
时间:2013-02-23 17:08:22

标签: r plot r-grid



enter image description here


    plotcord <- data.frame (
plotname = c("A", "B", "C", "D",    "E",    "F",   "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"),
plotgridX = c( 1.5, 2,   5,   5.5,   1.75,  5.25,  8   , 1 ,  2,   3.5,  6,  7.5),
 plotgridY = c( 3,  3,    3,    3,     2 ,    2,    2,   2  , 1,   1,   1,   1))

   plotname plotgridX plotgridY
1         A      1.50         3
2         B      2.00         3
3         C      5.00         3
4         D      5.50         3
5         E      1.75         2
6         F      5.25         2
7         G      8.00         2
8         H      1.00         2
9         I      2.00         1
10        J      3.50         1
11        K      6.00         1
12        L      7.50         1


connectd <- data.frame (id = c(  "E",    "F", "I", "J", "K", "L"),
                        parent1 = c("A",  "C", "H", "E" ,"E", "F"),
                      parent2 = c("B",  "D",  "E", "F", "F", "G"))
  id parent1 parent2
1  E       A       B
2  F       C       D
3  I       H       E
4  J       E       F
5  K       E       F
6  L       F       G


虽然我有其他细节可以在每个子图中绘制,但作为概念验证,我想绘制一个带有名称为n1和n2的每个图的矩形,以形成如下图: enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)



  • Chage如何计算线条的坐标:无需使用合并
  • 更改如何绘制连接线:非常连接的线。

enter image description here


## here the edit 
dat.lines <- do.call(cbind,apply(connectd,2,
                                   id <- match(x,plotcord$plotname)

colnames(dat.lines) <- paste(rep(c('x','y'),3),rep(1:3,each=2),sep='')


     x1 y1   x2 y2   x3 y3
1 1.750  2 1.50  3 2.00  3
2 5.250  2 5.00  3 5.50  3
3 1.375  1 1.00  2 1.75  2
4 3.500  1 1.75  2 5.25  2
5 6.000  1 1.75  2 5.25  2
6 7.500  1 5.25  2 8.00  2


xyplot(plotgridY~plotgridX,data= plotcord,
       boxh <- 0.5
       y2 <- x['y2']
       x2 <- (x['x2']+x['x3'])/2
       ydelta <- (y2 - y1)/2
       panel.segments(c(x1, x1, x2), c(y1, y1 + ydelta, y2 - 
                                   ydelta), c(x1, x2, x2), c(y1 + ydelta, y2 - 
                                                               ydelta, y2))


         ## add some prove of concept detail 

         },ylim=extendrange(plotcord$plotgridY,f=0.5),xlab='',ylab='', axis = axis.grid,
   main='Arrangement of large number of plots \n and connect with lines ')

答案 1 :(得分:11)



在R中,许多人正确地留下了基础绘图功能,并开始转向更灵活的包装包,&#39;格子&#39;和&#39; ggplot2&#39;。这些是通过在单个图上应用逻辑层来快速浏览数据的强大工具。然后包处理所有层并产生一个适当排列的绘图窗口。这些包很棒,我建议每个R用户至少学习其中一个。

但是,有一点需要注意的是,格子&#39;和&#39; ggplot2&#39;软件包比智能数据可视化更适合数据探索。在创建自定义数据可视化时,这些包为您做出了太多决定,因为它是包装器的用途:从您手中做出一些决定。

自定义可视化?输入&#39; grid&#39;

基地&#39;网格&#39;包装是绘图灵活性的终极,部分原因在于它扩展了基础绘图功能的功能,而不是包装它们。使用&#39; grid&#39;功能,我们获得了使用各种不同单位创建视觉对象的能力,用于放置和尺寸调整,并且(这非常重要)我们获得了对我们的对象使用理由的能力。锚。 Paul Murrell的书,&#34; R Graphics,&#34;如果您想学习,这是一个很好的资源。它的副本放在我的桌子上。





  1. 制作视口
  2. 绘制一些对象
  3. 弹出视口
  4. 在制作视口时,我们使用&#39; pushViewport&#39;推动“视口”#39;对象,像这样:

    pushViewport(viewport(x=0, y=1, xscale=c(1, 10), yscale=c(0, 100), width=0.25, height=0.25, default.units="npc", just=c("left","bottom"), clip="off"))

    基本视口有一个&#34; npc&#34;一组单位,其中x从0到1,从左到右,y从0到1,从下到上。这意味着原点位于左下角。上面的视口创建为左下角绘图的四分之一。当我们指定&#34; xscale&#34;然而,&#34; yscale&#34;但是,我们有能力引用单位&#34; native&#34;绘制对象时这意味着我们可以使用&#34; native&#34;用于绘制数据和使用的单位&#34; npc&#34;绘制轴和标签之类的单位。

