
时间:2013-12-01 15:26:48

标签: javascript html image forms dom




<body onload = "play_game()">
    <form id="print_board">
        <button id="position1"></button>
        <button id="position2"></button>
        <button id="position3"></button>

        <button id="position4"></button>
        <button id="position5"></button>
        <button id="position6"></button><br>
        <button id="position7"></button>
        <button id="position8"></button>
        <button id="position9"></button>


  var turn = 0 // A counter for the number of turns that have passed
  var win = false // Tracking whether the main game loop should continue

  var space = ' ' // The symbol we will use for an empty space on the board
  var player1 = 'O' // The symbol we will use for player 1
  var player2 = 'X' // The symbol we will use for player 2

   // The board will be represented by a 2D list
   // (a list of rows, with each row being itself a list)
   board = []
   board[0] = [space, space, space]
   board[1] = [space, space, space]
   board[2] = [space, space, space]

   // Take a board variable called b and print out a nice text
   // representation of the board.
   // The board variable should be a 2D list with each element containing space, 'X' or 'O'
   function printboard(b) {
      var position1 = board[0][0]
      var position2 = board[0][1]
      var position3 = board[0][2]
      var position4 = board[1][0]
      var position5 = board[1][1]
      var position6 = board[1][2]
      var position7 = board[2][0]
      var position8 = board[2][1]
      var position9 = board[2][2]

      document.getElementById("position1").innerHTML = position1;
      document.getElementById("position2").innerHTML = position2;
      document.getElementById("position3").innerHTML = position3;
      document.getElementById("position4").innerHTML = position4;
      document.getElementById("position5").innerHTML = position5;
      document.getElementById("position6").innerHTML = position6;
      document.getElementById("position7").innerHTML = position7;
      document.getElementById("position8").innerHTML = position8;
      document.getElementById("position9").innerHTML = position9;

   // Take a player type (X or O) and play a single move on the board
   // for that player. 
   // At the moment this just prompts the player for their move and 
   // then makes the move if possible. The move is lost if they try
   // an already occupied position. At the moment no attempt it made
   // to validate the input
   function playMove(player) {
      ("Your turn player", player)
      row = parseInt(prompt("enter row:"))
      col = parseInt(prompt("enter column:"))
      if (board[row][col] === player1 || board[row][col] === player2) {
          ("Already taken! Move skipped")
      } else {
          board[row][col] = player

   // Take a board (2D list of space, 'X' or 'O') and a player marker
   // Returns True if that player has won on the board, and False if they
   // have not
   function checkWin(b, player) {

      // Check each row
      for (var r = 0; r < b.length; r = r + 1) {
          row = b[r];
          if (row[0] === player && row[1] === player && row[2] === player) {
              return true

      // Check diagonals
      if (b[0][0] === player && b[1][1] === player && b[2][2] === player) {
          return true
      // Todo: second diagonal

      // Check columns
      for (var col = 0; col < 3; col = col + 1) {
          if (b[0][col] === player && b[1][col] === player && b[2][col] === player) {
              return true

      // If we have not already returned by now then there was no win position.
      return false

   function play_game() {

      while (win === false) {

          win = checkWin(board, player1)

          if (!win) {
              win = checkWin(board, player2)

      document.write("Game over")

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