C - 浮点数的序列化(浮点数,双精度数)

时间:2009-11-23 21:32:18

标签: c floating-point floating-point-conversion


10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)

假设您正在使用主流编译器,C和C ++中的浮点值遵循IEEE标准,并且当以二进制形式写入文件时可以在任何其他平台中恢复,前提是您使用相同的字节endianess进行写入和读取。所以我的建议是:选择一个选择的结尾,在写作之前或阅读之后,检查该结尾是否与当前平台相同;如果没有,只需交换字节。

答案 1 :(得分:3)

您始终可以按固定字节顺序(小端或大端)转换为IEEE-754格式。对于大多数机器来说,根本不需要任何东西,或者需要简单的字节交换来序列化和反序列化。一台本机不支持IEEE-754的机器需要编写一个转换器,但使用ldexp和frexp(stanard C库函数)和位混洗这样做并不太难。

答案 2 :(得分:3)

这可能会给你一个良好的开端 - 它会将一个浮点值打包到intlong long对中,然后您可以按照常规方式进行序列化。

#define FRAC_MAX 9223372036854775807LL /* 2**63 - 1 */

struct dbl_packed
    int exp;
    long long frac;

void pack(double x, struct dbl_packed *r)
    double xf = fabs(frexp(x, &r->exp)) - 0.5;

    if (xf < 0.0)
        r->frac = 0;

    r->frac = 1 + (long long)(xf * 2.0 * (FRAC_MAX - 1));

    if (x < 0.0)
        r->frac = -r->frac;

double unpack(const struct dbl_packed *p)
    double xf, x;

    if (p->frac == 0)
        return 0.0;

    xf = ((double)(llabs(p->frac) - 1) / (FRAC_MAX - 1)) / 2.0;

    x = ldexp(xf + 0.5, p->exp);

    if (p->frac < 0)
        x = -x;

    return x;

答案 3 :(得分:2)



double planck_time = 5.39124E-44; /* second */浮动类型的特征&lt; float.h&gt;

10   The values given in the following list shall be replaced by constant
     expressions with implementation-defined values [...]
11   The values given in the following list shall be replaced by constant
     expressions with implementation-defined values [...]
12   The values given in the following list shall be replaced by constant
     expressions with implementation-defined (positive) values [...]


答案 4 :(得分:1)




答案 5 :(得分:0)


答案 6 :(得分:0)


答案 7 :(得分:0)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define LITEND      'L'
#define BIGEND      'B'

typedef short               INT16;
typedef int                 INT32;
typedef double              vec1_t;

 typedef struct {
    FILE            *fp;

#define w_byte(c, p)    putc((c), (p)->fp)
#define r_byte(p)       getc((p)->fp)

static void w_vec1(vec1_t v1_Val, WFILE *p)
    INT32   i;
    char    *pc_Val;

    pc_Val = (char *)&v1_Val;

    w_byte(LITEND, p);
    for (i = 0; i<sizeof(vec1_t); i++)
        w_byte(pc_Val[i], p);

static vec1_t r_vec1(RFILE *p)
    INT32   i;
    vec1_t  v1_Val;
    char    c_Type,

    pc_Val = (char *)&v1_Val;

    c_Type = r_byte(p);
    if (c_Type==LITEND)
        for (i = 0; i<sizeof(vec1_t); i++)
            pc_Val[i] = r_byte(p);
    return v1_Val;

int main(void)
    WFILE   x_FileW,
            *px_FileW = &x_FileW;
    RFILE   x_FileR,
            *px_FileR = &x_FileR;

    vec1_t  v1_Val;
    INT32   l_Val;
    char    *pc_Val = (char *)&v1_Val;
    INT32   i;

    px_FileW->fp = fopen("test.bin", "w");
    v1_Val = 1234567890.0987654321;
    printf("v1_Val before write = %.20f \n", v1_Val);
    w_vec1(v1_Val, px_FileW);

    px_FileR->fp = fopen("test.bin", "r");
    v1_Val = r_vec1(px_FileR);
    printf("v1_Val after read = %.20f \n", v1_Val);
    return 0;

答案 8 :(得分:0)


便携式IEEE 754序列化/反序列化应该 无论机器的内部浮点如何都能正常工作 表示。


* read a double from a stream in ieee754 format regardless of host
*  encoding.
*  fp - the stream
*  bigendian - set to if big bytes first, clear for little bytes
*              first
double freadieee754(FILE *fp, int bigendian)
    unsigned char buff[8];
    int i;
    double fnorm = 0.0;
    unsigned char temp;
    int sign;
    int exponent;
    double bitval;
    int maski, mask;
    int expbits = 11;
    int significandbits = 52;
    int shift;
    double answer;

    /* read the data */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        buff[i] = fgetc(fp);
    /* just reverse if not big-endian*/
    if (!bigendian)
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            temp = buff[i];
            buff[i] = buff[8 - i - 1];
            buff[8 - i - 1] = temp;
    sign = buff[0] & 0x80 ? -1 : 1;
    /* exponet in raw format*/
    exponent = ((buff[0] & 0x7F) << 4) | ((buff[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);