    绘制对象时,我们使用的功能包括&#39; grid.lines&#39;,&#39; grid.polygon&#39;,&#39; grid.points&#39;,&#39; grid。圈&#39;等等。我做过的每个可视化都使用了这些对象。通过手动指定这些对象来绘制数据时,您将获得大量的控制权。填充折线图是添加功能的最明显示例之一。填充区域只是一个多边形,其中多边形的点由数据指定,并添加了两个锚点。我用它来突出折线图的区域,或者更容易在同一个图表上读取多行。

    您还可以获得创意,例如,创建不是矩形的条形图,或以更复杂的方式组合多个图形。我和其他一些人最近开了一个以科幻为主题的步行游戏,我们使用自定义图表(使用&#39;网格&#39;)来显示我们的最终表现。该图表结合了&#34;幸存者&#34;的天数。团队作为时间轴,每天显示玩家与敌人的步数作为条形图,并显示每天累积的玩家和敌人步数​​作为实线图。我很难用“格子”来创造一个类似的视觉效果。或者&#39; ggplot2&#39;包。


    Sample sophisticated chart


    现在专门解决OP提出的问题。在这个问题中,OP意味着他/她将在每个区域内绘制图表。使用预先构建的绘图包时,这可能会变得棘手,因为大多数绘图功能都会覆盖您已设置的任何绘图规范。相反,使用像base&#39; grid&#39;这样的东西更可靠。用于指定绘图区域,然后在视口中绘制必要的数据对象。





