我尝试使用Firefox和chrome进行调试,结果相同。 任何帮助将不胜感激。
Public Sub configureMultiPartFormDataRequest(ByVal request As HttpWebRequest, _
ByVal xmlBody As String, _
ByVal docName As String)
'Overwrite the default content-type header and set a boundary marker
request.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY"
'Start building the multipart request body
Dim requestBodyStart As String = "\r\n\r\n--BOUNDARY\r\n" + _
"Content-Type: application/xml\r\n" + _
"Content-Disposition: form-data\r\n" + _
"\r\n" + _
xmlBody + "\r\n\r\n--BOUNDARY\r\n" + _
"Content-Type: application/pdf\r\n" + _
"Content-Disposition: file; filename=\" + docName + " \ documentId=1\r\n" + _
Dim requestBodyEnd As String = "\r\n--BOUNDARY--\r\n\r\n"
'Read the contents of provided document into the request stream
Dim fileStream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(docName)
'Write the body of the request
Dim bodyStart() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestBodyStart.ToString())
Dim bodyEnd() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestBodyEnd.ToString())
Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
dataStream.Write(bodyStart, 0, requestBodyStart.ToString().Length)
'Read the file contents and write them to the request stream. (4096 Byte Blocks)
Dim buf(4096) As Byte
'Dim len As Integer
'While ((len = fileStream.Read(buf, 0, 4096)) > 0)
' dataStream.Write(buf, 0, len)
'End While
Dim bytesRead As Integer
bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)
If bytesRead > 0 Then
dataStream.Write(buf, 0, bytesRead)
End If
Loop While bytesRead > 0
dataStream.Write(bodyEnd, 0, requestBodyEnd.ToString().Length)
End Sub
已添加05/09/2014 这是Fiddler2的实际请求文本。似乎bodyEnd被设置为“PDF-1.7”。我搜索了这个字符串的代码没有成功。感谢您的帮助:\ r \ n \ r \ n - BOUNDARY \ r \ nContent-Type:application / xml \ r \ nContent-Disposition:form-data \ r \ n \ r \ nndsentDocuSign API - Embedded Signing example1 \ \ SecureDocs \ EnrollmentForms \ CrystalReport1.pdf1hmitchell@ata.eduA Adams10010011 \ r \ n \ r \ n - BOUNDARY \ r \ nContent-Type:application / pdf \ r \ nContent-Disposition:file;文件名= \ XXX \; documentId = 1 \ r \ n \ r \ n%PDF-1.7
大卫 感谢您修复BOUNDARY错误。我实现了你的xml示例,现在得到一个错误:“文档元素不包含编码文档,或者编码存在问题。” 这是请求: - 边界 Content-Type:application / xml 内容处理:表单数据
sentDocuSign API - 嵌入式签名example1C:\ Hold \ myXML.xml1hmitchell@ata.eduA Adams10010011
- 边界 内容类型:application / pdf 内容处理:文件; filename = \ C:\ Hold \ myXML.xml \ documentId = 1
- 边界 -
答案 0 :(得分:1)
上面的代码片段缺少调用方法,所以我自己创建了如下所示的代码片段,以演示如何利用WebHookapp端点来捕获正在发送的内容。因此,我认为您会看到正文格式不正确,因为您尝试&#34;转义&#34; 换行符和回车符号vs使用具有正确值的chr。
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myHTTPRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://webhookapp.com/1037371688646089664")
Dim myXML As String = "{SomeXMLorJason: sampleNotFormatedcorrectly}"
Dim myDocName As String = "c:\myXML.xml"
myHTTPRequest.Method = "POST"
configureMultiPartFormDataRequest(myHTTPRequest, myXML, myDocName)
End Sub
'Your Code goes here ---> from above:
End Class
文件c:\ myXML.xml
中的内容 <nameValue>
POST /1037371688646089664
content-type multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY
host webhookapp.com
content-length 439
expect 100-continue
connection Keep-Alive
\r\n\r\n--BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Type: application/xml\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data\r\n\r\n{SomeXMLorJason: sampleNotFormatedcorrectly}\r\n\r\n--BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Type: application/pdf\r\nContent-Disposition: file; filename=\c:\myXML.xml \ documentId=1\r\n\r\n <nameValue>
'Start building the multipart request body
' http://www.asciitable.com/
Dim asciLN As String = Chr(10)
Dim asciCR As String = Chr(13)
Dim requestBodyStart As String = asciCR + asciLN + asciCR + asciLN + "--BOUNDARY" + asciCR + asciLN + _
"Content-Type: application/xml" + asciCR + asciLN + _
"Content-Disposition: form-data" + asciCR + asciLN + _
asciCR + asciLN + _
xmlBody + asciCR + asciLN + asciCR + asciLN + "--BOUNDARY" + asciCR + asciLN + _
"Content-Type: application/pdf" + asciCR + asciLN + _
"Content-Disposition: file; filename=\" + docName + " \ documentId=1" + asciCR + asciLN + _
asciCR + asciLN
Dim requestBodyEnd As String = asciCR + asciLN + "--BOUNDARY--" + asciCR + asciLN + asciCR + asciLN
POST /1037371688646089664
content-type multipart/form-data; boundary=BOUNDARY
host webhookapp.com
content-length 409
expect 100-continue
connection Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Disposition: form-data
{SomeXMLorJason: sampleNotFormatedcorrectly}
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename=\c:\myXML.xml \ documentId=1
POST http://{server}/restapi/{apiVersion}/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes
X-DocuSign-Authentication: <DocuSignCredentials><Username>{name}</Username><Password>{password}</Password><IntegratorKey>{integrator_key}</IntegratorKey></DocuSignCredentials>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AAA
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data
"emailBlurb":"Test Email Body",
"emailSubject": "Test Email Subject - EnvelopeDefFull",
"documents": [{
"name": "test1.pdf",
"recipients": {
"signers" : [{
"email": "test@email.com",
"name": "Sally Doe",
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test1.pdf";documentid=1
<document bytes removed>
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
POST http://{server}/restapi/{apiVersion}/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes
X-DocuSign-Authentication: <DocuSignCredentials><Username>{name}</Username><Password>{password}</Password><IntegratorKey>{integrator_key}</IntegratorKey></DocuSignCredentials>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AAA
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data
"emailBlurb":"Test Email Body",
"emailSubject": "Test Email Subject - EnvelopeDefFull",
"documents": [{
"name": "test1.pdf",
"recipients": {
"signers" : [{
"email": "test@email.com",
"name": "Sally Doe",
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test1.pdf";documentid=1
<document bytes removed>