
时间:2014-02-19 18:19:20

标签: c struct

我必须将一个结构数组的元素复制到新结构数组的空白元素(全部动态分配)。我所拥有的结构数组的每个元素(结构'a')只有两列,left_columnright_column。结构a的每个元素的一些右列条目(例如,我的结构元素)匹配相同结构的下一个(即,第i + 1个)结构元素的左列条目{{ 1}}。我试图找到这样的匹配条目,我试图将匹配元素的整个左右列一个一个地复制到一个较小的,保守的结构,结构a。问题是代码正在编译,但它没有进入最重要的匹配部分,即b部分。它正在进入if循环。




文件看起来: 第一个结构元素的片段如下所示:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>    

int main(int argc, char* args[])
    struct a
        int left_line;
        int right_line;

    struct b
        int conserved_left;
        int conserved_right;

    FILE *fp100;    // Output File

    fp100 = fopen("Conserved_Elements.txt", "a");

    struct a *ptr1;
    int structACapacity = 3; // Only 3 such comparison files are being worked with, there are >1000 comparison files
    ptr1 = malloc(structACapacity*sizeof(struct a));

    struct b *ptr2;
    int structBCapacity = 1000;
    ptr2 = malloc(structBCapacity*sizeof(struct b));

    int structure_ctr;
    int number_of_line_comparison_files = 3;    // Only 3 for the time being
    int knt;
    int left, right;

    for (structure_ctr=0; structure_ctr < number_of_line_comparison_files; structure_ctr++) {

        knt = 0;

        while (((ptr1+knt) < (ptr1+structACapacity-1)) && (knt < 500)) {
            fprintf(fp100, "Getting Into While\n");

            // finding the matching entries between right column of knt and left column of (knt+1)
            if ((ptr1+knt)->right_line == (ptr1+(1+knt))->left_line) {
                fprintf(fp100,"\tGetting Into the If\n");

                // copying matching values to the struct b
                left = (ptr2+knt)->conserved_left = (ptr1+knt)->left_line;
                right = (ptr2+knt)->conserved_right = (ptr1+knt)->right_line;

                // left, right are there for convinience only - easier to see, same values
                fprintf(fp100,"C-Left:%d\tC-Right:%d\n", left,right);

        } // end of while
    } //end of for


17   216

26   119

28    16

29   122

59   124

60   116

62   114

63   112

66    61

69    54

70    51

71    62

91    40

99    38     


321    25

110    45

116    49

216    110

56     117

54     131

32     167

31     178

8      188

12     199

39     239

60     244

121    263

124    275  


for(q = 0; q&lt; number_of_line_comparison_files; q ++)//遍历文件总数

75    223

61    248

45    278

31    290

10    291

111   311

117   324

128   338

139   347

148   365

167   376

178   381

191   394

193   397 

} //结束了

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我必须说,应该有更多的信息,因为问题要完全清楚。 根据给定的数据,这是我的答案。至少我要问的部分是问的。 我希望它有所帮助。

// copy_pointer_struct.c


int main(int argc, char* args[])
    struct a
        int left_line;
        int right_line;

    struct b
        int conserved_left;
        int conserved_right;

    FILE *fp100;
    fp100 = fopen("struct_file.txt", "a");

    struct a* ptr1;
    int structACapacity = 3;
    ptr1=(struct a*)malloc(structACapacity*sizeof(struct a));

    struct b *ptr2;
    int structBCapacity = 1000;
    ptr2=(struct b*)malloc(structBCapacity*sizeof(struct b));

    // for writing test values to ptr1 array
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < structACapacity; i++ )
        ptr1[i].left_line = i;
        (ptr1+i)->right_line = i+1;

    int structure_ctr,
        number_of_line_comparison_files = 10,

    // This outer for is neccessary only if you are getting structs form another source - a file for example or another structure.
    //for(structure_ctr=0; structure_ctr < number_of_line_comparison_files; structure_ctr++)
        // this inner for would be neccessary if you had an 2 dimensional array of structs or a pointer to a pointer to struct.
        //for(knt=0; knt<500; knt++)
            knt = 0;
            // in your while condition there is no changing value, (change being made inside cycle or condition itself),
            // which results in an infinite (for condition true) cycle or 0 cycles (for condition false)