    Chart demo of grid functionality


    # Specify general chart options.
    chart_Fill = "lemonchiffon"
    chart_Col = "snow3"
    space_Background = "white"
    title_CEX = 0.8
    axis_CEX = 0.6
    chart_Width <- 3/3
    chart_Height <- 2/5
    # Function to initialize a plotting area.
    init_Plot <- function(
        # Initialize plotting area to fit data.
        # We have to turn off clipping to make it
        # easy to plot the labels around the plot.
        pushViewport(viewport(xscale=c(min(.df[,1]), max(.df[,1])), yscale=c(min(0,min(.df[,-1])), max(.df[,-1])), x=.x_Loc, y=.y_Loc, width=.width, height=.height, just=.justify, clip="off", default.units="native"))
        # Color behind text.
        grid.rect(x=0, y=0, width=unit(axis_CEX, "lines"), height=1, default.units="npc", just=c("right", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
        grid.rect(x=0, y=1, width=1, height=unit(title_CEX, "lines"), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
        # Color in the space.
        grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=chart_Fill, col=chart_Col))
    # Function to finalize and label a plotting area.
    finalize_Plot <- function(
        # Label plot using the internal reference
        # system, instead of the parent window, so
        # we always have perfect placement.
        grid.text(.plot_Title, x=0.5, y=1.05, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=0, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=title_CEX))
        grid.text(paste(names(.df)[-1], collapse=" & "), x=-0.05, y=0.5, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=90, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=axis_CEX))
        grid.text(names(.df)[1], x=0.5, y=-0.05, just=c("center","top"), rot=0, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=axis_CEX))
        # Finalize plotting area.
    # Function to plot a filled line chart of
    # the data in a data frame.  The first column
    # of the data frame is assumed to be the
    # plotting index, with each column being a
    # set of y-data to plot.  All data is assumed
    # to be numeric.
    plot_Line_Chart <- function(
        # Initialize plot.
        init_Plot(.df, .x_Loc, .y_Loc, .justify, .width, .height)
        # Calculate what value to use as the
        # return for the polygons.
        y_Axis_Min <- min(0, min(.df[,-1]))
        # Plot each set of data as a polygon,
        # so we can fill it in with color to
        # make it easier to read.
        for (i in 2:ncol(.df)){
            grid.polygon(x=c(min(.df[,1]),.df[,1], max(.df[,1])), y=c(y_Axis_Min,.df[,i], y_Axis_Min), default.units="native", gp=gpar(fill=.colors[i-1], col=.colors[i-1], alpha=1/ncol(.df)))
        # Draw plot axes.
        grid.lines(x=0, y=c(0,1), default.units="npc")
        grid.lines(x=c(0,1), y=0, default.units="npc")
        # Finalize plot.
        finalize_Plot(.df, .plot_Title)
    # Function to plot a scatterplot of
    # the data in a data frame.  The
    # assumptions are the same as 'plot_Line_Chart'.
    plot_Scatterplot <- function(
        # Initialize plot.
        init_Plot(.df, .x_Loc, .y_Loc, .justify, .width, .height)
        # Plot each set of data as colored points.
        for (i in 2:ncol(.df)){
            grid.points(x=.df[,1], y=.df[,i], pch=19, size=unit(1, "native"), default.units="native", gp=gpar(col=.colors[i-1], alpha=1/ncol(.df)))
        # Draw plot axes.
        grid.lines(x=0, y=c(0,1), default.units="npc")
        grid.lines(x=c(0,1), y=0, default.units="npc")
        # Finalize plot.
        finalize_Plot(.df, .plot_Title)
    # Function to plot a histogram of
    # all the columns in a data frame,
    # except the first, which is assumed to
    # be an index.
    plot_Histogram <- function(
        # Create a list containing the histogram
        # data for each data column and calculate
        # data ranges.  Any extra parameters
        # specified will pass to the 'hist' function.
        hist_Data <- list()
        hist_Count_Range <- c(0,NA)
        hist_Breaks_Range <- c(NA,NA)
        for (i in 2:ncol(.df)){
            hist_Data[[i]] <- hist(.df[,i], plot=FALSE, ...)
            hist_Count_Range[2] <- max(max(hist_Data[[i]]$counts), hist_Count_Range[2], na.rm=TRUE)
            hist_Breaks_Range <- c(min(min(hist_Data[[i]]$breaks), hist_Breaks_Range[1], na.rm=TRUE), max(max(hist_Data[[i]]$breaks), hist_Breaks_Range[2], na.rm=TRUE))
        # Initialize plotting area to fit data.
        # We are doing this in a custom way to
        # allow more flexibility than built into
        # the 'init_Plot' function.
        # We have to turn off clipping to make it
        # easy to plot the labels around the plot.
        pushViewport(viewport(xscale=hist_Breaks_Range, yscale=hist_Count_Range, x=.x_Loc, y=.y_Loc, width=.width, height=.height, just=.justify, clip="off", default.units="native"))
        # Color behind text.
        grid.rect(x=0, y=0, width=unit(axis_CEX, "lines"), height=1, default.units="npc", just=c("right", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
        grid.rect(x=0, y=1, width=1, height=unit(title_CEX, "lines"), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
        # Color in the space.
        grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=chart_Fill, col=chart_Col))
        # Draw x axis.
        grid.lines(x=c(0,1), y=0, default.units="npc")
        # Plot each set of data as a histogram.
        for (i in 2:ncol(.df)){
            grid.rect(x=hist_Data[[i]]$mids, y=0, width=diff(hist_Data[[i]]$mids[1:2]), height=hist_Data[[i]]$counts, default.units="native", just=c("center","bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=.colors[i-1], col=.colors[i-1], alpha=1/ncol(.df)))
        # Label plot using the internal reference
        # system, instead of the parent window, so
        # we always have perfect placement.
        grid.text(.plot_Title, x=0.5, y=1.05, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=0, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=title_CEX))
        grid.text(paste(names(.df)[-1], collapse=" & "), x=-0.05, y=0.5, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=90, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=axis_CEX))
        # Finalize plotting area.
    draw_Sample_Box <- function(
        pushViewport(viewport(xscale=.x_Scale, yscale=.y_Scale, x=.x_Loc, y=.y_Loc, width=chart_Width, height=chart_Height, just=.justify, clip="off", default.units="native"))
        # Color behind text.
        grid.rect(x=0, y=1, width=1, height=unit(title_CEX, "lines"), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
        # Color in the space.
        grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=chart_Fill, col=chart_Col))
        # Label plot.
        grid.text(.plot_Title, x=0.5, y=1.05, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=0, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=title_CEX))
        # Draw box and label points.
        grid.polygon(x=.box_X, y=.box_Y, default.units="native", gp=gpar(fill=.colors[1], col=.colors[2]))
        grid.text(paste(.plot_Title, 1, sep=""), x=min(.box_X), y=min(.box_Y), default.units="native", just=c("right","top"), gp=gpar(cex=0.5))
        grid.text(paste(.plot_Title, 2, sep=""), x=max(.box_X), y=min(.box_Y), default.units="native", just=c("left","top"), gp=gpar(cex=0.5))
        # Finalize plot.


