Length = input Long(can be 2550, 2880, 2568, etc)
List<long> = {618, 350, 308, 300, 250, 232, 200, 128}
程序需要一个很长的值,对于那个特定的长值,我们必须从上面的列表中找到可能的组合,当添加时给我一个输入结果(相同的值可以使用两次)。可能存在+/- 30的差异。
Ex:长度= 868 对于这种组合可以是
组合1 = 618 + 250
组合2 = 308 + 232 + 200 + 128
public static void Main(string[] args)
//subtotal list
List<int> totals = new List<int>(new int[] { 618, 350, 308, 300, 250, 232, 200, 128 });
// get matches
List<int[]> results = KnapSack.MatchTotal(2682, totals);
// print results
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", result));
internal static List<int[]> MatchTotal(int theTotal, List<int> subTotals)
List<int[]> results = new List<int[]>();
while (subTotals.Contains(theTotal))
results.Add(new int[1] { theTotal });
if (subTotals.Count == 0)
return results;
double mostNegativeNumber = subTotals[0];
if (mostNegativeNumber > 0)
mostNegativeNumber = 0;
if (mostNegativeNumber == 0)
subTotals.RemoveAll(d => d > theTotal);
for (int choose = 0; choose <= subTotals.Count; choose++)
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> combos = Combination.Combinations(subTotals.AsEnumerable(), choose);
results.AddRange(from combo in combos where combo.Sum() == theTotal select combo.ToArray());
return results;
public static class Combination
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int choose)
return choose == 0 ?
new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((element, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(choose - 1).Select(combo => (new[] { element }).Concat(combo)));
答案 0 :(得分:0)
此外,它假设您只考虑对的组合,并在第一场比赛时退出。 如果要查找所有组合,则只需输出组合并增加startIndex或减少endIndex,而不是“break”。
此外,您应该检查范围(targetSum - 30到targetSum + 30)而不仅仅是确切的值,因为问题表明允许误差范围。
根据我的说法,这是最好的解决方案,因为它的复杂性是O(nlogn + n),包括排序。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
V4 - 递归方法,在线程上使用堆栈结构而不是堆栈帧
static int Threshold = 30;
private static Stack<long> RecursiveMethod(long target)
Stack<long> Combination = new Stack<long>(establishedValues.Count); //Can grow bigger, as big as (target / min(establishedValues)) values
Stack<int> Index = new Stack<int>(establishedValues.Count); //Can grow bigger
int lowerBound = 0;
int dimensionIndex = lowerBound;
long fail = -1 * Threshold;
while (true)
long thisVal = establishedValues[dimensionIndex];
long afterApplied = target - thisVal;
if (afterApplied < fail)
lowerBound = dimensionIndex;
target = afterApplied;
if (target <= Threshold)
return Combination;
dimensionIndex = lowerBound;
if (dimensionIndex >= establishedValues.Count)
if (Index.Count == 0)
return null; //No possible combinations
dimensionIndex = Index.Pop();
lowerBound = dimensionIndex;
target += Combination.Pop();
可能是V3 - 对有序解决方案尝试每种组合的建议
虽然这不是相关问题的答案,但我认为这是一个很好的方法 - https://stackoverflow.com/a/17258033/887092(否则你可以尝试选择的答案(虽然输出只有2个项目)设置总和,而不是最多n项)) - 它将枚举每个选项,包括相同值的倍数。 V2工作但效率略低于有序解决方案,因为可能会多次尝试同样的失败尝试。
V2 - 随机选择 - 将能够重复使用相同的数字
我喜欢随机使用“智能”,允许计算机暴力破解解决方案。它也很容易分发 - 例如,两个线程之间没有状态依赖性,例如同时尝试。
static int Threshold = 30;
public static List<long> RandomMethod(long Target)
List<long> Combinations = new List<long>();
Random rnd = new Random();
//Assuming establishedValues is sorted
int LowerBound = 0;
long runningSum = Target;
while (true)
int newLowerBound = FindLowerBound(LowerBound, runningSum);
if (newLowerBound == -1)
//No more beneficial values to work with, reset
runningSum = Target;
LowerBound = 0;
LowerBound = newLowerBound;
int rIndex = rnd.Next(LowerBound, establishedValues.Count);
long val = establishedValues[rIndex];
runningSum -= val;
if (Math.Abs(runningSum) <= 30)
return Combinations;
static int FindLowerBound(int currentLowerBound, long runningSum)
//Adjust lower bound, so we're not randomly trying a number that's too high
for (int i = currentLowerBound; i < establishedValues.Count; i++)
//Factor in the threshold, because an end aggregate which exceeds by 20 is better than underperforming by 21.
if ((establishedValues[i] - Threshold) < runningSum)
return i;
return -1;
V1 - 有序选择 - 将无法重复使用相同的数字
//Make sure you put this in a static class inside System namespace
public static IEnumerable<List<T>> EachCombination<T>(this List<T> allValues)
var collection = new List<List<T>>();
for (int counter = 0; counter < (1 << allValues.Count); ++counter)
List<T> combination = new List<T>();
for (int i = 0; i < allValues.Count; ++i)
if ((counter & (1 << i)) == 0)
if (combination.Count == 0)
yield return combination;
static List<long> establishedValues = new List<long>() {618, 350, 308, 300, 250, 232, 200, 128, 180, 118, 155};
//Return is a list of the values which sum to equal the target. Null if not found.
List<long> FindFirstCombination(long target)
foreach (var combination in establishedValues.EachCombination())
//if (combination.Sum() == target)
if (Math.Abs(combination.Sum() - target) <= 30) //Plus or minus tolerance for difference
return combination;
return null; //Or you could throw an exception
var target = 858;
var result = FindFirstCombination(target);
bool success = (result != null && result.Sum() == target);
//TODO: for loop with random selection of numbers from the establishedValues, Sum and test through FindFirstCombination