<mx:Canvas id="cp" width="100%" height="100%" alpha="1" creationComplete="initChart()">
<mx:PlotChart id="pChart" showDataTips="true" width="100%" height="85%">
<mx:LinearAxis id="pChartlinearAxis" baseAtZero="false" title="{parameterLabel}" minorInterval="0.5" interval="1.0" />
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{pChartlinearAxis}" verticalAxisTitleAlignment="vertical">
<mx:SolidColorStroke weight="6" color="#BBCCDD" alpha="1" caps="square"/>
<mx:DateTimeAxis id="pChartca" title="Date" dataUnits="days" dataInterval="1" labelUnits="days"/>
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{pChartca}" canDropLabels="true" labelRotation="45">
<mx:SolidColorStroke weight="6" color="#BBCCDD" alpha="1" caps="square"/>
<mx:PlotSeries id="pSeries" />
<mx:Legend id="mylgn" horizontalCenter="0" bottom="32"/>
<s:Label id="lblChart1" text="{parameterLabel}" horizontalCenter="0" bottom="20"/>
// The function for the first time that the Canvas is created.
protected function initChart():void{
cmbParmNameList.selectedIndex = 0;
function setPlotChart();
// The function for setting the chart for the first time when the Canvas is created or whenever cmbWQChartParmNameList is changed
protected function setPlotChart():void{
var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var chart:ChartBase;
var seriesArray:Array;
var obj:Object;
pChart.visible = true;
// Name of the chart is selected from the selected item in the combobox in which the parameters are listed
parameterLabel = cmbParmNameList.selectedItem.Parameter;
// data is an ArryCollection is assigned as pChart's dataprovider
for each(obj in data){
pSeries.visible= true;
// The selected parameter is considered as the yField. There is a column in "data" with the exact same name
pSeries.yField = cmbParmNameList.selectedItem.Parameter;
// "Date" is a field name in "data"
pSeries.xField = "Date";
// StationID is the name of the station in which the "data" is collected
pSeries.displayName = StationID.toString();
pSeries.dataProvider = null;
pChart.dataProvider = null;
pSeries.dataProvider = ac;
pChart.dataProvider = pSeries.dataProvider;
chart = (pChart as ChartBase);
seriesArray = chart.series;
chart.series = seriesArray;
mylgn.dataProvider= chart;
mylgn.direction= "horizontal";
pChart.series = seriesArray;
protected function cmbParmNameList_changeHandler(event:ListEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub