AppleScript和Excel 2008数据透视表

时间:2014-03-26 19:05:52

标签: excel applescript pivot-table excel-2008

我在创建自动脚本以将Excel列移动到数据透视表时遇到了很多麻烦。我在OSX 10.8.5上运行没有VB的Excel 2008。最终目标是将列数据字段转换为行数据字段。

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open file "Users:dkstaff:Desktop:new.xlsx"

tell active sheet

    tell used range
        set rc to count of rows
    end tell

    set myRange to range ("D2:D" & rc)

    set formula of myRange to "=A2&\":\"&B2&\":\"&C2"
    # select sourceData
    insert into range column 4
    set header to range "D1"
    set value of header to "KEY"
end tell


-- tell active workbook

# new sheet
-- set new sheet with name "New Table"

# var range of data
-- set source_data to range D2:L … of sheet "data"

# var sheet
-- set PTSheet to the sheet named "pivot Table"

# Implement a new Pivot Table from source range
-- set pivot_table to make new pivot table at PTSheet with properties source_data

    tell active workbook
    set newSheet to make new worksheet at end
    tell newSheet
        set name to "Pivot Table"
    end tell
end tell

    -- Failed attempt thus far...

set source_data to range ("D2:L" & rc) of sheet "data"

set PTSheet to the sheet named "Pivot Table"

set pivot_table to make new pivot table at PTSheet with properties source_data

-- Another failed attempt 
tell active sheet
    set source_data to range ("D2:L" & rc) of sheet "data"
    set PTSheet to the sheet named "Pivot Table"
    set pivot_table to make new pivot table at PTSheet with properties source_data
end tell

end tell

结果:错误" Microsoft Excel出错:无法创建类数据透视表。"数字-2710从数据透视表到类


我在Excel中的工作流程是:选择列'键' - >数据透视表 - >多个合并范围 - >我将创建页面字段 - >范围:数据!D $ 2:$ L $ 1500 - >新表。



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