            // this particular condition works until we have reached 500th element or the end of array,
            // whichever has lower value.
            // Of course in case of use of outer for ( && knt < 500) wouldn't be used, depending of the goal you have.
            while( (ptr1+knt) < (ptr1+structACapacity-1) && knt < 500 )
                if( (ptr1+knt)->right_line == (ptr1+1+knt)->left_line ) // comment line for file test
                    // copying duplicate values to the struct b
                    int left = (ptr2+knt)->conserved_left = (ptr1+1+knt)->left_line;
                    int right = (ptr2+knt)->conserved_right = (ptr1+knt)->right_line;

                    // here you can write those values to a file as 2 integers, for example
                    fprintf(fp100,"%d %d\n", left, right);
            } // while
    } //for structure_ctr


// copy_pointer_struct.c


typedef struct a
    int left_line;
    int right_line;
} structA;

typedef struct b
    int conserved_left;
    int conserved_right;
} structB;

int fillColumnPtr(FILE* source, structA* ptr);

int main(int argc, char* args[])

    FILE *fp100;
    fp100 = fopen("struct_file.txt", "w");

    structA* ptr1;
    int structACapacity = 1000;
    ptr1=(structA*)malloc(structACapacity*sizeof(struct a));

    printf("kapacitet ptr1: %d\n", sizeof ptr1);

    structB *ptr2;
    int structBCapacity = 1000;
    ptr2=(struct b*)malloc(structBCapacity*sizeof(struct b));

    char *filename = "columns_file4.txt";
    FILE *cfile1 = fopen(filename, "r");

    printf("Loading values from file: %s . . . \n", filename);

    int number_of_lines = fillColumnPtr(cfile1, ptr1);

    printf("Values loaded to ptr1(total lines %d):\n", number_of_lines);

    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < number_of_lines; i++  )
        printf("left: %6d, right: %6d\n", ptr1[i].left_line, ptr1[i].right_line);

    int structure_ctr,
        number_of_line_comparison_files = 10,

    knt = 0;

    while( (ptr1+knt) < (ptr1+structACapacity-1) && knt < number_of_lines )
        if( (ptr1+knt)->right_line == (ptr1+1+knt)->left_line ) // comment line for file test
            // copying duplicate values to the struct b
            int left = (ptr2+knt)->conserved_left = (ptr1+1+knt)->left_line;
            int right = (ptr2+knt)->conserved_right = (ptr1+knt)->right_line;

            // here you can write those values to a file as 2 integers, for example
            fprintf(fp100,"%d %d\n", left, right);
            printf("%d %d\n", left, right);
    } // while

// function: transfers data from a source file to pointer to struct
int fillColumnPtr(FILE* source, structA* ptr)
    char file_line[20],
         *str_left_line = calloc(sizeof(char), 6),
    int left_line, right_line, j, line_counter = 0, i = 0;
    while ( fgets(file_line, 19, source) != NULL )
        printf(">>  fileline: %s", file_line);
        left_line = atoi(str_left_line);
        right_line = atoi(str_right_line);
        printf("  left right: %-3d %6d\n", left_line, right_line);
        ptr[i].left_line = left_line;
        ptr[i].right_line = right_line;
    return line_counter;

注意:我检查了一些你应该在文件中的源值 - 它们中没有满足if内的条件,导致空指针。 附加发布,我已经测试了更改的值,它的工作原理。 对于此方法,请检查行中的间距 “columns_file4.txt”的内容:

321    25
25     45
116    49
216    110
110    117
54     131
32     167
31     178
178    188
12     199
199    239
60     244
121    263
124    275

(第1行右侧)25 ==(第2行左侧)25,110,178,199。 如果这不是您要查找的内容,请更改if条件。 祝好运。 希望这有帮助。