    # Draw twelve independent charts as
    # a demo and connect with lines similar
    # to a heiritage chart.
    # Initialize a viewport to make our locations
    # easier to map.
    pushViewport(viewport(x=0, y=0, width=1, height=1, just=c("left","bottom"), xscale=c(0,10), yscale=c(0,4)))
    # Color background of overall plot.
    grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
    # Store plot locations for convenience.
    plot_Loc <- data.frame(x=c(2,4,6,8,1,3,7,9,2,4,6,8), y=c(3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1))
    # Draw connecting lines.
    connections <- data.frame(a=c(1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 1, 3, 5, 7, 6), b=c(2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7), c=c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 6, 7, 9, 12, 10), d=c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 11))
    for (i in 1:nrow(connections)){
        if (is.na(connections$c[i])){
            grid.lines(x=plot_Loc$x[unlist(connections[i,1:2])], y=plot_Loc$y[unlist(connections[i,1:2])], default.units="native")
        } else if (is.na(connections$d[i])) {
            grid.lines(x=median(plot_Loc$x[unlist(connections[i,1:2])]), y=plot_Loc$y[unlist(connections[i,2:3])], default.units="native")
        } else {
            grid.lines(x=median(plot_Loc$x[unlist(connections[i,1:2])]), y=c(plot_Loc$y[connections[i,2]], median(plot_Loc$y[unlist(connections[i,2:3])])), default.units="native")
            grid.lines(x=plot_Loc$x[unlist(connections[i,3:4])], y=median(plot_Loc$y[unlist(connections[i,2:3])]), default.units="native")
            grid.lines(x=plot_Loc$x[connections[i,3]], y=c(median(plot_Loc$y[unlist(connections[i,2:3])]), plot_Loc$y[connections[i,3]]), default.units="native")
            grid.lines(x=plot_Loc$x[connections[i,4]], y=c(median(plot_Loc$y[unlist(connections[i,2:3])]), plot_Loc$y[connections[i,4]]), default.units="native")
    # Draw four independent line charts.
    p <- 1
    plot_Line_Chart(data.frame(time=1:1860, EuStockMarkets)[1:3], .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("dodgerblue", "deeppink"), "EU Stocks")
    p <- 2
    plot_Line_Chart(data.frame(time=1:1860, EuStockMarkets)[c(1,4,5)], .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("green", "purple"), "EU Stocks")
    p <- 3
    plot_Line_Chart(data.frame(time=1:(12*20), sunspots=sunspot.month[(171*12+1):(171*12+12*20)]), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("darkgoldenrod"), "Sunspots")
    p <- 4
    plot_Line_Chart(data.frame(time=1:(12*20), temp=nottem), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("red"), "Nottem")
    # Draw four independent scatterplots.
    p <- 5
    plot_Scatterplot(data.frame(time=1:(1860 + 1 - 1000), DAX=rowMeans(embed(EuStockMarkets[,1], 1000)), FTSE=rowMeans(embed(EuStockMarkets[,4], 1000))), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("deeppink", "purple"), "Smooth")
    p <- 6
    plot_Scatterplot(data.frame(time=1:1860, EuStockMarkets)[c(1,2,5)], .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("deeppink", "purple"), "EU Stocks")
    p <- 9
    plot_Scatterplot(data.frame(time=1:(1860 + 1 - 20), DAX=rowMeans(embed(EuStockMarkets[,1], 20)), FTSE=rowMeans(embed(EuStockMarkets[,4], 20))), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("deeppink", "purple"), "Smooth*20")
    p <- 10
    plot_Scatterplot(data.frame(time=1:(1860 + 1 - 100), DAX=rowMeans(embed(EuStockMarkets[,1], 100)), FTSE=rowMeans(embed(EuStockMarkets[,4], 100))), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("deeppink", "purple"), "Smooth*100")
    # Draw two independent histograms.
    p <- 7
    plot_Histogram(data.frame(time=1:(12*20), sunspots=sunspot.month[(171*12+1):(171*12+12*20)]), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("darkgoldenrod"), "Sunspots", breaks=6)
    p <- 8
    plot_Histogram(data.frame(time=1:(12*20), temp=nottem), .x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .just=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, c("red"), "Nottem", breaks=6)
    # Draw sample objects in two charts spaces.
    p <- 11
    draw_Sample_Box(.x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .x_Scale=c(0,10), .y_Scale=c(-10,0), .justify=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, .colors=c("dodgerblue","blue"), .box_X=c(4,6,6,4), .box_Y=c(-4,-4,-5,-5), .plot_Title="K")
    p <- 12
    draw_Sample_Box(.x_Loc=plot_Loc$x[p], .y_Loc=plot_Loc$y[p], .x_Scale=c(-1,1), .y_Scale=c(0,1), .justify=c("center","center"), .width=chart_Width, .height=chart_Height, .colors=c("dodgerblue","blue"), .box_X=c(-0.5,0,0,-0.5), .box_Y=c(0.8,0.8,0.7,0.7), .plot_Title="L")