;

        setup(x, out bx0, out bx1, out rx0, out rx1);
        setup(y, out by0, out by1, out ry0, out ry1);
        setup(z, out bz0, out bz1, out rz0, out rz1);

        i = p[ bx0 ];
        j = p[ bx1 ];

        b00 = p[ i + by0 ];
        b10 = p[ j + by0 ];
        b01 = p[ i + by1 ];
        b11 = p[ j + by1 ];

        t  = s_curve(rx0);
        sy = s_curve(ry0);
        sz = s_curve(rz0);

        u = at3(rx0,ry0,rz0, g3[ b00 + bz0, 0 ], g3[ b00 + bz0, 1 ], g3[ b00 + bz0, 2 ]);
        v = at3(rx1,ry0,rz0, g3[ b10 + bz0, 0 ], g3[ b10 + bz0, 1 ], g3[ b10 + bz0, 2 ]);
        a = lerp(t, u, v);

        u = at3(rx0,ry1,rz0, g3[ b01 + bz0, 0 ], g3[ b01 + bz0, 1 ], g3[ b01 + bz0, 2 ]);
        v = at3(rx1,ry1,rz0, g3[ b11 + bz0, 0 ], g3[ b11 + bz0, 1 ], g3[ b11 + bz0, 2 ]);
        b = lerp(t, u, v);

        c = lerp(sy, a, b);

        u = at3(rx0,ry0,rz1, g3[ b00 + bz1, 0 ], g3[ b00 + bz1, 2 ], g3[ b00 + bz1, 2 ]);
        v = at3(rx1,ry0,rz1, g3[ b10 + bz1, 0 ], g3[ b10 + bz1, 1 ], g3[ b10 + bz1, 2 ]);
        a = lerp(t, u, v);

        u = at3(rx0,ry1,rz1, g3[ b01 + bz1, 0 ], g3[ b01 + bz1, 1 ], g3[ b01 + bz1, 2 ]);
        v = at3(rx1,ry1,rz1,g3[ b11 + bz1, 0 ], g3[ b11 + bz1, 1 ], g3[ b11 + bz1, 2 ]);
        b = lerp(t, u, v);

        d = lerp(sy, a, b);

        return lerp(sz, c, d);

    void normalize2(ref float x, ref float y)
       float s;

        s = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        x = y / s;
        y = y / s;

    void normalize3(ref float x, ref float y, ref float z)
        float s;
        s = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
        x = y / s;
        y = y / s;
        z = z / s;

    public Perlin()
        int i, j, k;
        System.Random rnd = new System.Random();

       for (i = 0 ; i < B ; i++) {
          p[i] = i;
          g1[i] = (float)(rnd.Next(B + B) - B) / B;

          for (j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
             g2[i,j] = (float)(rnd.Next(B + B) - B) / B;
          normalize2(ref g2[i, 0], ref g2[i, 1]);

          for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
             g3[i,j] = (float)(rnd.Next(B + B) - B) / B;

          normalize3(ref g3[i, 0], ref g3[i, 1], ref g3[i, 2]);

       while (--i != 0) {
          k = p[i];
          p[i] = p[j = rnd.Next(B)];
          p[j] = k;

       for (i = 0 ; i < B + 2 ; i++) {
          p[B + i] = p[i];
          g1[B + i] = g1[i];
          for (j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
             g2[B + i,j] = g2[i,j];
          for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
             g3[B + i,j] = g3[i,j];

public class FractalNoise
    public FractalNoise (float inH, float inLacunarity, float inOctaves)
        : this (inH, inLacunarity, inOctaves, null)


    public FractalNoise (float inH, float inLacunarity, float inOctaves, Perlin noise)
        m_Lacunarity = inLacunarity;
        m_Octaves = inOctaves;
        m_IntOctaves = (int)inOctaves;
        m_Exponent = new float[m_IntOctaves+1];
        float frequency = 1.0F;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_IntOctaves+1; i++)
            m_Exponent[i] = (float)Math.Pow (m_Lacunarity, -inH);
            frequency *= m_Lacunarity;

        if (noise == null)
            m_Noise = new Perlin();
            m_Noise = noise;

    public float HybridMultifractal(float x, float y, float offset)
        float weight, signal, remainder, result;

        result = (m_Noise.Noise (x, y)+offset) * m_Exponent[0];
        weight = result;
        x *= m_Lacunarity; 
        y *= m_Lacunarity;
        int i;
        for (i=1;i<m_IntOctaves;i++)
            if (weight > 1.0F) weight = 1.0F;
            signal = (m_Noise.Noise (x, y) + offset) * m_Exponent[i];
            result += weight * signal;
            weight *= signal;
            x *= m_Lacunarity; 
            y *= m_Lacunarity;
        remainder = m_Octaves - m_IntOctaves;
        result += remainder * m_Noise.Noise (x,y) * m_Exponent[i];

        return result;

    public float RidgedMultifractal (float x, float y, float offset, float gain)
        float weight, signal, result;
        int i;

        signal = Mathf.Abs (m_Noise.Noise (x, y));
        signal = offset - signal;
        signal *= signal;
        result = signal;
        weight = 1.0F;

        for (i=1;i<m_IntOctaves;i++)
            x *= m_Lacunarity; 
            y *= m_Lacunarity;

            weight = signal * gain;
            weight = Mathf.Clamp01 (weight);

            signal = Mathf.Abs (m_Noise.Noise (x, y));
            signal = offset - signal;
            signal *= signal;
            signal *= weight;
            result += signal * m_Exponent[i];

        return result;

    public float BrownianMotion (float x, float y)
        float value, remainder;
        long i;

        value = 0.0F;
        for (i=0;i<m_IntOctaves;i++)
            value = m_Noise.Noise (x,y) * m_Exponent[i];
            x *= m_Lacunarity;
            y *= m_Lacunarity;
        remainder = m_Octaves - m_IntOctaves;
        value += remainder * m_Noise.Noise (x,y) * m_Exponent[i];

        return value;

    private Perlin  m_Noise;
    private float[] m_Exponent;
    private int     m_IntOctaves;
    private float   m_Octaves;
    private float   m_Lacunarity;

使用这些代码,我获得256 * 256白色图像,其上没有任何内容,并且第一次循环在一次迭代后停止。 获得我试图得到的东西也是一种不那么迟钝的方式xD也不会太糟糕 目前要生成它需要大约1或2分钟。

感谢您的时间。 不要犹豫,要求我进一步澄清。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


for (int a = 0; a < layerSize; ++a)
            for (int b = 0; b < layerSize; ++a)

a 在循环的两次迭代中都会递增!这也发生在右下方的循环中。


for (int a = 0; a < layerSize; ++a)
    for (int b = 0; b < layerSize; ++b)
        currentLayerData[a,b] *= layersOpacity[i];
        finalLayersData[a,b] += currentLayerData[a,b];