格式化C ++控制台输出

时间:2009-09-19 23:44:41

标签: c++ formatting

我一直在尝试将输出格式化为控制台的时间最长,并且没有发生任何事情。我一直在尝试尽可能多地使用iomanip ofstream&函数。

void list::displayByName(ostream& out) const
    node *current_node  = headByName;

    // I have these outside the loop so I don't write it every time.

    out << "Name\t\t" << "\tLocation" << "\tRating " << "Acre" << endl;
    out << "----\t\t" << "\t--------" << "\t------ " << "----" << endl;

    while (current_node)
        out << current_node->item.getName() // Equivalent tabs don't work?
            << current_node->item.getLocation()
            << current_node->item.getAcres()
            << current_node->item.getRating()
            << endl;

        current_node = current_node->nextByName;

    // The equivalent tabs do not work because I am writing names,
    // each of different length to the console. That explains why they
    // are not all evenly spaced apart.

他们可以使用的任何东西都可以使它们彼此正确对齐吗? 我所调用的函数是不言自明的,所有长度都不同,所以彼此之间的对齐不好。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:15)

把它想象成使用Microsoft Excel :) 您将自己的流视为字段。因此,首先设置字段的宽度,然后在该字段中插入文本。例如:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

int main()
    using namespace std;

    string firstName = "firstName",
            secondName = "SecondName",
            n = "Just stupid Text";
    size_t fieldWidth = n.size(); // length of longest text

    cout << setw(fieldWidth) << left << firstName << endl // left padding
         << setw(fieldWidth) << left << secondName << endl
         << setw(fieldWidth) << left << n << endl;

    cout << setw(fieldWidth) << right << firstName << endl // right padding
         << setw(fieldWidth) << right << secondName << endl
         << setw(fieldWidth) << right << n << endl;


alt text


字段宽度仅代表text + spaces的宽度。您可以fill除空格以外的任何内容:

string name = "My first name";
cout << setfill('_') << setw(name.size() + 10) << left << name;


My first name__________



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

std::ostream& field(std::ostream& o)
    // usually the console is 80-character wide.
    // divide the line into four fields.
    return o << std::setw(20) << std::right;

int main()
    using namespace std;

    string firstName = "firstName",
            secondName = "SecondName",
            n = "Just stupid Text";
    size_t fieldWidth = n.size();

    cout << field << firstName << endl
         << field << secondName << endl
         << field << n << endl;


答案 1 :(得分:6)

Boost有一个格式库,允许您像旧的C printf()一样轻松地格式化输出,但是C ++的类型安全。

请记住,旧的C printf()允许您指定字段宽度。如果输出尺寸过小,则此空间将填充该字段(请注意,它不能处理超大字段)。

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/format.hpp>

struct X
{  // this structure reverse engineered from
   // example provided by 'Mikael Jansson' in order to make this a running example

    char*       name;
    double      mean;
    int         sample_count;
int main()
    X   stats[] = {{"Plop",5.6,2}};

    // nonsense output, just to exemplify

    // stdio version
    fprintf(stderr, "at %p/%s: mean value %.3f of %4d samples\n",
            stats, stats->name, stats->mean, stats->sample_count);

    // iostream
    std::cerr << "at " << (void*)stats << "/" << stats->name
              << ": mean value " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << stats->mean
              << " of " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill(' ') << stats->sample_count
              << " samples\n";

    // iostream with boost::format
    std::cerr << boost::format("at %p/%s: mean value %.3f of %4d samples\n")
                % stats % stats->name % stats->mean % stats->sample_count;

答案 2 :(得分:3)



答案 3 :(得分:2)



string StringPadding(string original, size_t charCount)
    original.resize(charCount, ' ');
    return original;


void list::displayByName(ostream& out) const
    node *current_node  = headByName;

    out << StringPadding("Name", 30)
        << StringPadding("Location", 10)
        << StringPadding("Rating", 10)
        << StringPadding("Acre", 10) << endl;
    out << StringPadding("----", 30)
        << StringPadding("--------", 10)
        << StringPadding("------", 10)
        << StringPadding("----", 10) << endl;

    while ( current_node)
        out << StringPadding(current_node->item.getName(), 30)
            << StringPadding(current_node->item.getLocation(), 10)
            << StringPadding(current_node->item.getRating(), 10)
            << StringPadding(current_node->item.getAcres(), 10)
            << endl;
        current_node = current_node->nextByName;