django webapp正在泄漏内存。我在这里尝试了一些建议:即使该应用不是独立的。
Partition of a set of 146642 objects. Total size = 10765760 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Referrers by Kind (class / dict of class)
0 49064 33 2914412 27 2914412 27 types.CodeType
1 21631 15 737184 7 3651596 34 tuple
2 12883 9 727296 7 4378892 41 function
3 5505 4 583728 5 4962620 46 dict of module
4 3163 2 497232 5 5459852 51 type
5 8192 6 481600 4 5941452 55 dict of type
6 328 0 424000 4 6365452 59 function, module
7 775 1 403000 4 6768452 63 django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWeakref
8 1597 1 351728 3 7120180 66 function, tuple
9 6015 4 270704 3 7390884 69 dict (no owner)
<1864 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>
Reference Pattern by <[dict of] class>.
0: _ --- [-] 775 (<referred by: <Nothing>> | <referred by: django.dispatch.s...
1: a [-] 774 django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWeakref: 0x84696cc...
2: aa ---- [-] 1549 tuple: 0x846908c*1, 0x846910c*2, 0x846920c*1...
3: a3 [-] 774 function: django.dispatch.saferef.remove...
4: a4 ------ [-] 1548 __builtin__.weakref: 0x847539c, 0x8475a04, 0x8475b44...
5: a5 [-] 774 dict of django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWeakref: 0x...
6: a6 -------- [^ 1] 774 django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWeakref: 0x84696...
7: aab [-] 3 list: 0xb6e7156cL*1, 0xb6e7168cL*773, 0xb701684cL*2
8: aaba ---- [-] 3 dict of django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal: 0xb6ee1c6cL...
9: aabaa [-] 3 django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal: 0xb6ee1c6cL...
<Type e.g. '_.more' for more.>
10: aaba3 ----- [S] 3 dict of module: ..models, ..signals, ..signals
11: aabaab [-] 3 types.MethodType: <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal at...
12: aabaaba ---- [-] 2 list: 0xa12888c*1, 0xa13896c*1
13: aabaabaa [-] 2 dict of django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWeakref: 0...
14: aabaaba3 ----- [-] 2 django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWeakref: 0x9e9f46...
15: aabaaba4 [-] 5 tuple: 0xa15154c*1, 0xa15186c*2, 0xa1531ac*2...
16: aabaaba5 ------- [^ 7] 3 list: 0xb6e7156cL*1, 0xb6e7168cL*773...
17: aabaaba4b [-] 2 function: django.dispatch.saferef.remove...
18: aabaaba4ba ------ [-] 4 __builtin__.weakref: 0x98e90cc, 0x98e9734...
19: aabaaba4baa [^ 13] 2 dict of django.dispatch.saferef.BoundMethodWe...
class ApplianceMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
request.__class__.appliance = get_appliance()
# do heap analysis across requests to check for memory leaks - heap
# size across requests should be constant
request.__class__.from_int_if = False
# Continue processing
return None
答案 0 :(得分:0)
它与信号有关的线索在堆积信息中。 e.g:
aabaa [-] 3 django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal: 0xb6ee1c6cL...
10: aaba3 ----- [S] 3 dict of module: ..models, ..signals, ..signals