
时间:2014-03-13 14:16:18

标签: c++ com


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虽然您无法投射接口指针以进入基类(因为您提供的界面不一定是您实施的界面),您< em>可以为QueryInterface定义一个自定义IID,您的QI实现将返回&#39; this&#39;。 E.g:

STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(IN REFIID riid, OUT void** ppv)
    *ppv = NULL;

    // IUnknown can require extra casting to pick out a specific IUnknown instance
    // otherwise compiler will complain about an ambiguous cast. Any IUnknown will do,
    // we know they're all the same implementation, so even casting to CFooHandler then IUnknown is fine here.
    // Here am assuming that CUnknown implements IUnknown
    if(riid == __uuidof(IUnknown))
        *ppv = static_cast<IUnknown*>(static_cast<CUnknown*>(this));
    else if(riid == __uuidof(IFoo))
        *ppv = static_cast<IFoo*>(this);
    else if(riid == __uuidof(IBar))
        *ppv = static_cast<IBar*>(this);
    else if(riid == __uuidof(IThis))
        *ppv = this;
        return E_NOINTERFACE;

这项技术已经存在了一段时间; Chris Sells创建了一个名为COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_THIS的宏,这使得在ATL COM接口映射中实现它变得微不足道。
