
时间:2010-01-16 12:18:34

标签: python escaping


string = """ Hello "XYZ" this 'is' a test & so on """


string = " Hello "XYZ" this 'is' a test & so on "

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:37)

在Python 3.2中,您可以使用html.escape function,例如

>>> string = """ Hello "XYZ" this 'is' a test & so on """
>>> import html
>>> html.escape(string)
' Hello "XYZ" this 'is' a test & so on '



Python附带的cgi module有一个escape() function

import cgi

s = cgi.escape( """& < >""" )   # s = "&amp; &lt; &gt;"

但是,它不会转义&<>之外的字符。如果它用作cgi.escape(string_to_escape, quote=True),它也会转义"



 html_escape_table = {
     "&": "&amp;",
     '"': "&quot;",
     "'": "&apos;",
     ">": "&gt;",
     "<": "&lt;",

 def html_escape(text):
     """Produce entities within text."""
     return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text)

您还可以使用escape() from xml.sax.saxutils来转义html。此功能应该更快地执行。同一模块的unescape()函数可以传递相同的参数来解码字符串。

from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape
# escape() and unescape() takes care of &, < and >.
html_escape_table = {
    '"': "&quot;",
    "'": "&apos;"
html_unescape_table = {v:k for k, v in html_escape_table.items()}

def html_escape(text):
    return escape(text, html_escape_table)

def html_unescape(text):
    return unescape(text, html_unescape_table)

答案 1 :(得分:5)


 import cgi
 original_string = 'Hello "XYZ" this \'is\' a test & so on '
 escaped_string = cgi.escape(original_string, True)
 print original_string
 print escaped_string


Hello "XYZ" this 'is' a test & so on 
Hello &quot;XYZ&quot; this 'is' a test &amp; so on 


答案 2 :(得分:4)


def escape(t):
    """HTML-escape the text in `t`."""
    return (t
        .replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
        .replace("'", "&#39;").replace('"', "&quot;")



答案 3 :(得分:0)

此处的其他答案将有助于您列出的字符和其他一些字符。但是,如果您还希望将其他所有内容转换为实体名称,则必须执行其他操作。例如,如果á需要转换为&aacute;,则cgi.escapehtml.escape都不会帮助您。你会想做一些使用html.entities.entitydefs的东西,这只是一本字典。 (以下代码是针对Python 3.x制作的,但是部分尝试使其与2.x兼容以提供您的想法):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

if sys.version_info[0]>2:
    from html.entities import entitydefs
    from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs

text=";\"áèïøæỳ" #This is your string variable containing the stuff you want to convert
text=text.replace(";", "$ஸ$") #$ஸ$ is just something random the user isn't likely to have in the document. We're converting it so it doesn't convert the semi-colons in the entity name into entity names.
text=text.replace("$ஸ$", "&semi;") #Converting semi-colons to entity names

if sys.version_info[0]>2: #Using appropriate code for each Python version.
    for k,v in entitydefs.items():
        if k not in {"semi", "amp"}:
            text=text.replace(v, "&"+k+";") #You have to add the & and ; manually.
    for k,v in entitydefs.iteritems():
        if k not in {"semi", "amp"}:
            text=text.replace(v, "&"+k+";") #You have to add the & and ; manually.

#The above code doesn't cover every single entity name, although I believe it covers everything in the Latin-1 character set. So, I'm manually doing some common ones I like hereafter:
text=text.replace("ŷ", "&ycirc;")
text=text.replace("Ŷ", "&Ycirc;")
text=text.replace("ŵ", "&wcirc;")
text=text.replace("Ŵ", "&Wcirc;")
text=text.replace("ỳ", "&#7923;")
text=text.replace("Ỳ", "&#7922;")
text=text.replace("ẃ", "&wacute;")
text=text.replace("Ẃ", "&Wacute;")
text=text.replace("ẁ", "&#7809;")
text=text.replace("Ẁ", "&#7808;")

#Python 3.x outputs: &semi;&quot;&aacute;&egrave;&iuml;&oslash;&aelig;&#7923;
#The Python 2.x version outputs the wrong stuff. So, clearly you'll have to adjust the code somehow for it.