如何使用 PayPal API(自适应付款)系统转换多种货币?这些文档只包含Ruby,iOS,PHP,Rails等内容......但不是Perl!
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这仅作为指导(在命令行中运行)。它将通过浏览器运行,但您需要添加标题(否则它将提供500 Internal Server Error
<强> currency.cgi 强>
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $user = 'your PayPal API username';
my $password = 'your PayPal API password';
my $signature = 'your PayPal API signature';
my $application_id = 'APP-80W284485P519543T'; # this is the sandbox app ID... so you would just change this to your own app-id when going live
my @currencies = qw/GBP EUR CHF USD AUD/; # Enter all the currency codes you want to convert here
my $url = 'https://svcs.sandbox.paypal.com/AdaptivePayments/ConvertCurrency'; # remove the "sandbox." part of this URL, when its ready to go live...
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(
'X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID' => $application_id,
foreach (@currencies) {
print qq|\nGetting exchange rates for $_.... \n|;
my ($status,$vals) = get_converted_amounts($_);
if ($vals->{error}) {
print qq|There was an error: $vals->{error}\n|;
} else {
print qq|Got conversion rates of:\n|;
foreach (@currencies) {
if ($vals->{$_}) {
print qq|\t$_ => $vals->{$_}\n|;
sub get_converted_amounts {
my ($currency_from) = @_;
my @currencies_to_grab;
foreach (@currencies) {
next if $_ eq $currency_from; # We dont wanna bother asking it to convert from this currency, into this currency =)
push @currencies_to_grab, $_;
my $json_var = {
requestEnvelope => {
detailLevel => "ReturnAll",
errorLanguage => "en_US",
baseAmountList => [{ 'currency' => { 'code' => $currency_from, 'amount' => 1 } }],
convertToCurrencyList => [{ currencyCode => \@currencies_to_grab }]
use JSON;
my $new_json = JSON::to_json($json_var);
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $url, $headers, $new_json );
my $response = $ua->request( $request );
my $json_returned = decode_json($response->decoded_content);
if ($json_returned->{error}[0]) {
return (0, { error => "There was an error: $json_returned->{error}[0]->{message} ($json_returned->{error}[0]->{errorId}) " });
my $vals;
foreach (@{$json_returned->{estimatedAmountTable}->{currencyConversionList}[0]->{currencyList}->{currency}}) {
$vals->{$_->{code}} = $_->{amount};
return (1,$vals);
您只需通过SSH / Telnet运行它:
perl /path/to/script/currency.cgi
虽然这会从给定货币转换为其他相关货币(如果您希望每隔几个小时运行一次脚本并存储转换率,那就很好) - 调整它并不困难,因此您可以这样做: