Cucumber Gherkins中的相同步骤定义

时间:2013-12-16 05:45:50

标签: cucumber gherkin cucumber-junit


Given i go to the URL
And i enter the <NRIC or FIN> as NRIC / FIN
And i select the option to proceed Next
And i select the first available available Handset Color
And i select the option to proceed Next
And i enter <Full Name> as Name
When i select the option to proceed Next

I select the option to proceed Next”出现三次。应该如何在Step Definitions Java类文件中编写它?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




Scenario: Create a new order
    Given I have gone to the URL
    When I enter the NRIC/FIN: <NRIC/FIN> 
     And I choose the first available Handset Colour
     And I enter <Full Name> as Name
    Then my new order should be confirmed (or whatever)


Scenario: Check the status of an order
    Given that I have created an order:
       | NRIC/FIN | Colour | Full Name |
       | xxxxx    | Red    | John Doe  |
    When I check the status of my order
    Then I should see a new order...



答案 1 :(得分:1)


Given i go to the URL
And i enter NRIC / FIN
And i select the first available Handset Color
And i enter <Full Name> as Name
Then I should see that

所以这取决于谁将阅读你的场景。值得一读的链接是imperative - declarative