答案 0 :(得分:4)
我设计的PARLANSE语言以及我们在Semantic Designs中使用的语言就是这样一种语言。 它在语法上是一种类似Lisp的语言(但不是语义)。它的并行运算符拼写为“(|| ...)”。您可以在我们每天使用的Quicksort模块中看到它,如下所示。 您还可以查看根据经验确定的显式QuickSortParallelThreshold值。 此Quicksort在Intel x86系统上线性扩展到8个核心。
(define QuickSort
(;; (define Value nu)
(compileifthen (~ (defined QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu))
(define QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu ~f) ; use PARLANSE comparison operators
(compileifthen (~ (defined QuickSortParallelThreshold))
(define QuickSortParallelThreshold 100)
(compileifthen (~ (defined QuickSortThreshold))
(compileifthenelse QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu
(define QuickSortThreshold 16)
(define QuickSortThreshold 8)
(compileifthenelse (~ (defined QuickSortWithCompareByReference))
(define QuickSortWithCompareByReference ~f)
(compileifthen QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu
(define QuickSortWithCompareByReference ~f)
(define SortRange
(action (procedure (structure (compileifthen (~ QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu)
(compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithCompareByReference)
[compare (function (sort integer (range -1 +1)) (structure [value1 Value] [value2 Value]))]
[compare (function (sort integer (range -1 +1)) (structure [value1 (reference Value)] [value2 (reference Value)]))]
[a (reference (array Value 1 dynamic))]
[from natural]
[to natural]
(local (;; (define quicksort
(action (procedure (structure [l integer] [r integer])))
(define quicksort
(action (procedure (structure [l integer] [r integer]))
(ifthenelse (<= (- r l) (coerce integer QuickSortThreshold))
(do [i integer] (++ l) r +1
(local (= [exch Value] a:i)
(block exit_if_inserted
(;; (do [j integer] (-- i) l -1
(ifthenelse (compileifthenelse QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu
(> a:j exch)
(compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithCompareByReference)
(== (compare a:j exch) +1)
(== (compare (. a:j) (. exch)) +1)
(= a:(++ j) a:j)
(;; (= a:(++ j) exch)
(exitblock exit_if_inserted)
(= a:l exch)
(local (;; (= [i integer] l)
(= [j integer] r)
(= [p integer] l)
(= [q integer] r)
[exch Value]
`use middle element as pivot':
(local (= [m integer] (// (+ l r) +2))
(;; (= exch a:m)
(= a:m a:r)
(= a:r exch)
`4-way partitioning = < > =':
(loop exit_if_partitioned
`find element greater than pivot':
(loop exit_if_greater_than_found
(;; (compileifthenelse QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu
(ifthenelse (< a:i a:r)
(consume ~t)
(ifthenelse (> a:i a:r)
(exitblock exit_if_greater_than_found)
(;; (ifthen (>= i j)
(exitblock exit_if_partitioned)
(= exch a:p)
(= a:p a:i)
(= a:i exch)
(+= p 1)
(case (compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithCompareByReference)
(compare a:i a:r)
(compare (. a:i) (. a:r))
(consume ~t)
(exitblock exit_if_greater_than_found)
else (;; (ifthen (>= i j)
(exitblock exit_if_partitioned)
(= exch a:p)
(= a:p a:i)
(= a:i exch)
(+= p 1)
(+= i 1)
`find element less than to pivot':
(loop exit_if_less_than_found
(;; (-= j 1)
(ifthen (>= i j)
(exitblock exit_if_partitioned)
(compileifthenelse QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu
(ifthenelse (< a:j a:r)
(exitblock exit_if_less_than_found)
(ifthenelse (> a:j a:r)
(consume ~t)
(;; (-= q 1)
(= exch a:j)
(= a:j a:q)
(= a:q exch)
(case (compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithCompareByReference)
(compare a:j a:r)
(compare (. a:j) (. a:r))
(exitblock exit_if_less_than_found)
(consume ~t)
else (;; (-= q 1)
(= exch a:j)
(= a:j a:q)
(= a:q exch)
`move found elements to proper partitions':
(;; (= exch a:i)
(= a:i a:j)
(= a:j exch)
`increment index':
(+= i 1)
`3-way partitioning < = >':
`move pivot to final location':
(;; (= exch a:i)
(= a:i a:r)
(= a:r exch)
(= j (-- i))
(= i (++ i))
`move elements equal to pivot to final locations':
(;; (do [k integer] l (-- p) +1
(;; (= exch a:k)
(= a:k a:j)
(= a:j exch)
(-= j 1)
(do [k integer] (-- r) q -1
(;; (= exch a:i)
(= a:i a:k)
(= a:k exch)
(+= i 1)
`sort partitions not equal to pivot':
(ifthenelse (<= (- r l) (coerce integer QuickSortParallelThreshold))
(;; (quicksort l j)
(quicksort i r)
(|| (quicksort l j)
(quicksort i r)
(;; (quicksort (coerce integer from) (coerce integer to))
(ifdebug (do [i integer] (coerce integer from) (-- (coerce integer to)) +1
(trust (compileifthenelse QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu
(<= a:i a:(++ i))
(compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithCompareByReference)
(<= (compare a:i a:(++ i)) +0)
(<= (compare (. a:i) (. a:(++ i))) +0)
`QuickSort:Sort -> The array is not sorted.'
(define Sort
(action (procedure (structure (compileifthen (~ QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu)
(compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithCompareByReference)
[compare (function (sort integer (range -1 +1)) (structure [value1 Value] [value2 Value]))]
[compare (function (sort integer (range -1 +1)) (structure [value1 (reference Value)] [value2 (reference Value)]))]
[a (reference (array Value 1 dynamic))]
(compileifthenelse (~ QuickSortWithParlanseBuiltInOrderingOfNu)
(SortRange compare a (coerce natural (lowerbound (@ a) 1)) (coerce natural (upperbound (@ a) 1)))
(SortRange a (coerce natural (lowerbound (@ a) 1)) (coerce natural (upperbound (@ a) 1)))
答案 1 :(得分:2)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
最简单的规则:使用由专家设计和实施的即用型组件 ,并且不要试图同时实现设计自己的并行算法的正确性和效率,除非你是专家。
答案 3 :(得分:1)
以编程方式解决这个问题是并行计算的圣杯之一,并且有许多库可以逼近特定问题的最佳并行性(例如,Data Parallel Haskell)。