
时间:2014-01-27 02:57:13

标签: android calendar


不幸的是,我没有到达任何地方。我从logcat获得的唯一反馈是警告:Cursor finalized without prior close()

public class AddToCalendar {

    Context context;

    // Projection array. Creating indices for this array instead of doing
    // dynamic lookups improves performance.
    public static final String[] EVENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {
        Calendars._ID,                           // 0
        Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME,                  // 1
        Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME,         // 2
        Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT                  // 3

    // The indices for the projection array above.
    private static final int PROJECTION_ID_INDEX = 0;
    private static final int PROJECTION_ACCOUNT_NAME_INDEX = 1;
    private static final int PROJECTION_DISPLAY_NAME_INDEX = 2;
    private static final int PROJECTION_OWNER_ACCOUNT_INDEX = 3;

    public AddToCalendar (Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public Cursor getCalendars() {  
        Cursor cursor = null;
        ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
        Uri uri = Calendars.CONTENT_URI;   
        String selection = "((" + Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME + " = ?) AND (" 
                                + Calendars.ACCOUNT_TYPE + " = ?) AND ("
                                + Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT + " = ?))";
        String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {"sampleuser@gmail.com", "com.google",
        // Submit the query and get a Cursor object back. 
        cursor = cr.query(uri, EVENT_PROJECTION, selection, selectionArgs, null);

        return cursor;

    public void addEvent(Cursor cursor, String type, String location, String description, Date workout_date) {

        System.err.println("adding event");

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {

            String displayName = null;
            String accountName = null;
            String ownerName = null;

            // Get the field values
            long calID = 0;
            calID = cursor.getLong(PROJECTION_ID_INDEX);
            displayName = cursor.getString(PROJECTION_DISPLAY_NAME_INDEX);
            accountName = cursor.getString(PROJECTION_ACCOUNT_NAME_INDEX);
            ownerName = cursor.getString(PROJECTION_OWNER_ACCOUNT_INDEX);

            System.err.printf("Calendar: %s\n", displayName);

            long startMillis = 0; 
            long endMillis = 0;     
            Calendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance();
            beginTime.set(2014, 1, 26, 7, 30);
            startMillis = beginTime.getTimeInMillis();
            Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();
            endTime.set(2014, 1, 26, 8, 45);
            endMillis = endTime.getTimeInMillis();

            ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
            values.put(Events.DTSTART, startMillis);
            values.put(Events.DTEND, endMillis);
            values.put(Events.TITLE, type);
            values.put(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, location);
            values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, description);
            values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, calID);
            values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, "America/Los_Angeles");

            cr.insert(Events.CONTENT_URI, values);




编辑:Andrew T指出我有一个一个一个错误,因为月份是从零开始的,所以我把我的硬编码日期改为0个月。我还在我的后面添加了一个cursor.close() while循环。但是,我的日程表上仍然没有任何内容。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


另外,你有没有在2月检查过这些事件?我担心你有一个关于月份在Java Calendar中如何工作的问题。 (月份从0开始,即Calendar.JANUARY


getCalendars()似乎存在问题,特别是在String selection = ...上会返回空Cursor。此外,通过这种方法,可能会将事件添加到多个日历中,这可能是不可取的。


我认为您可以使用cursor = cr.query(uri, EVENT_PROJECTION, null, null, null);列出设备上的所有日历。