    /* read inthe mantissa. Top bit is 0.5, the successive bits half*/
    bitval = 0.5;
    maski = 1;
    mask = 0x08;
    for (i = 0; i < significandbits; i++)
        if (buff[maski] & mask)
            fnorm += bitval;

        bitval /= 2.0;
        mask >>= 1;
        if (mask == 0)
            mask = 0x80;
    /* handle zero specially */
    if (exponent == 0 && fnorm == 0)
        return 0.0;

    shift = exponent - ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1); /* exponent = shift + bias */
    /* nans have exp 1024 and non-zero mantissa */
    if (shift == 1024 && fnorm != 0)
        return sqrt(-1.0);
    if (shift == 1024 && fnorm == 0)

        return sign == 1 ? INFINITY : -INFINITY;
        return  (sign * 1.0) / 0.0;
    if (shift > -1023)
        answer = ldexp(fnorm + 1.0, shift);
        return answer * sign;
        /* denormalised numbers */
        if (fnorm == 0.0)
            return 0.0;
        shift = -1022;
        while (fnorm < 1.0)
            fnorm *= 2;
        answer = ldexp(fnorm, shift);
        return answer * sign;

* write a double to a stream in ieee754 format regardless of host
*  encoding.
*  x - number to write
*  fp - the stream
*  bigendian - set to write big bytes first, elee write litle bytes
*              first
*  Returns: 0 or EOF on error
*  Notes: different NaN types and negative zero not preserved.
*         if the number is too big to represent it will become infinity
*         if it is too small to represent it will become zero.
int fwriteieee754(double x, FILE *fp, int bigendian)
    int shift;
    unsigned long sign, exp, hibits, hilong, lowlong;
    double fnorm, significand;
    int expbits = 11;
    int significandbits = 52;

    /* zero (can't handle signed zero) */
    if (x == 0)
        hilong = 0;
        lowlong = 0;
        goto writedata;
    /* infinity */
    if (x > DBL_MAX)
        hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
        hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
        lowlong = 0;
        goto writedata;
    /* -infinity */
    if (x < -DBL_MAX)
        hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
        hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
        hilong |= (1 << 31);
        lowlong = 0;
        goto writedata;
    /* NaN - dodgy because many compilers optimise out this test, but
    *there is no portable isnan() */
    if (x != x)
        hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
        hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
        lowlong = 1234;
        goto writedata;

    /* get the sign */
    if (x < 0) { sign = 1; fnorm = -x; }
    else { sign = 0; fnorm = x; }

    /* get the normalized form of f and track the exponent */
    shift = 0;
    while (fnorm >= 2.0) { fnorm /= 2.0; shift++; }
    while (fnorm < 1.0) { fnorm *= 2.0; shift--; }

    /* check for denormalized numbers */
    if (shift < -1022)
        while (shift < -1022) { fnorm /= 2.0; shift++; }
        shift = -1023;
    /* out of range. Set to infinity */
    else if (shift > 1023)
        hilong = 1024 + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1);
        hilong <<= (31 - expbits);
        hilong |= (sign << 31);
        lowlong = 0;
        goto writedata;
        fnorm = fnorm - 1.0; /* take the significant bit off mantissa */

    /* calculate the integer form of the significand */
    /* hold it in a  double for now */

    significand = fnorm * ((1LL << significandbits) + 0.5f);

    /* get the biased exponent */
    exp = shift + ((1 << (expbits - 1)) - 1); /* shift + bias */

    /* put the data into two longs (for convenience) */
    hibits = (long)(significand / 4294967296);
    hilong = (sign << 31) | (exp << (31 - expbits)) | hibits;
    x = significand - hibits * 4294967296;
    lowlong = (unsigned long)(significand - hibits * 4294967296);

    /* write the bytes out to the stream */
    if (bigendian)
        fputc((hilong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((hilong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((hilong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc(hilong & 0xFF, fp);

        fputc((lowlong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((lowlong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((lowlong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc(lowlong & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc(lowlong & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((lowlong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((lowlong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((lowlong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);

        fputc(hilong & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((hilong >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((hilong >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
        fputc((hilong >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
    return ferror(fp);

答案 9 :(得分:-1)

fwrite(),fread()?你可能会想要二进制文件,除非你想牺牲你在程序中执行的精度然后fwrite()fread(),否则你不能将字节打包得更紧。漂浮一个;双b; α=(浮点)B;的fwrite(&安培; A,1,的sizeof(a)中,FP);

如果您携带不同的浮点格式,它们可能无法以直接的二进制方式进行转换,因此您可能必须分开这些位并执行数学计算,此功能加上此功能,等等.IEEE 754是一个可怕的标准使用但广泛,所以它会尽量减少努力。